
अप्रैल, 2021 की पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

इस ग्रह से तीन सूर्य दीखते है | Alien Planet Orbiting Three Suns

Episode Title: इस ग्रह से तीन सूर्य दीखते है | Alien Planet Orbiting Three Suns Produced by: The Knowledge Description: Thanks for Your Love and Support Friends... 5paisa.com is making Investing easy and rewarding. 5paisa.com is one of the top discount brokers in India. It has 12 Lakh+ clients & 70 lacs+ App users. 5paisa.com charges 0% brokerage, flat ₹20/order. Use code: OFFER250 & Get ₹250 in your demat account and start your investment journey with 5paisa.com Link: https://www.5paisa.com/open-demat-account?ReferralCode=Offer250&utm_source=Influencer&utm_medium=YouTube&utm_campaign=theknowledge&utm_term=5PUSP&utm_content=30april2021 Second Channel: https://m.youtube.com/TheGosai Follow me on Insta: https://www.instagram.com/Hiteshgiri15 Our App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.thegosai.theknowledge Credit: Thank you NASA to providing the valuable information and images #ThreeStar, #Star, #System, #Sciene, #Universe, #Space, #Educatio...

क्या फर्क है प्राकृतिक और मेडिकल ऑक्सीजन में|Difference between oxygen and medical oxygen | Research Tv India

Episode Title: क्या फर्क है प्राकृतिक और मेडिकल ऑक्सीजन में|Difference between oxygen and medical oxygen Produced by: Research Tv India Description: Research Tv India #medicaloxygen #oxygen #Researchtvindia #OxygenGas #OxygenGasCylinder #MedicalO2Cylinder #MedicalOxygenGasCylinder #India Click here to view video on YouTube.

क्रिकेट फील्ड में 1 से ज्यादा पिच क्यों होते हैं? Cricket Ground Facts - TEF Ep 129 | CoinSwitch

Episode Title: क्रिकेट फील्ड में 1 से ज्यादा पिच क्यों होते हैं? Cricket Ground Facts - TEF Ep 129 | CoinSwitch Produced by: FactTechz Description: Download CoinSwitch Kuber App: https://coinswitch.co/in/refer?tag=MvKL This video is sponsored by CoinSwitch. Disclaimer: Cryptocurrencies are unregulated in India and subject to market risks. Any trading risk/loss arising out of it will be the sole responsibility of the investor. #CoinswitchKuber #Bitcoin #InvestinginIndia #Crypto #Ripple #Dogecoin #CoinswitchBonus Video Description: Which companies accept bitcoins as a payment for their products? Why are people investing in bitcoin? Do you know why there are multiple pitches on a cricket ground? Have you ever seen a stone art? Do you know that Alienware curved monitor was launched in 2008? Let's explore various amazing random facts like this in this episode 129 of TEF (Top Enigmatic Facts). Follow FactTechz On: Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Twitter: https://twitter.co...

See WHY An UNEXPECTED GOLDEN BUZZER AUDITION Sent Shadow Ace Puppet Group To The Semi Finals!

Episode Title: See WHY An UNEXPECTED GOLDEN BUZZER AUDITION Sent Shadow Ace Puppet Group To The Semi Finals! Produced by: Asia's Got Talent Description: See WHY An UNEXPECTED GOLDEN BUZZER AUDITION Sent Shadow Ace Puppet Group To The Semi Finals! Click here to view video on YouTube.

BIKIN NGAKAK AIR MATA, GILANG SI TUAN TAQUR 🤣 #gilangdirga #lucu #videolucu #viral

Episode Title: BIKIN NGAKAK AIR MATA, GILANG SI TUAN TAQUR 🤣 #gilangdirga #lucu #videolucu #viral Produced by: Kaka Anggella Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.


Episode Title: ADEI PERWAKILAN MALUKU UTARA SANGGUP MEMBUAT MBAK NUL & LAINNYA NANGIS BOMBAIIII 😘 Produced by: Kaka Anggella Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

安东尼奥·古特雷斯 (联合国秘书长) 2021年世界新闻自由日视频致辞

由。。。生产: 联合国 此频道提供的视频内容包括时事新闻、和平与安全、社会和经济发展、人权、气候变化等广泛的全球性话题。 本集标题: 安东尼奥·古特雷斯 (联合国秘书长) 2021年世界新闻自由日视频致辞 本集内容: 联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯于5月3日世界新闻自由日发表视频致辞。 “新闻工作的公益物职能—— 纪念《温得和克宣言》发表30周年” "COVID-19大流行期间发生的全球性挑战突显了普遍获取可靠并经核实的信 息对于拯救生命、建设强大而有韧性的社会发挥着关键作用。 无论在此次疫情期间,还是在气候紧急情况等危机中,记者和媒体工作者 都帮助我们掌握瞬息万变、往往令人应接不暇的信息图景,并帮助我们辨别危 险的不准确信息和虚假信息。 然而在不少国家,记者和媒体工作者仅仅因为自己所从事的工作便承担着 巨大的个人风险,包括面临新限制规定、被审查、被虐待、被骚扰、被拘留, 甚至丧失生命,且情况仍在恶化。 疫情的经济影响使许多媒体机构遭遇沉重打击,生存受到威胁。 由于财政预算的收缩,获取可靠信息的途径也随之收缩。填补这一缺口的 是蜂拥而起的谣言、谎言、极端言论、分裂性观点。 我敦促各国政府尽其所能支持自由、独立、多样化的媒体。 自由独立的新闻界是我们打击错误信息、虚假信息的最强大盟友。 《联合国关于记者安全的行动计划》旨在为全球媒体工作者创造安全的环 境,因为信息具有公益物职能。 今天,我们纪念《促进非洲报刊独立和多元的温得和克宣言》发表30周年 。30年来媒体发生了巨大变化,但《宣言》为实行新闻自由、自由获取信息所 发出的迫切呼吁仍一如既往地具有现实意义。 让我们思考《宣言》所传达的讯息,更加大力保护媒体自由,使新闻工作 继续为全人类发挥拯救生命的公益物职能。" 单击此处在YouTube上观看视频以及更多信息。

Bharat Ka Sabse Bhutiya Railway Station - Paranormal Story of BegunKodar - AMF Ep 66

Episode Title: Bharat Ka Sabse Bhutiya Railway Station - Paranormal Story of BegunKodar - AMF Ep 66 Produced by: FactTechz Description: Listen to the story of Begunkodar railway station, one of the most interesting horror stories of the internet, in this episode of AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) series. AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) is a mini knowledge series by Rajesh Kumar AKA FactTechz where we explore various amazing facts related to our amazing world. Know how enigmatic and astonishing our world is! This is the episode 66 of AMF. Enjoy the show! Follow FactTechz On: Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz Click here to view video on YouTube.


由。。。生产: 联合国 此频道提供的视频内容包括时事新闻、和平与安全、社会和经济发展、人权、气候变化等广泛的全球性话题。 本集标题: 安东尼奥·古特雷斯(联合国秘书长)2021年国际爵士乐日致辞 本集内容: 十年前,在教科文组织和赫比·汉考克爵士乐学院的倡议下,我们在联合国大会堂发起了第一个国际爵士乐日。 每一年,这都是一次欢乐的庆祝活动——不仅庆祝音乐,而且庆祝自由、多样性和人类的尊严。 这些都是联合国在全世界努力保护和促进的价值观。 爵士乐自诞生以来,就在建立桥梁。 爵士乐在对种族主义和歧视的斗争中发挥了历史性作用,继续将全球不同文化联结在一起。 爵士乐的节奏与和声反映了不屈不挠的人类精神,这种精神可以超越贫穷和压迫造成的限制。 爵士乐推崇平等主义,强调即兴创作,让音乐家们可以以个人身份自由创作,同时在声音的共生体中进行表演。 我们都能体会这一独特艺术形式带来的快乐和挑战。 今天,在全球疫情中,有赖于创意艺术的表演者和工作者受到不利影响。 我们必须尽可能安全、公平、迅速地恢复我们充满活力的社会。 在这个日子,我们回想起,在我们努力建设更美好、更和平的世界之时,爵士乐如何给我们带来希望、治愈和能量。 过去十年里,教科文组织在全球范围内发布爵士乐日的信息。 值此十周年之际,让我们再次携手,颂扬爵士乐的精神和价值。 单击此处在YouTube上观看视频以及更多信息。

Bhut Pret Insan Ka Roop Kaise Le Letey Hai? Short Paranormal Stories - AMF Ep 65

Episode Title: Bhut Pret Insan Ka Roop Kaise Le Letey Hai? Short Paranormal Stories - AMF Ep 65 Produced by: FactTechz Description: Listen to some of the most interesting internet horror stories and paranormal facts, in this episode of AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) series. AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) is a mini knowledge series by Rajesh Kumar AKA FactTechz where we explore various amazing facts related to our amazing world. Know how enigmatic and astonishing our world is! This is the episode 65 of AMF. Enjoy the show! Follow FactTechz On: Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz Click here to view video on YouTube.

SHOW US YOUR MOVES! TRIQSTAR Entertain Us With Their DANCE Moves On Asia's Got Talent

Episode Title: SHOW US YOUR MOVES! TRIQSTAR Entertain Us With Their DANCE Moves On Asia's Got Talent Produced by: Asia's Got Talent Description: TRIQSTAR dance group, entertain Us With Their DANCE Moves On Asia's Got Talent Click here to view video on YouTube.


Episode Title: MASUK HUTAN PERTAMA KALI BERTEMU SUKU TOGUTIL DI HALMAHERA, AREA PEMUKIMAN SUKU #sukutogutil #nature Produced by: Kaka Anggella Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

Aaankho Ke Saamne Hua Gayab, Pahocha Dusri Duniya Me - James Worson Short Story (1873) - AMF Ep 64

Episode Title: Aaankho Ke Saamne Hua Gayab, Pahocha Dusri Duniya Me - James Worson Short Story (1873) - AMF Ep 64 Produced by: FactTechz Description: This paranormal story is from a short story 'An Unfinished Race' by author Ambrose Bierce. The story deals with a mysterious disappearance of a man. Let us explore this story in this episode of AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) series. AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) is a mini knowledge series by Rajesh Kumar AKA FactTechz where we explore various amazing facts related to our amazing world. Know how enigmatic and astonishing our world is! This is the episode 64 of AMF. Enjoy the show! Follow FactTechz On: Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz Click here to view video on YouTube.

在家染发✨ | 花王泡沫染发剂🤎雾霾棕💛 | HAIR DYE AT HOME🏡 | Magracke |

Episode Title: 在家染发✨ | 花王泡沫染发剂🤎雾霾棕💛 | HAIR DYE AT HOME🏡 | Magracke | Produced by: MAGRACKE Description: #染发#自己染发#染发分享 🔗Instagram: gracen_07 https://www.instagram.com/gracen_07/ 🎵Music: Music by Naomi - Clouds - https://thmatc.co/?l=110F827F Click here to view video on YouTube.

Ek Bhutiya Train Ki Sacchi Kahani - Paranormal Story of A Train (Zanetti Train)- AMF Ep 63

Episode Title: Ek Bhutiya Train Ki Sacchi Kahani - Paranormal Story of A Train (Zanetti Train)- AMF Ep 63 Produced by: FactTechz Description: Zanetti train story is a popular Italian urban legend. The story is fascinating. The story tells that the train left Rome and went through the mountain tunnel in Lombard but it disappeared with the passengers inside the tunnel. It is one of the best paranormal stories. Let us explore the story in this episode of AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) series. AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) is a mini knowledge series by Rajesh Kumar AKA FactTechz where we explore various amazing facts related to our amazing world. Know how enigmatic and astonishing our world is! This is the episode 63 of AMF. Enjoy the show! Follow FactTechz On: Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz Click here to view video on YouTube.

इतनी महंगी कार जिन्हें खरीदना आपके बस में नहीं| The Top 10 Most Expensive Cars In The World | Research Tv India

Episode Title: इतनी महंगी कार जिन्हें खरीदना आपके बस में नहीं| The Top 10 Most Expensive Cars In The World Produced by: Research Tv India Description: Research Tv India #Luxurycar #Expensivecars #Researchtvindia #Costlycars #Luxuriouscars Click here to view video on YouTube.

a day in my life : my birthday vlog🎉, making birthday cake🎂

Episode Title: a day in my life : my birthday vlog🎉, making birthday cake🎂 Produced by: Safana Najla Description: [watch in HD] thanks for watching!! - what i use - 📷 camera: iphone X, nikon J5 📽 editing: iMovie music: Strawberry That Fell in Love by Taru (타루) Music provided by BGM President Daystar - Odd, isn’t it? Daystar - Daisy Fleabane ACTING - MELODIESINFONIE 📲Social Media & Business: - instagram: @safanajlaaa (instagram.com/safanajlaaa) - email: safanajla95@gmail.com Click here to view video on YouTube.

Conjuring 3 Ki Sacchi Bhutiya Kahani - Conjuring 3 Movie Story Explained - AMF Ep 62

Episode Title: Conjuring 3 Ki Sacchi Bhutiya Kahani - Conjuring 3 Movie Story Explained - AMF Ep 62 Produced by: FactTechz Description: Do you know conjuring 3 movie is inspired by real events? What exactly happened? Let's explore in this episode of AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) series. AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) is a mini knowledge series by Rajesh Kumar AKA FactTechz where we explore various amazing facts related to our amazing world. Know how enigmatic and astonishing our world is! This is the episode 62 of AMF. Enjoy the show! Follow FactTechz On: Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz Click here to view video on YouTube.

MENYELAM DI AREA HIU😰 BANYAK HIU LAPAR❓ #morotai #mitita #wonderfulindonesia

Episode Title: MENYELAM DI AREA HIU😰 BANYAK HIU LAPAR❓ #morotai #mitita #wonderfulindonesia Produced by: Kaka Anggella Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

जल्द ही इसे फटते हुए हम देखेंगे (The Betelgeuse Star)

Episode Title: जल्द ही इसे फटते हुए हम देखेंगे (The Betelgeuse Star) Produced by: The Knowledge Description: Thanks for Your Love and Support Friends... Upstox: https://upstox.com/partner/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=cpv&utm_campaign=INF&utm_content=theknwldge Second Channel: https://m.youtube.com/TheGosai Explore The Universe Series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPmjVkNNew7UH_lfWEtoG3kqBlAnuQGWy Follow me on Insta: https://www.instagram.com/Hiteshgiri15 Our App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.thegosai.theknowledge Credit: Thank you NASA to providing the valuable information and images #Betelgeuse, #Star, #System, #Sciene, #Universe, #Space, #Education, #Knowledge, #Physics Explore The Universe series Episode Documentary Click here to view video on YouTube.

क्या आपके नाखून पे ये है ? नाखून पे ये सफ़ेद दाग क्यों होता है? Nails Spots Explained - AMF Ep 61

Episode Title: क्या आपके नाखून पे ये है ? नाखून पे ये सफ़ेद दाग क्यों होता है? Nails Spots Explained - AMF Ep 61 Produced by: FactTechz Description: Do you have white spots on your nail? Its actually called Leukonychia and it is a common condition and it has various common causes. More info about Leukonychia: https://www.healthline.com/health/white-spots-on-nails https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/ss/slideshow-nails-and-health Let's explore more info about this in this episode of AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) series. AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) is a mini knowledge series by Rajesh Kumar AKA FactTechz where we explore various amazing facts related to our amazing world. Know how enigmatic and astonishing our world is! This is the episode 61 of AMF. Enjoy the show! Follow FactTechz On: Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz Click here to view video on YouTube.

2021 Fashion trends that make you go HAAWW | Sejal Kumar

Episode Title: 2021 Fashion trends that make you go HAAWW | Sejal Kumar Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Hey guys! here are some fashion trends from 2021 that I am really liking! Also, please stay at home and stay safe! I am praying for anyone suffering SUBSCRIBE AND HELP US REACH 1.5 Million! Aisi Hun: https://www.instagram.com/aisihun/​​​​​​ My Original Song 'Aisi Hun': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Yvxb...​ Khali Khali: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMbzt...​ My Mom's channel 'MAITRI': https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwPa...​ Get my daily updates here: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sejalkumar1...​... Twitter: https://twitter.com/sejalkumar1195​​​...​ Facebook : www.facebook.com/TheClothingEdit See you soon! 🖤 Click here to view video on YouTube.

महाभारत काल के इस विमान में 8 लोग गायब हुए| 5000 years Old Vimana Found in Afghanistan|Mahabharat | Research Tv India

Episode Title: महाभारत काल के इस विमान में 8 लोग गायब हुए| 5000 years Old Vimana Found in Afghanistan|Mahabharat Produced by: Research Tv India Description: Research Tv India #Mahabharat #Discovery #Researchtvindia #biggestarchaeologydiscoveries Click here to view video on YouTube.

TALENTO FROM THAILAND! These Talented KIDS ROCK! Asia's Got Talent

Episode Title: TALENTO FROM THAILAND! These Talented KIDS ROCK! Asia's Got Talent Produced by: Asia's Got Talent Description: TALENTO FROM THAILAND! These Talented KIDS ROCK! Asia's Got Talent Click here to view video on YouTube.

जब प्लेन को बिजली छूता है तो क्या होता है? How Airplanes are Protected from Lightning? AMF Ep 60

Episode Title: जब प्लेन को बिजली छूता है तो क्या होता है? How Airplanes are Protected from Lightning? AMF Ep 60 Produced by: FactTechz Description: What happens when lightning strikes the body of aeroplane? How does plane protect itself from lightning? Are copper meshes used? Let's explore in this episode of AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) series. AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) is a mini knowledge series by Rajesh Kumar AKA FactTechz where we explore various amazing facts related to our amazing world. Know how enigmatic and astonishing our world is! This is the episode 60 of AMF. Enjoy the show! Follow FactTechz On: Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz Click here to view video on YouTube.


由。。。生产: 联合国 此频道提供的视频内容包括时事新闻、和平与安全、社会和经济发展、人权、气候变化等广泛的全球性话题。 本集标题: 安东尼奥·古特雷斯(联合国秘书长)2021年国际地球母亲日视频致辞 本集内容: 联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯于4月22日国际地球母亲日发表视频致辞。 在我们庆祝国际地球母亲日之际,我们的星球正处在一个临界点。 人类仍在摧残自然界。 我们毫无顾忌地掠夺地球资源,消耗野生动植物,把空气、陆地和海洋当作废弃场。 关键的生态系统和食物链正被推向崩溃的边缘。 这无异于自杀。 我们必须停止向大自然开战,给它呵护,让它恢复健康。 这意味着要采取大胆的气候行动,将全球气温升幅控制在1.5摄氏度以内,并适应即将到来的变化。 这意味着要采取更强有力的措施来保护生物多样性。 这意味着要通过发展循环经济来减少垃圾,从而减少污染。 这些措施将会保护我们唯一的家园并创造数以百万计的新就业机会。 从COVID-19疫情中恢复是一个机会,可以让世界走上一条更清洁、更绿色、更可持续的道路。 值此国际地球母亲日之际,让我们共同致力于开展艰苦工作,努力恢复我们的星球,与大自然和谐相处。 单击此处在YouTube上观看视频以及更多信息。


由。。。生产: 联合国 此频道提供的视频内容包括时事新闻、和平与安全、社会和经济发展、人权、气候变化等广泛的全球性话题。 本集标题: 何为《巴黎协定》 本集内容: 演员、歌手以及联合国环境规划署亲善大使艾丹·盖勒通过视频解释了气候变化《巴黎协定》如何成为创造一个拥有清洁的空气和能源、生机勃勃的森林和海洋的世界的蓝图。在世界地球日和美国总统拜登召集的气候峰会来临之际,进一步限制全球升温的共同行动从未像现在这样紧迫 。这是名为《我们的力所能及》的一系列介绍性影片中的第一集。在全球环保主义者的讲述下,这些视频展示了《巴黎协定》将如何帮助应对气候危机。#气候行动 单击此处在YouTube上观看视频以及更多信息。

TAHAN NAPAS NYANYI DALAM LAUT, MENYAMBUT HARI KARTINI 😁 #harikartini #underwater #wanitatangguh

Episode Title: TAHAN NAPAS NYANYI DALAM LAUT, MENYAMBUT HARI KARTINI 😁 #harikartini #underwater #wanitatangguh Produced by: Kaka Anggella Description: rekam voice pake hp saja 😁😁😁 Click here to view video on YouTube.

उड़ने वाली गाड़ी आएगी? Concepts & Proposed Technology of Flying Cars - AMF Ep 59

Episode Title: उड़ने वाली गाड़ी आएगी? Concepts & Proposed Technology of Flying Cars - AMF Ep 59 Produced by: FactTechz Description: When will flying cars launch commericially? How many prototypes has been made till now? Let's explore in this episode of AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) series. AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) is a mini knowledge series by Rajesh Kumar AKA FactTechz where we explore various amazing facts related to our amazing world. Know how enigmatic and astonishing our world is! This is the episode 59 of AMF. Enjoy the show! Follow FactTechz On: Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz Click here to view video on YouTube.

UN Chamber Music Society Concert in Celebration of Chinese Language Day

由。。。生产: 联合国 此频道提供的视频内容包括时事新闻、和平与安全、社会和经济发展、人权、气候变化等广泛的全球性话题。 本集标题: UN Chamber Music Society Concert in Celebration of Chinese Language Day 本集内容: On Tuesday, 20 April 2021, the UN Chamber Music Society of the United Nations Staff Recreation Council (UNCMS) will present a virtual concert in celebration of UN Chinese Language Day, which will celebrate the linguistic and cultural diversity of humanity, particularly through Chinese language and music. Chinese Language Day has been set as the "Gu Yu" of the twenty-four solar terms of the lunar calendar, to commemorate the contribution of Cangjie, the "ancestor of Chinese characters". Over the years, the UN Chinese Language Day has become a window for people to understand Chinese culture. As music is a universal language, the concert’s all-Chinese music programme symbolizes the spiritual connection between music and the Chinese language, one of the most widely spoken languages in the world – and will provide a window f...

10 YEAR OLD ROCKS THE STAGE! UKULELE Rock Star Feng E All Auditions! On Asia's Got Talent

Episode Title: 10 YEAR OLD ROCKS THE STAGE! UKULELE Rock Star Feng E All Auditions! On Asia's Got Talent Produced by: Asia's Got Talent Description: 10 YEAR OLD FENG E ROCKS THE STAGE! Watch All of his Auditions & Performances On Asia's Got Talent! Click here to view video on YouTube.

चिड़िया से हवाई जहाज़ टकराने के बाद क्या होता है? Large Bird Strike Hypothesis & Incidents: AMF Ep 58

Episode Title: चिड़िया से हवाई जहाज़ टकराने के बाद क्या होता है? Large Bird Strike Hypothesis & Incidents: AMF Ep 58 Produced by: FactTechz Description: What happens when a bird strikes a plane? What are the safety mechanisms in flight? How did Flight 1549 successfully landed? Let's explore in this episode of AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) series. AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) is a mini knowledge series by Rajesh Kumar AKA FactTechz where we explore various amazing facts related to our amazing world. Know how enigmatic and astonishing our world is! This is the episode 58 of AMF. Enjoy the show! Follow FactTechz On: Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz Click here to view video on YouTube.

एक लड़की जो 7 साल तक एक ताबूत में कैद थी| Girl Spent 7 Years In A Coffin-Sized Box|Colleen Stan | Research Tv India

Episode Title: एक लड़की जो 7 साल तक एक ताबूत में कैद थी| Girl Spent 7 Years In A Coffin-Sized Box|Colleen Stan Produced by: Research Tv India Description: Research Tv India Colleen Stan was 20 years old when she was abducted by Cameron Hooker and his wife Janice. #ColleenStan #Realstory #Truestory #Researchtvindia #Survivalstory Click here to view video on YouTube.

हीरा Sabka Baap - हीरा इतना महंगा क्यों है? Why Are Diamonds More Expensive Than Gold? - AMF Ep 57

Episode Title: हीरा Sabka Baap - हीरा इतना महंगा क्यों है? Why Are Diamonds More Expensive Than Gold? - AMF Ep 57 Produced by: FactTechz Description: As compared to gold and silver, why are diamonds more expensive? What's the reason? Let's explore some jewellery related facts in this episode of AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) series. AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) is a mini knowledge series by Rajesh Kumar AKA FactTechz where we explore various amazing facts related to our amazing world. Know how enigmatic and astonishing our world is! This is the episode 57 of AMF. Enjoy the show! Follow FactTechz On: Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz Click here to view video on YouTube.


Episode Title: ย้ายลูกหอยลงบ่อ Produced by: kartoon gallagher Description: วันนี้ย้ายลูกหอยเชอรี่อายุ 20 วันลงบ่อปูน Click here to view video on YouTube.

अगर उड़ते प्लेन की खिड़की टूट जाए तो क्या होगा? What If Plane Windows Breaks (Hypothesis) - AMF Ep 56

Episode Title: अगर उड़ते प्लेन की खिड़की टूट जाए तो क्या होगा? What If Plane Windows Breaks (Hypothesis) - AMF Ep 56 Produced by: FactTechz Description: What will happen if airplane windows breaks mid flight? Let's explore this hypothesis in this episode of AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) series. AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) is a mini knowledge series by Rajesh Kumar AKA FactTechz where we explore various amazing facts related to our amazing world. Know how enigmatic and astonishing our world is! This is the episode 56 of AMF. Enjoy the show! Follow FactTechz On: Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz Click here to view video on YouTube.

Alpha Centauri Star System in Hindi | जीवन की संभावना वाला पड़ोसी अल्फा सेंटोरी

Episode Title: Alpha Centauri Star System in Hindi | जीवन की संभावना वाला पड़ोसी अल्फा सेंटोरी Produced by: The Knowledge Description: Thanks for Your Love and Support Friends... Second Channel: https://m.youtube.com/TheGosai Explore The Universe Series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPmjVkNNew7UH_lfWEtoG3kqBlAnuQGWy Follow me on Insta: https://www.instagram.com/Hiteshgiri15 Our App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.thegosai.theknowledge Credit: Thank you NASA to providing the valuable information and images #Alpha, #Centauri, #Star, #System, #Sciene, #SolarSystem #Universe, #Space, #Education, #Knowledge, #Physics Explore The Universe series Episode Documentary Click here to view video on YouTube.

फांसी के पहले चेहरे पे काला कपड़ा क्यों डाला जाता है? Why Black Cloth During Execution? AMF Ep 55

Episode Title: फांसी के पहले चेहरे पे काला कपड़ा क्यों डाला जाता है? Why Black Cloth During Execution? AMF Ep 55 Produced by: FactTechz Description: Why are heads covered with a black cloth at the time of execution? Know the reason behind this in this episode of AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) series. AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) is a mini knowledge series by Rajesh Kumar AKA FactTechz where we explore various amazing facts related to our amazing world. Know how enigmatic and astonishing our world is! This is the episode 55 of AMF. Enjoy the show! Follow FactTechz On: Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz Click here to view video on YouTube.

अपने शरीर के इन अंगों का आप काम तक नहीं जानते| Why Do Humans Have Eyebrows and Eyelashes? | Research Tv India

Episode Title: अपने शरीर के इन अंगों का आप काम तक नहीं जानते| Why Do Humans Have Eyebrows and Eyelashes? Produced by: Research Tv India Description: Research Tv India #Lips #Researchtvindia #Navel #Eyebrows #Humanbody #Humanbodyfacts #Bodyparts #Human #Humananatomy #Eyelashes #PhiltrumOfLip Click here to view video on YouTube.

प्लेन के बारे में गज़ब बात: एक प्लेन कितना तेल खाता है? Airplane Mileage & Various Facts - AMF Ep 54

Episode Title: प्लेन के बारे में गज़ब बात: एक प्लेन कितना तेल खाता है? Airplane Mileage & Various Facts - AMF Ep 54 Produced by: FactTechz Description: Do you know how much fuel a plane consumes every hour? What does the mileage of the palne looks like? How does the statistics look compare when we compare it with train fuel consumption? What exactly is GPU (Ground Power Unit) in plane? Let us explore some amazing facts about airplane in this episode of AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) series. AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) is a mini knowledge series by Rajesh Kumar AKA FactTechz where we explore various amazing facts related to our amazing world. Know how enigmatic and astonishing our world is! This is the episode 54 of AMF. Enjoy the show! Follow FactTechz On: Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz Click here to view video on YouTube.

Cooking for 24 hours Challenge *i cant cook* | Sejal Kumar

Episode Title: Cooking for 24 hours Challenge *i cant cook* | Sejal Kumar Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Hey guys! you all requested me to cook for myself 24 hours and do food challenges so here is one! I made (tried) to make some yummy but easy recipes! This one is a really raw and honest video, hope you enjoy! SUBSCRIBE AND HELP US REACH 1.5 Million! Aisi Hun: https://www.instagram.com/aisihun/​​​​​ My Original Song 'Aisi Hun': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Yvxb...​ Khali Khali: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMbzt...​ My Mom's channel 'MAITRI': https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwPa...​ Get my daily updates here: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sejalkumar1...​... Twitter: https://twitter.com/sejalkumar1195​​​​​​​ Facebook : www.facebook.com/TheClothingEdit See you soon! 🖤 Click here to view video on YouTube.


Episode Title: CHANNEL GEN HALILINTAR DI HACK, MARI KITA REPORT BERSAMA #genhalilintar Produced by: Kaka Anggella Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

इस जगह पानी मे शरीर तैरता क्यों है? The Highest Salt Concentrated Sea In The World - AMF Ep 53

Episode Title: इस जगह पानी मे शरीर तैरता क्यों है? The Highest Salt Concentrated Sea In The World - AMF Ep 53 Produced by: FactTechz Description: Why it is so easy to float on the Dead Sea? The Dead Sea's salt concentration is 34%. Anyone can easily float in the Dead Sea because of natural buoyancy. Its one of the famous locations in the entire world. Let us explore this amazing topic in this episode of AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) series. AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) is a mini knowledge series by Rajesh Kumar AKA FactTechz where we explore various amazing facts related to our amazing world. Know how enigmatic and astonishing our world is! This is the episode 53 of AMF. Enjoy the show! Follow FactTechz On: Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz Click here to view video on YouTube.

FOTO BAWAH LAUT, HOBBY❗TIDAK SERAM SEPERTI DI PILEM 😁#underwater #photomodel #underwaterphoto

Episode Title: FOTO BAWAH LAUT, HOBBY❗TIDAK SERAM SEPERTI DI PILEM 😁#underwater #photomodel #underwaterphoto Produced by: Kaka Anggella Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.


由。。。生产: 联合国 此频道提供的视频内容包括时事新闻、和平与安全、社会和经济发展、人权、气候变化等广泛的全球性话题。 本集标题: 维和行动中的妇女如何破除陈规定型观念 本集内容: "认为我们是追随者?请看我们如何发挥领导作用。 以下是在联合国特派团工作的妇女如何打破陈规定型观念。 单击此处在YouTube上观看视频以及更多信息。

अगर समुद्र का सारा पानी गायब हो जाये तो? Hypothesis Of No Ocean Water - AMF Ep 52

Episode Title: अगर समुद्र का सारा पानी गायब हो जाये तो? Hypothesis Of No Ocean Water - AMF Ep 52 Produced by: FactTechz Description: What would happen if all the ocean waters are drained? What events could occur, hypothetically? Let us explore this amazing hypothetical question in this episode of AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) series. AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) is a mini knowledge series by Rajesh Kumar AKA FactTechz where we explore various amazing facts related to our amazing world. Know how enigmatic and astonishing our world is! This is the episode 52 of AMF. Enjoy the show! Follow FactTechz On: Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz Click here to view video on YouTube.

कैमरे में रिकाॅर्ड हो गया नहीं तो आप यकीन नहीं करते|4-Feet Snake Removal From Woman's Stomach | Research Tv India

Episode Title: कैमरे में रिकाॅर्ड हो गया नहीं तो आप यकीन नहीं करते|4-Feet Snake Removal From Woman's Stomach Produced by: Research Tv India Description: Research Tv India #Snake #Snakes #Snakeinsidestomach #Facts #Randomfacts #Researchtvindia Click here to view video on YouTube.


Episode Title: LUI DIPANGGIL SAYANG DARI LESTI❗ si Billar end❓🤔🙄 Produced by: Kaka Anggella Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.


Episode Title: LESTI PANGGIL LUI 'SAYANG'❗ si Bilar end 🙄🤔 Produced by: Kaka Anggella Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.


Episode Title: PERWAKILAN MALUKU UTARA MALAM INI Produced by: Kaka Anggella Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.


Episode Title: LUI LIGA DANGDUT MALAM INI, PERWAKILAN MALUKU UTARA #ligadangdut #malukuutara Produced by: Kaka Anggella Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

Strange Moons in Solar System (यहाँ अलग ही दुनिया बसती है)

Episode Title: Strange Moons in Solar System (यहाँ अलग ही दुनिया बसती है) Produced by: The Knowledge Description: Thanks for Your Love and Support Friends... Shopping hub Products 👇👇👇 Dryer:- https://www.flipkart.com/choaba-choba-professional-hair-dryer-2800-2000-watt/p/itmf3zfh4ty9zd96?pid=HDRF3ZYC6JQFKZSD&lid=LSTHDRF3ZYC6JQFKZSDJAV9QL&marketplace=FLIPKART Temperature bottle:-https://www.flipkart.com/xdlb-rolimoli-com-temperature-display-indicator-insulated-stainless-steel-hot-cold-flask-bottle-500-ml/p/itm3ced415d45e1d?pid=BOTFWQAMJUP4YRQZ&lid=LSTBOTFWQAMJUP4YRQZ8NMIQU&marketplace=FLIPKART Toothbrush: https://bit.ly/327xZwY Explore The Universe Series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPmjVkNNew7UH_lfWEtoG3kqBlAnuQGWy Follow me on Insta: https://www.instagram.com/Hiteshgiri15 Our App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.thegosai.theknowledge Twit: https://twitter.com/TheGosai15 Website: https://www.thegosai.com/ Credit: Thank you NASA to pro...

दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा सांप - Hypothesis & Ancient Titanoboa Snake Artistic Representation - AMF Ep 51

Episode Title: दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा सांप - Hypothesis & Ancient Titanoboa Snake Artistic Representation - AMF Ep 51 Produced by: FactTechz Description: Do you know how big was the titanoboa snake? How much food it ate everyday? For how many years it existed on earth? Let us explore some facts about the largest snake to ever live on this earth, in this episode of AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) series. AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) is a mini knowledge series by Rajesh Kumar AKA FactTechz where we explore various amazing facts related to our amazing world. Know how enigmatic and astonishing our world is! This is the episode 51 of AMF. Enjoy the show! Follow FactTechz On: Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz Click here to view video on YouTube.


Episode Title: LAVA GUNUNG API LELEHANNYA SAMPAI KE TEPI LAUT❗BATU ANGUS TERNATE #batuangus #ternate #ternateisland Produced by: Kaka Anggella Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

FILIPINO BEATBOXER Has Got TALENT! Neil Rey Garcia Llanes RETURNS To Asia's Got Talent

Episode Title: FILIPINO BEATBOXER Has Got TALENT! Neil Rey Garcia Llanes RETURNS To Asia's Got Talent Produced by: Asia's Got Talent Description: FILIPINO BEATBOXER all auditions and performances! Neil Rey Garcia Llanes RETURNS To Asia's Got Talent! Click here to view video on YouTube.

रहस्यमयी गड्ढा- The Enigmatic Darvaza Gas Crater (Turkmenistan) - AMF Ep 50

Episode Title: रहस्यमयी गड्ढा- The Enigmatic Darvaza Gas Crater (Turkmenistan) - AMF Ep 50 Produced by: FactTechz Description: Have you ever heard about the Darvaza Gas Crater of Turkmenistan? Its one of the most amazing places in the world. Let us explore some facts about this crater in this episode of AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) series. AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) is a mini knowledge series by Rajesh Kumar AKA FactTechz where we explore various amazing facts related to our amazing world. Know how enigmatic and astonishing our world is! This is the episode 50 of AMF. Enjoy the show! Follow FactTechz On: Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz Click here to view video on YouTube.

हमें भगवान ने बनाया फिर भगवान को किसने बनाया?Who created God, if God created the universe? | Research Tv India

Episode Title: हमें भगवान ने बनाया फिर भगवान को किसने बनाया?Who created God, if God created the universe? Produced by: Research Tv India Description: Research Tv India #God #Lord #Whocreatedgod #Whatisgod #Researchtvindia #whatisgod #Godvslord #LordVsGod Click here to view video on YouTube.

a day in my life : haul, shopping🛍, making tea🌱 | indonesia🇮🇩

Episode Title: a day in my life : haul, shopping🛍, making tea🌱 | indonesia🇮🇩 Produced by: Safana Najla Description: [watch in HD] thanks for watching!! - what i use - 📷 camera: iphone X, nikon J5 📽 editing: iMovie music: Good Night - Siix0 Butterflies In Love by Sir Cubworth Rio Nights by Quincas Moreira 📲Social Media & Business: - instagram: @safanajlaaa (instagram.com/safanajlaaa) - email: safanajla95@gmail.com Click here to view video on YouTube.

क्या होगा अगर एक Black Hole हमारे सौर मंडल में आ गया? Solar System Black Hole Hypothesis - TEF 128

Episode Title: क्या होगा अगर एक Black Hole हमारे सौर मंडल में आ गया? Solar System Black Hole Hypothesis - TEF 128 Produced by: FactTechz Description: Open your Free Upstox Gold Account -https://upstox.com/open-gold-account/?utm_source=influencer&utm_medium=organic&utm_term=FacttechzApr21 Download the App - https://bit.ly/2TiKsJW This video is sponsored by Upstox Gold Hypothetically, what will happen if a solar system enters our solar system? Do you know how much human skin sheds every minute? Who invented earphone? Let's explore various amazing random facts in this episode 128 of TEF (Top Enigmatic Facts). Follow FactTechz On: Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz Click here to view video on YouTube.

DODOLA ISLAND, MOROTAI ❗NYELAM DITEMPAT HIU #dodola #morotai #wonderfulindonesia #exploremorotai

Episode Title: DODOLA ISLAND, MOROTAI ❗NYELAM DITEMPAT HIU #dodola #morotai #wonderfulindonesia #exploremorotai Produced by: Kaka Anggella Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

Stayed in a VAN? USA VLOG 2021 | Sejal Kumar

Episode Title: Stayed in a VAN? USA VLOG 2021 | Sejal Kumar Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: hey guys! as you know from my Instagram I have been in the Usa for the last few weeks visiting my brother and travelling with Bharat! We stayed in this Airstream Van for a 4 days and also went to San Francisco, San Diego and Portland, Oregon! Hope you enjoy this vlog! Like, Comment below and subscribe if you do! SUBSCRIBE AND HELP US REACH 1.5 Million! Aisi Hun: https://www.instagram.com/aisihun/​​​​ My Original Song 'Aisi Hun': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Yvxb...​ Khali Khali: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMbzt...​ My Mom's channel 'MAITRI': https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwPa...​ Get my daily updates here: Edited by The Film Architects https://www.instagram.com/thefilmarchitects/%C3%A2%C2%80%C2%8B Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sejalkumar1...​... Twitter: https://twitter.com/sejalkumar1195​​​​​​ Facebook : www.facebook.com/TheClothingEdit See you s...

PHILIPPINES Dance Group Junior New System Audtions BLOW THE JUDGES AWAY On Asia's Got Talent

Episode Title: PHILIPPINES Dance Group Junior New System Audtions BLOW THE JUDGES AWAY On Asia's Got Talent Produced by: Asia's Got Talent Description: Dance Group Junior New System from the Philippines! All Auditions get better and better blowing the judges away with their dance moves! Click here to view video on YouTube.

क्या होगा अगर आप Chewing Gum निगल गए तो? What Happens When You Mistakenly Swallow a Gum? AMF Ep 49

Episode Title: क्या होगा अगर आप Chewing Gum निगल गए तो? What Happens When You Mistakenly Swallow a Gum? AMF Ep 49 Produced by: FactTechz Description: Do you know what exactly happens in your stomach after you mistakenly swallow a chewing gum? Let us explore this in this episode of AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) series. AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) is a mini knowledge series by Rajesh Kumar AKA FactTechz where we explore various amazing facts related to our amazing world. Know how enigmatic and astonishing our world is! This is the episode 49 of AMF. Enjoy the show! Follow FactTechz On: Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz Click here to view video on YouTube.

2050 तक आधा भारत खत्म हो जाएगा |Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai May Be Submerged By 2050|Global Warming | Research Tv India

Episode Title: 2050 तक आधा भारत खत्म हो जाएगा |Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai May Be Submerged By 2050|Global Warming Produced by: Research Tv India Description: Research Tv India #Globalwarming #Climatechange #Tsunami #Flood #Sealevel #Researchtvindia Click here to view video on YouTube.

पृथ्वी से 7 अरब Km दूर सूरज कैसा दिखता है? (View from Pluto)

Episode Title: पृथ्वी से 7 अरब Km दूर सूरज कैसा दिखता है? (View from Pluto) Produced by: The Knowledge Description: Thanks for Your Love and Support Friends... Follow me on Insta: https://www.instagram.com/Hiteshgiri15 Neptune: https://youtu.be/g29IJEDOTqI Uranus: https://youtu.be/95cDTm68fSk Saturn: https://youtu.be/j7T0o0akEjc Jupiter: https://youtu.be/-HmcNv2bdP4 Mars: https://youtu.be/DEWqfEpBS_s Mercury: https://youtu.be/Z1OFUe0Ru94 Venus: https://youtu.be/GNP3ueFDCGE Our App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.thegosai.theknowledge Twit: https://twitter.com/TheGosai15 Website: https://www.thegosai.com/ Credit: Thank you NASA to providing the valuable information and images #Pluto, #, #Universe,,#Space, #Education, #Knowledge, #Physics Explore The Universe series Episode Documentary Click here to view video on YouTube.

सबसे रहस्यमयी इंसान की कहानी - Jophar Vorin: A Lost Stranger (Paranormal Story) - AMF Ep 48

Episode Title: सबसे रहस्यमयी इंसान की कहानी - Jophar Vorin: A Lost Stranger (Paranormal Story) - AMF Ep 48 Produced by: FactTechz Description: This is a paranormal story about Jophar Vorin, a bizarre man who arrived in a small village in Germany. Vorin told about his past mysteries. Let us explore the paranormal story of Jophar Vorin in this episode of AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) series. AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) is a mini knowledge series by Rajesh Kumar AKA FactTechz where we explore various amazing facts related to our amazing world. Know how enigmatic and astonishing our world is! This is the episode 48 of AMF. Enjoy the show! Follow FactTechz On: Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz Click here to view video on YouTube.

a day in my life✨: how i edit my video📸, haul🛍 | indonesia🇮🇩

Episode Title: a day in my life✨: how i edit my video📸, haul🛍 | indonesia🇮🇩 Produced by: Safana Najla Description: [watch in HD] thanks for watching!! - what i use - 📷 camera: iphone X, nikon J5 📽 editing: iMovie music: cream and puff - Umbrtone Daystar - Sunny side up 📲Social Media & Business: - instagram: @safanajlaaa (instagram.com/safanajlaaa) - email: safanajla95@gmail.com Click here to view video on YouTube.

🌻春日穿搭 | 12kg衣服都来自同一个淘宝店铺❓❗ | Spring Lookbook | Magracke |

Episode Title: 🌻春日穿搭 | 12kg衣服都来自同一个淘宝店铺❓❗ | Spring Lookbook | Magracke | Produced by: MAGRACKE Description: #淘宝开箱#fashionhaul#springoutfits 这次所有的衣服都是来自我最最最爱的店铺💖💖 Romance of Girl 其实都是他们冬天上新的衣服😂 因为他们上新很不固定 而且都是预定的 并且她们家衣服又很重 所以每次我都是凑一堆一起寄过来 (其实是放转运快过期了🤐) 但是却很意外的挺适合多伦多春天穿~ 嘻嘻 你们喜欢哪套呢??🤔 🔗Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gracen_07/ 身高:158cm 体重:43-44kg Look 1: 奶油小衫 https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z09. 黑色百褶裙 https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z09. 千禧复古黑白格子外套 https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z09. Look 2: 杏色小香风针织套装 https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z09. 伊丽莎白领亚麻衬衫 https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z09. Look 3: 淡粉色天鹅绒运动套装 https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z09....


Episode Title: ADEI LIGA DANGDUT, TAMPIL BABAK BERIKUT MALAM INI DI INDOSIAR. MOHON DOA & DUKUNGANNYA #ligadangdut Produced by: Kaka Anggella Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

Tamu dari Palu, Sai anju ma au live cover by @Ochan

Episode Title: Tamu dari Palu, Sai anju ma au live cover by @Ochan Produced by: Kaka Anggella Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

Planet Neptune से आकाश कैसा दीखता है?

Episode Title: Planet Neptune से आकाश कैसा दीखता है? Produced by: The Knowledge Description: Thanks for Your Love and Support Friends... Jupiter: https://youtu.be/-HmcNv2bdP4 Mars: https://youtu.be/DEWqfEpBS_s Mercury: https://youtu.be/Z1OFUe0Ru94 Venus: https://youtu.be/GNP3ueFDCGE Our App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.thegosai.theknowledge Twit: https://twitter.com/TheGosai15 Insta: https://www.instagram.com/Hiteshgiri15 Website: https://www.thegosai.com/ Credit: Thank you NASA to providing the valuable information and images #Planet, #Neptune, #Universe,,#Space, #Education, #Knowledge, #Physics Explore The Universe series Episode Documentary Click here to view video on YouTube.

99 प्रतिशत लोग आज तक ये बातें नहीं जानतेFacts about Banana|Women facts|Water Facts|Research Tv India | Research Tv India

Episode Title: 99 प्रतिशत लोग आज तक ये बातें नहीं जानतेFacts about Banana|Women facts|Water Facts|Research Tv India Produced by: Research Tv India Description: Research Tv India Click here to view video on YouTube.

सबसे रहस्यमयी 'पत्थर जंगल'- Paranormal Story of A Stone Forest (Marcahuasi Plateau ) - AMF Ep 47

Episode Title: सबसे रहस्यमयी 'पत्थर जंगल'- Paranormal Story of A Stone Forest (Marcahuasi Plateau ) - AMF Ep 47 Produced by: FactTechz Description: Marcahuasi stone forest has always been one of the most mysterious places in the world. What mysteries and history does that place hold? What people say about that place? Let us explore some of the most interesting alleged incidents of the Marcahuasi Stone Forest of Peru in this episode of AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) series. AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) is a mini knowledge series by Rajesh Kumar AKA FactTechz where we explore various amazing facts related to our amazing world. Know how enigmatic and astonishing our world is! This is the episode 47 of AMF. Enjoy the show! Follow FactTechz On: Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz Click here to view video on YouTube.

दुनिया के सबसे ग़जब बिस्तर - Most Unique Bed Designs and Concept - AMF Ep 46

Episode Title: दुनिया के सबसे ग़जब बिस्तर - Most Unique Bed Designs and Concept - AMF Ep 46 Produced by: FactTechz Description: Have you ever seen a sofa that transforms into a bed? Ever explored the mechanism behind famous starlight bed? Let us explore some of the most amazing beds in the world in this episode of AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) series. AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) is a mini knowledge series by Rajesh Kumar AKA FactTechz where we explore various amazing facts related to our amazing world. Know how enigmatic and astonishing our world is! This is the episode 46 of AMF. Enjoy the show! Follow FactTechz On: Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz Click here to view video on YouTube.

दुनिया के सबसे अमीर इंसान का प्रोजेक्ट - Jeff Bezos Mountain Clock Project - AMF Ep 45

Episode Title: दुनिया के सबसे अमीर इंसान का प्रोजेक्ट - Jeff Bezos Mountain Clock Project - AMF Ep 45 Produced by: FactTechz Description: Have you ever heard about Jeff Bezos's The Clock of the Long Now project? Know more about this amazing project in this episode of AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) series. AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) is a mini knowledge series by Rajesh Kumar AKA FactTechz where we explore different amazing facts related to science, astronomy, finance, technology and various general facts. This is the episode 45 of AMF. Enjoy the show! Follow FactTechz On: Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz Click here to view video on YouTube.

Planet Uranus के अंदर आपके साथ क्या होगा?

Episode Title: Planet Uranus के अंदर आपके साथ क्या होगा? Produced by: The Knowledge Description: Thanks for Your Love and Support Friends... Jupiter: https://youtu.be/-HmcNv2bdP4 Mars: https://youtu.be/DEWqfEpBS_s Mercury: https://youtu.be/Z1OFUe0Ru94 Venus: https://youtu.be/GNP3ueFDCGE Our App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.thegosai.theknowledge Twit: https://twitter.com/TheGosai15 Insta: https://www.instagram.com/Hiteshgiri15 Website: https://www.thegosai.com/ Credit: Thank you NASA to providing the valuable information and images #Planet, #Uranus, #Universe,,#Space, #Education, #Knowledge, #Physics Explore The Universe series Episode Documentary Click here to view video on YouTube.

99.99 प्रतिशत लोग ये बातें नहीं जानते| Interesting Unknown Facts| Cleopatra Facts| Football facts | Research Tv India

Episode Title: 99.99 प्रतिशत लोग ये बातें नहीं जानते| Interesting Unknown Facts| Cleopatra Facts| Football facts Produced by: Research Tv India Description: Research Tv India Click here to view video on YouTube.

हमें ये बबल फोड़ने का मन क्यों करता है ? Why Bubbles Are So Fun? Evolutionary Reasons - AMF Ep 44

Episode Title: हमें ये बबल फोड़ने का मन क्यों करता है ? Why Bubbles Are So Fun? Evolutionary Reasons - AMF Ep 44 Produced by: FactTechz Description: Why we like to burst bubbles on the delivery packages? What is the science behind it? Is there any evolutionary reason? Let us discuss this in this episode of AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) series. AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) is a mini knowledge series by Rajesh Kumar AKA FactTechz where we explore different amazing facts related to science, astronomy, finance, technology and various general facts. This is the episode 44 of AMF. Enjoy the show! Follow FactTechz On: Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz Click here to view video on YouTube.

गाडी पे सफ़ेद Vs पीला नंबर प्लेट में क्या अंतर होता है? - Vehicle Number Plate Colors - AMF Ep 43

Episode Title: गाडी पे सफ़ेद Vs पीला नंबर प्लेट में क्या अंतर होता है? - Vehicle Number Plate Colors - AMF Ep 43 Produced by: FactTechz Description: Why colors differs in different vehicle? What color does a commerical transport vehicle has? What does blue colour number plate mean? Let us discuss vehicle number plate colour and their meanings in this episode of AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) series. AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) is a mini knowledge series by Rajesh Kumar AKA FactTechz where we explore different amazing facts related to science, astronomy, finance, technology and various general facts. This is the episode 42 of AMF. Enjoy the show! Follow FactTechz On: Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz Click here to view video on YouTube.

क्या होगा अगर व्हेल मछली आपको निगल गयी? What If You Were Swallowed by a Whale? - AMF Ep 42

Episode Title: क्या होगा अगर व्हेल मछली आपको निगल गयी? What If You Were Swallowed by a Whale? - AMF Ep 42 Produced by: FactTechz Description: What If You Were Swallowed by a Whale? Will you be able to breath? What chemicals are presents inside the stomach of a whale? Let us explore this hypothesis in this episode of AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) series. AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) is a mini knowledge series by Rajesh Kumar AKA FactTechz where we explore different amazing facts related to science, astronomy, finance, technology and various general facts. This is the episode 42 of AMF. Enjoy the show! Follow FactTechz On: Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz Click here to view video on YouTube.

क्या होगा अगर धरती घूमना बंद कर दे? What If Earth Stops Spinning (Hypothesis)? AMF Ep 41

Episode Title: क्या होगा अगर धरती घूमना बंद कर दे? What If Earth Stops Spinning (Hypothesis)? AMF Ep 41 Produced by: FactTechz Description: What if earth stopps spinning? Hypothetically speaking, what exactly will happen? What the momentum effect us? What does science say? Why it will never actually happen? What is the science behind spinning? Let us explore this amazing hypothesis in this episode of AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) series. AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) is a mini knowledge series by Rajesh Kumar AKA FactTechz where we explore different amazing facts related to science, astronomy, finance, technology and various general facts. This is the episode 41 of AMF. Enjoy the show! Follow FactTechz On: Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz Click here to view video on YouTube.

Let's jump into Planet Saturn (क्या होगा जब आप शनि ग्रह के पास जायेंगे)

Episode Title: Let's jump into Planet Saturn (क्या होगा जब आप शनि ग्रह के पास जायेंगे) Produced by: The Knowledge Description: Thanks for Your Love and Support Friends... Jupiter: https://youtu.be/-HmcNv2bdP4 Mars: https://youtu.be/DEWqfEpBS_s Mercury: https://youtu.be/Z1OFUe0Ru94 Venus: https://youtu.be/GNP3ueFDCGE Our App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.thegosai.theknowledge Twit: https://twitter.com/TheGosai15 Insta: https://www.instagram.com/Hiteshgiri15 Website: https://www.thegosai.com/ Credit: Thank you NASA to providing the valuable information and images... #Planet, #Universe, #Saturn, #Space, #Education, #Knowledge, #Physics Explore The Universe series Episode Documentary Click here to view video on YouTube.

2-Headed Baby Miracle|World's most famous conjoined twinsइंसान जिन्होंने मेडिकल साइंस को चुनौती दी | Research Tv India

Episode Title: 2-Headed Baby Miracle|World's most famous conjoined twinsइंसान जिन्होंने मेडिकल साइंस को चुनौती दी Produced by: Research Tv India Description: Research Tv India Click here to view video on YouTube.

रात को कुत्ते क्यों रोते और भौकते हैं? Reasons Why Some Dogs Howl at Night - AMF Ep 40

Episode Title: रात को कुत्ते क्यों रोते और भौकते हैं? Reasons Why Some Dogs Howl at Night - AMF Ep 40 Produced by: FactTechz Description: According to scientists, the smelling and hearing power of dogs are much more than humans? Do they have an underlying special sense ability? Know more about some interesting facts about dogs in this episode of AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) series. AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) is a mini knowledge series by Rajesh Kumar AKA FactTechz where we explore different amazing facts related to science, astronomy, finance, technology and various general facts. This is the episode 40 of AMF. Enjoy the show! Follow FactTechz On: Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz Click here to view video on YouTube.

गज़ब का भ्रम है - ये फोटो आखिर कैसे हिल रहा है? - Moving Image Illusion and Human Brain - AMF Ep 39

Episode Title: गज़ब का भ्रम है - ये फोटो आखिर कैसे हिल रहा है? - Moving Image Illusion and Human Brain - AMF Ep 39 Produced by: FactTechz Description: What is the science behind illusions? How does illusions work in human mind? How does mind processes illusion? How can a straight line appear bent? Know more about science of illusions in this episode of AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) series. AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) is a mini knowledge series by Rajesh Kumar AKA FactTechz where we explore different amazing facts related to science, astronomy, finance, technology and various general facts. This is the episode 39 of AMF. Enjoy the show! Follow FactTechz On: Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz Click here to view video on YouTube.