
फ़रवरी, 2020 की पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

男友挑战做大餐 竟然差点把家里烧了!?🔥🔥 | 情人节VLOG💛 | Magracke |

Episode Title: 男友挑战做大餐 竟然差点把家里烧了!?🔥🔥 | 情人节VLOG💛 | Magracke | Produced by: MAGRACKE Description: 节日家中过 大餐马克做 烧到火警响 味道还不错 #情人节#VLOG#挑战 🔗Instagram: gracen_07 /markliyx 🎵Music: (1)Merry Bay by Ghostrifter Official https://soundcloud.com/ghostrifter-of... Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0 Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/merry-bay Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/6ZZpkyyaSaU (2)Friendship by Declan DP https://soundcloud.com/declandp Licensing Agreement: http://declandp.info/music-licensing Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/friendship-declan-dp Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/OJYMBfTj3OI Click here to view video on YouTube.

देखने में सीदे लेकिन एक झटके में आपकी जान ले लेंगे|Cute But Dangerous Animals That Could Kill You | Research Tv India

Episode Title: देखने में सीदे लेकिन एक झटके में आपकी जान ले लेंगे|Cute But Dangerous Animals That Could Kill You Produced by: Research Tv India Description: Research Tv India #Cuteanimals #Dangerousanimals #Researchtvindia #Slowloris #Wolverine #Anteater #Moose #PoisonDartFrog #GiantPanda #LeopardSeal #Pufferfish #TasmanianDevil #MonarchButterfly Click here to view video on YouTube.

सच बात ये है की Vasco da Gama ने भारत को नही खोजा था। | The Knowledge

Episode Title: सच बात ये है की Vasco da Gama ने भारत को नही खोजा था। Produced by: The Knowledge Description: Thanks for your Love and Support Friends... Our Website: https://www.thegosai.com/ Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Hiteshgiri15/ My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Hiteshgiri15 The Video is About: #History #India #Vasco #Education #World Click here to view video on YouTube.

अगर आप इसे पत्थर समझ रहे हैं तो ये आपकी भूल है|Yap stone money |The Island Of Stone Money|Rai Stones | Research Tv India

Episode Title: अगर आप इसे पत्थर समझ रहे हैं तो ये आपकी भूल है|Yap stone money |The Island Of Stone Money|Rai Stones Produced by: Research Tv India Description: Research Tv India The Micronesian island of Yap is known for its stone money, known as Rai or Fei: large doughnut-shaped, carved disks of (usually) calcite, up to 4 m (13 ft) in diameter (most are much smaller). The smallest can be as little as 3.5 centimetres (1.4 in) in diameter. There are around 6,000 of the large, circular stone disks carved out of limestone formed from aragonite and calcite crystals. Rai stones were quarried on several of the Micronesian islands, mainly Palau, but briefly on Guam as well, and transported to Yap for use as money. They have been used in trade by the Yapese as a form of currency. #Stonecurrency #Currency #Coins #Dollar #Raistones #Yapisland #Researchtvindia #Micronesianisland Click here to view video on YouTube.

10000元的淘宝开箱🔥 | 冬季服饰穿搭 | 日抛美瞳推荐👀 | 美宝莲fit me气垫 | Taobao Winter Try On Haul | Magracke |

Episode Title: 10000元的淘宝开箱🔥 | 冬季服饰穿搭 | 日抛美瞳推荐👀 | 美宝莲fit me气垫 | Taobao Winter Try On Haul | Magracke | Produced by: MAGRACKE Description: yoyoyo~淘宝开箱来啦~ 这次的东西几乎都是双十一和双十二的时候买的 真的不算不知道 一算吓一跳 居然买了那么多🤫 大家还是要理性购物 希望你们还喜欢这支视频~ 别忘了点赞分享和订阅我的频道❤❤ #淘宝#开箱#冬季穿搭 🔗Instagram: gracen_07 SMFK灰色毛绒绒外套 https://s.click.taobao.com/dfbjjov Kaiy xiao小野人皮草绑带鞋 https://s.click.taobao.com/hRKjjov 桃可了白色皮草外套 https://s.click.taobao.com/GTIjjov 桃可了黑色羊羔毛外套 https://s.click.taobao.com/wKGjjov 桃可了黑白两色高领打底 https://s.click.taobao.com/cj3jjov Romantic Crown藏蓝色带帽卫衣 https://s.click.taobao.com/0G1jjov High Cheeks睡颜兔子卫衣 https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z09. iiiipupu彩虹套头毛衣 (已下架) 奶白色针织开衫上衣 (已下架) https://www.brandymelvilleusa.com/athelia-knit-top-z266-162.html 灰色毛巾拖地裤 (已下架) 黑白两色针织背心 (已下架) 榛子巧克力色西装外套 (卖完了🙃) 桃可了学院风羊绒长款大衣 https://s.click.taobao.com/trzhjov 桃可了日系海军领风衣 (已下架) 桃可了黑色丝绒菱格纹娃娃廓形外套 https://s.click.taobao.com/dughjov DIY手工做发饰 店铺: MIKAKO实果子山田熏 美宝莲fitme气垫粉底...

क्या इंसान भगवान बनने वाला है| Can Humans Become God?|Will Humans Become Gods?|Can a human be God? | Research Tv India

Episode Title: क्या इंसान भगवान बनने वाला है| Can Humans Become God?|Will Humans Become Gods?|Can a human be God? Produced by: Research Tv India Description: Research Tv India #Sun #Moon #Hybridanimals #Researchtvindia #Earth #God #humansaregods Click here to view video on YouTube.

धरती पे सब मिला कर कितना पैसा है? - Finance, Investments and Money Facts - TEF Ep 84 | FactTechz

Episode Title: धरती पे सब मिला कर कितना पैसा है? - Finance, Investments and Money Facts - TEF Ep 84 Produced by: FactTechz Description: This video is sponsored by Upstox stock trading app. Free account by opening the account through the exclusive link: https://upstox.com/open-demat-account/?f=k2jj&utm_source=factechz&utm_medium=part_inf (Pan Card details Compulsory to open free account). Invest in your future! Open free account for all the great benefits! Video Description: Did you know about the famous zero rupee note? Were you aware that notes aren't made up of papers but from linen and cotton. Let's explore some money, finance, investments, stock market related facts in the episode 84 of TEF (Top Enigmatic Facts). Follow Us: https://instagram.com/facttechz https://tiktok.com/@facttechz https://facebook.com/facttechz https://twitter.com/facttechz See you in the next enigmatic and scientific video full of knowledge. Click here to view video on YouTube.

Sejal Vlogs: Secret Project, Engineering Girls Season 2 | Sejal Kumar

Episode Title: Sejal Vlogs: Secret Project, Engineering Girls Season 2 | Sejal Kumar Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Hey Guys! This weekly vlog is all about meeting UK 's beloved Niomi Smart, going to IIT Kharagpur to promote Engineering Girls Season 2 and fiming my secret project in Delhi at my old house! Enjoy! My other Vlogs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOr3hEggfm0&list=PL-1BrqtS1Omuk_VIoJlPEeqbeYPehRATa Say “Hi” to me: Instagram: instagram.com/sejalkumar1195/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/sejalkumar1195 Facebook : www.facebook.com/TheClothingEdit Click here to view video on YouTube.

日系写真📷 | 与雪天与烟花有关的冬日记事❄ | Photo Vlog #4 | Magracke |

Episode Title: 日系写真📷 | 与雪天与烟花有关的冬日记事❄ | Photo Vlog #4 | Magracke | Produced by: MAGRACKE Description: yoyoyo~ 又来拍照了😉 这次是冬日拍照主题 多伦多的冬天不是开玩笑 超级冷冷冷~~😷 我们那天是零上1度左右 体感零下2-3度 幸好那天风不大 所以还是勉强的拍完了 拙劣的演技求放过😴 希望你们喜欢这只视频~ 别忘了点赞订阅我们❤ #日系拍摄#photography#胶片写真 📍 地点: 多伦多 R.C. Harris Water Treatment Plant (是一个很好看的水厂 怕冷的朋友夏天来也超美~) 📸设备: Vlog Camera: Gopro Black7 / Panasonic GH5 x Panasonic f2.8 12-35mm Photo Camera: Canon 90D x Sigma f1.8 18-35mm Film Camera (胶片机): 理光Ricoh rz800 x 柯达Kodak Gold 200 💻修图: Lightroom/Photoshop 🔗Instagram: gracen_07 /markliyx Click here to view video on YouTube.

क्या होगा अगर पृथ्वी धीरे धीरे घूमना बंद कर दे|What would happen if the Earth stopped rotating? | Research Tv India

Episode Title: क्या होगा अगर पृथ्वी धीरे धीरे घूमना बंद कर दे|What would happen if the Earth stopped rotating? Produced by: Research Tv India Description: Research Tv India The Earth’s Spin Is Slowing Down! What Happens If It Stops? We know that the rotation of the Earth is gradually slowing down. But what would happen if God, the devil or aliens suddenly and completely stopped our planet from rotating? #Earth #Stop #Ratating #Spinning #spin #Researchtvindia Click here to view video on YouTube.

अस्पताल में + का चिह्न क्यों बना होता है ? - Hospital Plus Sign and Random Facts - TEF Ep 83 | FactTechz

Episode Title: अस्पताल में + का चिह्न क्यों बना होता है ? - Hospital Plus Sign and Random Facts - TEF Ep 83 Produced by: FactTechz Description: Application Links: Stunning Me Six Packs App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.trueweb.perfectme Other apps by TW Softtech: Life Story Maker: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.life.storymaker Did you know about the plus sign at medical places? Did you know that The Pantheon, Rome holds the record for world's largest reinforced concrete dome? Let's explore various scientific facts in the episode 83 of TEF (Top Enigmatic Facts). Follow Us: https://instagram.com/facttechz https://tiktok.com/@facttechz https://facebook.com/facttechz https://twitter.com/facttechz See you in the next enigmatic and scientific video full of knowledge. Click here to view video on YouTube.

Shi fou zhen de ai wo - cover (live music) wedding | Kaka Anggella

Episode Title: Shi fou zhen de ai wo - cover (live music) wedding Produced by: Kaka Anggella Description: Song request di wedding ini 😁 Click here to view video on YouTube.

एल लाख साल पहले की दुनिया... (Sci-Fi 2) | The Knowledge

Episode Title: एल लाख साल पहले की दुनिया... (Sci-Fi 2) Produced by: The Knowledge Description: Thanks for your Love and Support Friends... Our Website: https://www.thegosai.com/ Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Hiteshgiri15/ My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Hiteshgiri15 The Video is About: #Sci-Fi #Past #World #Story For any copyright issue contact me on: thegosai15@gmail.com Click here to view video on YouTube.

लोहे की भारी भरकम मशीनों को आकार कैसे दिया जाता है| Technology in Our Life and How It Has Changed | Research Tv India

Episode Title: लोहे की भारी भरकम मशीनों को आकार कैसे दिया जाता है| Technology in Our Life and How It Has Changed Produced by: Research Tv India Description: Research Tv India #DreamGlassAir #Researchtvindia #Forging #SteelForgingMachine #arkuphouse #AmericanRoadPatch #floatinghome #Moderntechnology #Technology #EndlessPools Click here to view video on YouTube.

Selena Gomez: Lose you to Love Me Cover | Sejal Kumar

Episode Title: Selena Gomez: Lose you to Love Me Cover | Sejal Kumar Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Hey guys! Happy Valentine's Day to whoever is celebrating and if you are single AF right now or are heartbroken, first off you got this!! This song would be get you in that mood! It is my cover of Lose you to love me by Selena Gomez. It is a raw, completely simple straight out of my phone piano cover with my teacher Kamakshi Khanna on the harmonies and piano! You can check out my other covers here: Havana: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgfTvWrxlzM&list=PL-1BrqtS1OmtOMt9JkR7qIJIataPRbVkP&index=3 Senorita: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7o__1N0EoI&list=PL-1BrqtS1OmtOMt9JkR7qIJIataPRbVkP&index=15 #selenagomez #loseyoutoloveme #valentinesday Connect with me: Instagram: instagram.com/sejalkumar1195/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/sejalkumar1195 Facebook : www.facebook.com/TheClothingEdit Email: business@sejalkumar.net Thanks for Watching! ❤️ *We do not own the...


Episode Title: MARI MENYELAM di GALO - GALO ISLAND, PESONA MOROTAI Produced by: Kaka Anggella Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

गीज़ा नहीं ये है दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा पिरामिडThe Great Pyramid of Cholula is the worlds largest pyramid | Research Tv India

Episode Title: गीज़ा नहीं ये है दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा पिरामिडThe Great Pyramid of Cholula is the worlds largest pyramid Produced by: Research Tv India Description: Research Tv India Great Pyramid of Cholula The Great Pyramid of Cholula, also known as Tlachihualtepetl (Nahuatl for "made-by-hand mountain"), is a huge complex located in Cholula, Puebla, Mexico. It is the largest archaeological site of a pyramid (temple) in the New World, as well as the largest pyramid known to exist in the world today. The pyramid stands 55 metres (180 ft) above the surrounding plain, and in its final form it measured 450 by 450 metres (1,480 by 1,480 ft). The pyramid is a temple that traditionally has been viewed as having been dedicated to the god Quetzalcoatl. The pyramid consists of six superimposed structures, one for each ethnic group that dominated it. However, only three have been studied in any depth. The pyramid itself is just a small part of the greater archaeological zone of Cholula,...

क्या होगा यदि हम धरती का सारा कचरा बरमूडा त्रिकोण में डाल देंWhat If We Dumped Trash in the Bermuda | Research Tv India

Episode Title: क्या होगा यदि हम धरती का सारा कचरा बरमूडा त्रिकोण में डाल देंWhat If We Dumped Trash in the Bermuda Produced by: Research Tv India Description: Research Tv India #Trash #Garbage #Bermuda #Researchtvindia #Bermudatriangle #Mysteyofbermudatriangle #Bermudatrianglemystery #Mysterysolvedbermudatriangle #Trashinthebermuda Click here to view video on YouTube.

डॉक्टर का लिखावट आखिर इतनी ख़राब क्यों होती है ? - Doctor's Sloppy Handwriting Explained - TEF Ep 82 | FactTechz

Episode Title: डॉक्टर का लिखावट आखिर इतनी ख़राब क्यों होती है ? - Doctor's Sloppy Handwriting Explained - TEF Ep 82 Produced by: FactTechz Description: Did you know why doctors have sloppy handwriting? Did you know the length of largest wedding veil? Let's explore various scientific facts in the episode 82 of TEF (Top Enigmatic Facts). Follow Us: https://instagram.com/facttechz https://tiktok.com/@facttechz https://facebook.com/facttechz https://twitter.com/facttechz See you in the next enigmatic and scientific video full of knowledge. Click here to view video on YouTube.

🏰上海迪士尼VLOG | 风雨无阻的迪士尼一日游🌦 | 项目剧透严重 慎入❗❗ | SHANGHAI DISNEYLAND❤ | MAGRACKE |

Episode Title: 🏰上海迪士尼VLOG | 风雨无阻的迪士尼一日游🌦 | 项目剧透严重 慎入❗❗ | SHANGHAI DISNEYLAND❤ | MAGRACKE | Produced by: MAGRACKE Description: 哈喽 好久没录vlog 年头去的迪士尼 希望能给在家呆着的你们解解闷 希望你们看得开心~ 别忘了给这支视频点赞 和订阅我的频道 (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) #Disneyland#上海#迪士尼 IG: gracen_07/markliyx ⭐推荐大家工作日来 票价是周末/节假日的一半 人流也会相对比较少 好刷项目 ⭐抢fastpass的原则是拿到门票后 手机上下载上海迪士尼的app 然后扫门票的二维码 同行的人也可以连一起 然后统一抢 但只有7个项目可以抢☹ (奥兰多迪士尼是所有项目都可以抢) 然后是抢一个后 玩完才能抢下一个 或者抢一个后两小时后可以抢第二个(无需玩完) ▪ 第一个抢"飞跃地平线" 不是最好玩的 但一定是最多人排的 ▪ 第二抢“创极速光轮” 还挺好玩的 对于我这种惜命的人来说 都可以睁眼玩 算很温和的 ▪ 第二/三抢 “七个小矮人矿山车” 这个我们在奥兰多玩过了 应该是一样的 所以就没玩了 还不错的 有故事线 也有一定的刺激性 ▪ 还有“雷鸣山漂流” 我们怕湿身就没玩了 不过听过是不错的 ~ ⭐“加勒比海盗”必玩!!!! 这个奥兰多没有 而且真的惊艳到我们 故事线好 视觉效果也不错 刺激性中等 没有fastpass 但必排~ 🌟我们这次比较悠闲 没有说一定要刷多少项目 因为我们去过奥兰多那个最大的迪士尼世界了 所以很多项目都玩过了 所以我们是9点到的 觉得时间也完全够的 吃的方面我们也是出发前在便利店买的 然后在排队的时候解决的 总体来说 项目如果有选择性玩的话 一天是完全够的 像“小飞侠”“巴斯光年”“小飞象”这种我们都在奥兰多玩过了 都是适合合家欢那种 很小儿科的东西 就没有再玩了 ⭐很推介跟卡通人物拍照!!!! 超可爱了❤ 我心都要融化了 但要赶在中午前 好像下午就没了 我们是进门买完发卡就去排了~ ⭐推荐大家一定要夏天秋天来!!! 而且要挑个天晴日子 不要像我们 挑个大雨天 超级冷又狼狈 拍照都不好看😭 夏天可以穿小裙子 有太阳 天空都比较好看~ ⭐最后的最后 相比奥...


Episode Title: PANEN BUAH SUKUN, ADA YANG JUALAN ES DIATAS BOAT 😎 JALAN-JALAN Produced by: Kaka Anggella Description: #jalanjalan #pesonaindonesia #pesonamalukuutara #wargaplus_62 Click here to view video on YouTube.

प्रकाश की गती पर चलने पर हमें क्या नज़ारा दिखेगा?? | The Knowledge

Episode Title: प्रकाश की गती पर चलने पर हमें क्या नज़ारा दिखेगा?? Produced by: The Knowledge Description: Thanks for your Love and Support Friends... Our Website: https://www.thegosai.com Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Hiteshgiri15/ My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Hiteshgiri15 The Video is About: #lightspeed #light #universe Click here to view video on YouTube.

Outfit from Scratch #4: DIY Wedding Lehenga | Sejal Kumar

Episode Title: Outfit from Scratch #4: DIY Wedding Lehenga | Sejal Kumar Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Hey guys! This is another Outfit From Scratch video in which I make an outfit completely from buying the raw fabric, making the design and getting it stitched by a tailor! This time I making an outfit (pink floral lehenga) for my sister's wedding in February. The wedding season is on and how! This video is partnership with the LG G8X. #OutfitFromScratch #SejalKumar #WeddingLehenga The original lehenga that I absolutely loved (not available now, a similar one): https://www.stage3.co/women/Look-2267-Yellow-embroidered-floral-lehenga-set/p/2267 My other Outfit from Scratch videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6wPpUWyvXY&list=PL-1BrqtS1OmtZKr3EERrz0cM8hFlnoIKT Say “Hi” to me: Instagram: instagram.com/sejalkumar1195/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/sejalkumar1195 Facebook : www.facebook.com/TheClothingEdit Click here to view video on YouTube.

कोरोना वायरस से भारत के लोगों को क्यों डरना चाहिए|Coronavirus: need to know about symptoms and risks | Research Tv India

Episode Title: कोरोना वायरस से भारत के लोगों को क्यों डरना चाहिए|Coronavirus: need to know about symptoms and risks Produced by: Research Tv India Description: Research Tv India #Coronavirus #Coronavirusnews #Researchtvindia #CoronavirusUpdate #Coronavirusnews #coronavirusinfection #CoronavirusSymptoms #Coronaviruscause #Coronavirustreatments Click here to view video on YouTube.

देखिये सन 2080 की दुनिया का एक नज़ारा (Sci-Fi Story 1) | The Knowledge

Episode Title: देखिये सन 2080 की दुनिया का एक नज़ारा (Sci-Fi Story 1) Produced by: The Knowledge Description: Thanks for your Love and Support Friends... Our Website: https://www.thegosai.com/ Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Hiteshgiri15/ My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Hiteshgiri15 The Video is About: #Sci-Fi #Future #Story For any copyright issue contact me on: thegosai15@gmail.com Click here to view video on YouTube.

इस तकनीक से मरा हुआ इंसान भी जिंदा हो जाएगा| How Frozen Humans Are Brought Back|What is Cryonics | Research Tv India

Episode Title: इस तकनीक से मरा हुआ इंसान भी जिंदा हो जाएगा| How Frozen Humans Are Brought Back|What is Cryonics Produced by: Research Tv India Description: Research Tv India #Cryogenicbodyfreezing #Researchtvindia #Cryonics #cryogenicallyfrozenalive #hibernation #Cryosleep #Passengers #AlphaCentauri #Spacetravel Click here to view video on YouTube.


Episode Title: MUSIC YANGERE, ALAT MUSIC UNIK, NGAMEN DI WARUNG IKAN BAKAR TERMINAL Produced by: Kaka Anggella Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

जवाब दो - क्या मछलियों को प्यास लगती है ? Scientific Osmosis of Fishes and Random Facts - TEF Ep 81 | FactTechz

Episode Title: जवाब दो - क्या मछलियों को प्यास लगती है ? Scientific Osmosis of Fishes and Random Facts - TEF Ep 81 Produced by: FactTechz Description: Did you know about how fish absorb water through the osmosis process? Did you know about evolutionary science of our love towards bass sound? Let's explore various scientific facts in the episode 81 of TEF (Top Enigmatic Facts). Follow Us: https://instagram.com/facttechz https://tiktok.com/@facttechz https://facebook.com/facttechz https://twitter.com/facttechz See you in the next enigmatic and scientific video full of knowledge. Click here to view video on YouTube.

दुनिया ने पहले कभी इसके बारे में नहीं सुना था| Most Detailed Images of the Sun Ever Taken|Sun Facts | Research Tv India

Episode Title: दुनिया ने पहले कभी इसके बारे में नहीं सुना था| Most Detailed Images of the Sun Ever Taken|Sun Facts Produced by: Research Tv India Description: Research Tv India #ImagesoftheSun #sun #Sunnewpicture #Researchtvindia #Telescope #Lens Click here to view video on YouTube.