
मई, 2022 की पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

BRAHMĀSTRA Part One: Shiva, Teaser Trailer Reaction

looks promising!! #RanbeerKapoor #Brahmastra #PJExplained #thePJ My social Media Handel's: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pjexplained/ FaceBook: https://www.fb.me/pjexplained Twitter: https://twitter.com/pjexplained/ अधिक जानकारी के लिए या यूट्यूब पर इस वीडियो को देखने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें।

स्लीप पैरालिसिस का रहस्य - Sleep Paralysis Folklore Horror Stories & Many Random Facts - TEF Ep 181

Episode Title: स्लीप पैरालिसिस का रहस्य - Sleep Paralysis Folklore Horror Stories & Many Random Facts - TEF Ep 181 Produced by: FactTechz Description: Get real skills to create remarkable impact. #SCALER #CreateImpact #DataScience #MachineLearning #DSML : https://bit.ly/SCALER_facttechz This video is sponsored by Scaler. Why pong game was installed in germany in front of street light? Which is more stronger among our bone and teeth? Have you ever seen the inside look of the CN hotel? Let us explore some amazing random facts in this episode 181 of TEF (Top Enigmatic Facts). Follow Us On: Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz To get more interesting information from all around the world, do subscribe our channel. Click here to view video on YouTube.

a day with my friend♡: at trans studio, my skincare update, D+2 my birthday, shopping | Indonesia

Episode Title: a day with my friend♡: at trans studio, my skincare update, D+2 my birthday, shopping | Indonesia Produced by: Safana Najla Description: instagram: @scarlett_whitening (https://www.instagram.com/scarlett_wh...) link.tree: https://linktr.ee/scarlett_whitening shopee: scarlett_whitening (https://shopee.co.id/scarlett_whitening) racun shopee: ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://mycollection.shop/safanaa Social Media & Business: - instagram: @safanajlaaa (https://www.instagram.com/safanajlaaa/) - tiktok: @aprasrsca (unboxing account) www.tiktok.com/@aprasrsca - email: safanajla95@gmail.com 。.☆.* what i use .✫*゚camera: iphone X, camera nikon J5 editing: final cut pro x thumbnail: inshot, phonto, pictsart music: Aviino - Jasmine https://chll.to/e8aa6353 Psalm Trees, Guillaume Muschalle - Peninsula https://chll.to/02b5f3dc Brock Berrigan, Saib - Drifter https://chll.to/27127aba Moods, Yasper - Vibe Vibe https://chll.to/b25268ce [tags] #adayinmylife #minivlog #dailyvlog #aestheticvlog #calmi...

Outfits on a Family Trip | Sejal Kumar

Episode Title: Outfits on a Family Trip | Sejal Kumar Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

Laal Singh Chaddha Official Trailer, Reaction

DC Wapas Agaya!! #LaalSinghChaddha #ForrestGump #PJExplained #thePJ My social Media Handel's: 👨🏼‍🎨Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pjexplained/ 💕FaceBook: https://www.fb.me/pjexplained 🙋🏼‍♂‍Twitter: https://twitter.com/pjexplained/ अधिक जानकारी के लिए या यूट्यूब पर इस वीडियो को देखने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें।

Green Lantern: Beware My Power, Trailer Reaction

DC Wapas Agaya!! #GreenLantern #DCAU #PJExplained #thePJ My social Media Handel's: 👨🏼‍🎨Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pjexplained/ 💕FaceBook: https://www.fb.me/pjexplained 🙋🏼‍♂‍Twitter: https://twitter.com/pjexplained/ अधिक जानकारी के लिए या यूट्यूब पर इस वीडियो को देखने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें।

पैरानॉर्मल दुनिया का रहस्य - Exploring Paranormal Facts - Story & Tales - FactTechz Specials S1E6

Episode Title: पैरानॉर्मल दुनिया का रहस्य - Exploring Paranormal Facts - Story & Tales - FactTechz Specials S1E6 Produced by: FactTechz Description: FactTechz Specials - Season 1 Episode 6 Let us explore some paranormal facts regarding emf meters, psychic senses, and placebo effect of mind. Written, Edited and Voice-over by Rajesh Kumar Enjoy the show! Follow FactTechz on: Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz Click here to view video on YouTube.

बारिश में मिट्टी से खुशबू क्यों आती है| Where Does The Smell Of Rain Come From? Smell of Rain | Research Tv India

Episode Title: बारिश में मिट्टी से खुशबू क्यों आती है| Where Does The Smell Of Rain Come From? Smell of Rain Produced by: Research Tv India Description: बारिश में मिट्टी से खुशबू क्यों आती है| Where Does The Smell Of Rain Come From? Smell of Rain| Research Tv India #Petrichor #Smellofrain #Researchtvindia #Rainsmell #Smellafterrain #Rain The Science Behind the Smell of Rain The Smell of Rain What Makes Rain Smell So Good What Causes Petrichor, the Earthy Smell After Rain What Causes The Smell After Rain Click here to view video on YouTube.

खाते समय फ़ोन नहीं चलाओगे तो 10% Discount - Unique Restaurant in the World & Various Random Facts

Episode Title: खाते समय फ़ोन नहीं चलाओगे तो 10% Discount - Unique Restaurant in the World & Various Random Facts Produced by: FactTechz Description: We explore some of the most amazing restaurants in the world, and how a unique Denmark shop doesn't allow you to enter until you smile. Unique concepts, isn't it? Click here to view video on YouTube.

लेज़र के बारे में ये जानलो - Don't Aim Laser at Aircraft - Invest Time in Scientific Knowledge - Ep 5

Episode Title: लेज़र के बारे में ये जानलो - Don't Aim Laser at Aircraft - Invest Time in Scientific Knowledge - Ep 5 Produced by: FactTechz Description: Invest time in scientific knowledge is a unique type of series by FactTechz where we learn different scientific facts and researches daily! Click here to view video on YouTube.

Saree on the Golden Gate Bridge!

Episode Title: Saree on the Golden Gate Bridge! Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

पानी पे तैरता शहर - Proposed Floating City Explained - Invest Time in Scientific Knowledge - Ep 4

Episode Title: पानी पे तैरता शहर - Proposed Floating City Explained - Invest Time in Scientific Knowledge - Ep 4 Produced by: FactTechz Description: Invest time in scientific knowledge is a unique type of series by FactTechz where we learn different scientific facts and researches daily! Click here to view video on YouTube.

I wore a SAREE on the Golden Gate Bridge In San Francisco | Sejal Kumar

Episode Title: I wore a SAREE on the Golden Gate Bridge In San Francisco | Sejal Kumar Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

Kaidi Ka Kaarnama - Human Body Flexibility Mystery - Invest Time in Scientific Knowledge - Episode 2

Episode Title: Kaidi Ka Kaarnama - Human Body Flexibility Mystery - Invest Time in Scientific Knowledge - Episode 2 Produced by: FactTechz Description: Invest time in scientific knowledge is a unique type of series by FactTechz where we learn different scientific facts and researches daily! Click here to view video on YouTube.


由。。。生产: 联合国 此频道提供的视频内容包括时事新闻、和平与安全、社会和经济发展、人权、气候变化等广泛的全球性话题。 本集标题: 安东尼奥·古特雷斯(联合国秘书长)2022年非洲日致辞 本集内容: 联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯于5月25日非洲日发表视频致辞 非洲是希望的家园。在非洲日,我们庆祝这个多姿多彩、生机勃勃的大陆所蕴含的巨大希望和潜力。 地平线上的前景是光明的——从非洲不断增长、充满活力的青年人口,到非洲大陆自由贸易区、包容妇女金融和经济十年以及非洲联盟对未来的宏伟构想《2063年议程》等种种举措,无不闪耀着这种光明。 但今天我们也要警醒,仍有多重挑战阻碍着非洲发挥全部潜力,包括COVID-19大流行及其对非洲经济的破坏性影响,包括气候变化、未解决的冲突和严重的粮食危机。 使这一切更加复杂的是,乌克兰战争正在给发展中国家、特别是非洲国家带来一场“完美风暴”。这场危机导致粮食、能源和化肥成本飙升,对营养和粮食系统造成破坏性后果,同时使非洲大陆更难调动投资于人民所需的财政资源。 非洲联盟已将2022年定为营养年。在今年的非洲日,世界必须与所有非洲人团结一致,加强粮食安全,使每个人都能获得营养。 我们还必须加紧努力,结束这场大流行病,改革全球金融体系,阻止气候变化,并平息所有冲突中的枪炮声。 联合国将继续自豪地与非洲人站在一起,努力实现为所有人建设繁荣与和平非洲的承诺。 单击此处在YouTube上观看视频以及更多信息。


由。。。生产: 联合国 此频道提供的视频内容包括时事新闻、和平与安全、社会和经济发展、人权、气候变化等广泛的全球性话题。 本集标题: 安东尼奥·古特雷斯(联合国秘书长)2022年联合国维持和平人员国际日视频致辞 本集内容: 联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯于5月29日联合国维持和平人员国际日发表视频致辞 今天,我们向1948年以来担任过联合国维持和平人员的百万余名男女表示敬意。 我们缅怀在和平事业中献出生命的近4 200名男女英雄。 我们重温一个古老的真理:对和平绝不可想当然。 和平是赢来的成果。 我们深深感谢目前在联合国旗帜下服务的87 000名文职人员、警察和军事人员,他们在帮助全世界实现和平这一成果。 他们面临着巨大的挑战。针对维和人员的暴力行为不断增多,使他们的工作更加危险。大流行病疫情带来种种限制,使他们的工作更加艰难。但是,联合国维和人员作为和平伙伴一如既往地表现出色。 今年,我们着重弘扬伙伴关系的力量。 我们深知,当各国政府和各个社会携手合作,力求通过对话解决分歧、建立非暴力文化并保护最脆弱人群时,方为赢得和平之时。 在全球各地,联合国维和人员与会员国、民间社会、人道主义者、媒体、他们所服务的社区以及许多其他方面合作,推动和平,保护平民,促进人权和法治,并改善千千万万人民的生活。 今天和每一天,我们都赞颂他们无私奉献,帮助各个社会摆脱冲突,为所有人争取一个更和平、更繁荣的未来。 我们永远感激他们。 单击此处在YouTube上观看视频以及更多信息。

एक लड़की, या एक आदमी का चेहरा? - Optical Illusion - Invest Time in Scientific Knowledge - Episode 1

Episode Title: एक लड़की, या एक आदमी का चेहरा? - Optical Illusion - Invest Time in Scientific Knowledge - Episode 1 Produced by: FactTechz Description: Invest time in scientific knowledge is a unique type of series by us where we learn different scientific facts and researches daily! Click here to view video on YouTube.

5 Mass Extinction on Earth (जब पृथ्वी ने पाँच बार देखी महा-विलुप्तीयाँ)

Episode Title: 5 Mass Extinction on Earth (जब पृथ्वी ने पाँच बार देखी महा-विलुप्तीयाँ) Produced by: The Knowledge Description: Thank You for your Love and Support Friends... Follow Me on Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3op9s2z Follow me on Insta: https://www.instagram.com/Hiteshgiri15 Sub Second Channel: https://m.youtube.com/TheGosai #Extinction, #World, #Theory, #Education, #Hindi Click here to view video on YouTube.

My favourite Outfits this week! Los Angeles

Episode Title: My favourite Outfits this week! Los Angeles Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

Thor: Love and Thunder, Offical Trailer REACTION

Finally!! Thor: Love and Thunder Offical Trailer is LIVE #ThorLoveAndThunder #Thor4 #PJExplained #thePJ My social Media Handel's: 👨🏼‍🎨Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pjexplained/ 💕FaceBook: https://www.fb.me/pjexplained 🙋🏼‍♂‍Twitter: https://twitter.com/pjexplained/ #PJExplained अधिक जानकारी के लिए या यूट्यूब पर इस वीडियो को देखने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें।

RRR - The Biggest Blockbuster You've Never Heard Of, REACTION

RRR - The Biggest Blockbuster You've Never Heard Of, REACTION from thePJ जहां तक ​​इस विभाग का संबंध है, हमें संभवत: एक अपडेट करना होगा। हम इसे भारत विभाग में बदल रहे हैं। इसे ऐसा होना चाहिए! आइए आरआरआर के बारे में इस एपिसोड से शुरू करते हैं।

क्या हो अगर नासा अंतरिक्ष की जगह समुद्र में खोज करे| What if NASA explored Earth instead space? | Research Tv India

Episode Title: क्या हो अगर नासा अंतरिक्ष की जगह समुद्र में खोज करे| What if NASA explored Earth instead space? Produced by: Research Tv India Description: क्या हो अगर नासा अंतरिक्ष की जगह समुद्र में खोज करे| What if NASA explored Earth instead space? Research Tv India #NASA #Ocean #Sea #Researchtvindia #Samudrakitnagahrahai #Samudrakeneechekyahai #Deepsea #Oceanexplorer #MarianaTrench #Challengerdeep #Seafloor Click here to view video on YouTube.

Moved to a New City? Watch this! Sejal Kumar

Episode Title: Moved to a New City? Watch this! Sejal Kumar Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Do you relate with this feeling of being in a new place? Written and directed by me and #shotoniphone which was soo fun! I’m having so much fun making these little short films which are quite literally a piece of my mind and heart! Any ideas for topic I can cover next? let me know❤️ Click here to view video on YouTube.

edgy makeup in 9 seconds!

Episode Title: edgy makeup in 9 seconds! Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

Shy Girl | Short Film by Sejal Kumar

Episode Title: Shy Girl | Short Film by Sejal Kumar Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

बिग बैंग को गलत साबित करते ये Objects|The Most Distant Objects We've Ever Discovered In The Universe | Research Tv India

Episode Title: बिग बैंग को गलत साबित करते ये Objects|The Most Distant Objects We've Ever Discovered In The Universe Produced by: Research Tv India Description: बिग बैंग को गलत साबित करते ये Objects |The Most Distant Objects We've Ever Discovered In The Universe| Research Tv India #galaxy #Blackhole #Milkyway #Universe #MostDistantGalaxy #Bigbang #Bigbangtheory #Spacevideos #Quasar #Supernova #QuasarJet #Gammarayburst #Researchtvindia Click here to view video on YouTube.

Shy Girl | Short Film | Sejal Kumar

Episode Title: Shy Girl | Short Film | Sejal Kumar Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: hey guys, I’ve always wanted to make short films and I had this idea to show the thoughts in my mind through the year that I made my my album shy! I’ve always been called ‘shy girl’ from a young age and felt that I had embodied that and needed to break out of it as I grew up! So here’s a little piece of my mind,I had so much fun with the visuals of this one and making it super dramatic! Social links - Instagram: https://instagram.com/sejalkumar1195 Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/sejalkumar1195 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheClothingEdit Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3wxUQAk Buy My Merch - https://sejal.themerchbay.com Digitally Powered by One Digital Entertainment [https://www.instagram.com/onedigitalentertainment] [http://www.onedigitalentertainment.com] #SejalKumar #shy Click here to view video on YouTube.

आकाशगंगा के केन्द्र में मौजूद ब्लैक होल की तस्वीर कैसे ली गई |Black Hole Image Reveals Sagittarius A | Research Tv India

Episode Title: आकाशगंगा के केन्द्र में मौजूद ब्लैक होल की तस्वीर कैसे ली गई |Black Hole Image Reveals Sagittarius A Produced by: Research Tv India Description: Sagittarius A की तस्वीर लेने में 5 साल क्यों लगेFirst image of our own Galaxy black hole Sagittarius A| Research Tv India First image of Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way, as captured by the Event Horizon Telescope. #Milkyway #Milkywaygalaxy #Galaxy #Blackhole # EventHorizonTelescope #Telescope #Earth #M87 #Firstimage #Blackholeimage #SagittariusA #Supermassiveblackhole #Spacevideos #Astronomers #Space #Universe Click here to view video on YouTube.

The Theory of Everything अब तक की की सबसे अद्भुत थियरी (String Theory)

Episode Title: The Theory of Everything अब तक की की सबसे अद्भुत थियरी (String Theory) Produced by: The Knowledge Description: Thank You for your Love and Support Friends... Follow Me on Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3op9s2z Follow me on Insta: https://www.instagram.com/Hiteshgiri15 Sub Second Channel: https://m.youtube.com/TheGosai #Sciance, #String, #Theory, #TheoryofEverything, #Universe, #Education, #Hindi, #Wow Click here to view video on YouTube.

journey to my FIRST Album in 60 seconds! Sejal Kumar

Episode Title: journey to my FIRST Album in 60 seconds! Sejal Kumar Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

Sejal Kumar | destiny | Lyrical video

Episode Title: Sejal Kumar | destiny | Lyrical video Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: So happy and excited to share the rest of the songs on my album with you! Here is the lyrical video for destiny! Let me know how you like this song in the comments below 🤍 You can listen to my entire album on this link: https://open.spotify.com/album/6FGjEG944AvGqK1hBThw7l?si=gLpc8gEJRXmybolHS3pGKg #destiny #SejalKumar You can listen to my entire album on this link: ♪ iTunes : https://apple.co/3l44oOr ♪ Apple Music : https://apple.co/3l44oOr ♪ Spotify : https://spoti.fi/3MdH3pA ♪ Gaana : https://bit.ly/3wmTWGZ ♪ Resso : https://bit.ly/3PmTYYm ♪ YouTube Music : https://bit.ly/3NgdDHv ♪ Wynk Music : https://bit.ly/3sBlJ5t ♪ JioSaavn : https://bit.ly/3NflTHN ♪ Amazon Music : https://amzn.to/3FKu10s Social links - Instagram: https://instagram.com/sejalkumar1195 Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/sejalkumar1195 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheClothingEdit Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3wxUQAk...

Sejal Kumar | house of cards | Lyrical video

Episode Title: Sejal Kumar | house of cards | Lyrical video Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: So happy and excited to share the rest of the songs on my album with you! Here is the lyrical video for house of cards! Let me know how you like this song in the comments below 🤍 You can listen to my entire album on this link: ♪ iTunes : https://apple.co/3l44oOr ♪ Apple Music : https://apple.co/3l44oOr ♪ Spotify : https://spoti.fi/3MdH3pA ♪ Gaana : https://bit.ly/3wmTWGZ ♪ Resso : https://bit.ly/3PmTYYm ♪ YouTube Music : https://bit.ly/3NgdDHv ♪ Wynk Music : https://bit.ly/3sBlJ5t ♪ JioSaavn : https://bit.ly/3NflTHN ♪ Amazon Music : https://amzn.to/3FKu10s #houseofcards #SejalKumar Social links - Instagram: https://instagram.com/sejalkumar1195 Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/sejalkumar1195 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheClothingEdit Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3wxUQAk Buy My Merch - https://sejal.themerchbay.com Digitally Powered by One Digital Entertainment [https://www.ins...

Sejal Kumar | friend | Lyrical video

Episode Title: Sejal Kumar | friend | Lyrical video Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: So happy and excited to share the rest of the songs on my album with you! Here is the lyrical video for friend! Let me know how you like this song in the comments below 🤍 You can listen to my entire album on this link: ♪ iTunes : https://apple.co/3l44oOr ♪ Apple Music : https://apple.co/3l44oOr ♪ Spotify : https://spoti.fi/3MdH3pA ♪ Gaana : https://bit.ly/3wmTWGZ ♪ Resso : https://bit.ly/3PmTYYm ♪ YouTube Music : https://bit.ly/3NgdDHv ♪ Wynk Music : https://bit.ly/3sBlJ5t ♪ JioSaavn : https://bit.ly/3NflTHN ♪ Amazon Music : https://amzn.to/3FKu10s #friend #SejalKumar Social links - Instagram: https://instagram.com/sejalkumar1195 Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/sejalkumar1195 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheClothingEdit Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3wxUQAk Buy My Merch - https://sejal.themerchbay.com Digitally Powered by One Digital Entertainment [https://www.instagram.com/onedigitale...

Sejal Kumar | toxic | Lyrical video

Episode Title: Sejal Kumar | toxic | Lyrical video Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: So happy and excited to share the rest of the songs on my album with you! Here is the lyrical video for friend! Let me know how you like this song in the comments below 🤍 You can listen to my entire album on this link: ♪ iTunes : https://apple.co/3l44oOr ♪ Apple Music : https://apple.co/3l44oOr ♪ Spotify : https://spoti.fi/3MdH3pA ♪ Gaana : https://bit.ly/3wmTWGZ ♪ Resso : https://bit.ly/3PmTYYm ♪ YouTube Music : https://bit.ly/3NgdDHv ♪ Wynk Music : https://bit.ly/3sBlJ5t ♪ JioSaavn : https://bit.ly/3NflTHN ♪ Amazon Music : https://amzn.to/3FKu10s #toxic #SejalKumar Social links - Instagram: https://instagram.com/sejalkumar1195 Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/sejalkumar1195 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheClothingEdit Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3wxUQAk Buy My Merch - https://sejal.themerchbay.com Digitally Powered by One Digital Entertainment [https://www.instagram.com/onedigitalent...

Sejal Kumar | expired | Lyrical video

Episode Title: Sejal Kumar | expired | Lyrical video Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: So happy and excited to share the rest of the songs on my album with you! Here is the lyrical video for expired! Let me know how you like this song in the comments below 🤍 You can listen to my entire album on this link: ♪ iTunes : https://apple.co/3l44oOr ♪ Apple Music : https://apple.co/3l44oOr ♪ Spotify : https://spoti.fi/3MdH3pA ♪ Gaana : https://bit.ly/3wmTWGZ ♪ Resso : https://bit.ly/3PmTYYm ♪ YouTube Music : https://bit.ly/3NgdDHv ♪ Wynk Music : https://bit.ly/3sBlJ5t ♪ JioSaavn : https://bit.ly/3NflTHN ♪ Amazon Music : https://amzn.to/3FKu10s #SejalKumar #expired Social links - Instagram: https://instagram.com/sejalkumar1195 Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/sejalkumar1195 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheClothingEdit Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3wxUQAk Buy My Merch - https://sejal.themerchbay.com Digitally Powered by One Digital Entertainment [https://www.instagram.com/onedigit...

Sejal kumar debut album ‘shy’ is out!

Episode Title: Sejal kumar debut album ‘shy’ is out! Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

PENAMPILAN ASRY, ASHANTY, ANANG DI MOROTAI TOKUWELA FEST #viralvideo #keluargaasix #ananghermansyah

Episode Title: PENAMPILAN ASRY, ASHANTY, ANANG DI MOROTAI TOKUWELA FEST #viralvideo #keluargaasix #ananghermansyah Produced by: Kaka Anggella Description: luar biasa konser music by Keluarga Asix terrrrfavorit ini yg selalu ceria dan semangat, apalagi dek Arsy yg gemeessssh 😍😍😍 terima kasih banyak sudah menghibur kami di morotai 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 #ananghermansyah #ashanty #arsyhermansyah #keluargaasix #morotai #festivaltokuwelamorotai Click here to view video on YouTube.

Thrifting in Los Angeles for the first time!

Episode Title: Thrifting in Los Angeles for the first time! Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

a day in my life: idul fitri edition💞🧕🏻 | indonesia

Episode Title: a day in my life: idul fitri edition💞🧕🏻 | indonesia Produced by: Safana Najla Description: haloo guyss!! happy eid mubarak everyone, mohon maaf lahir batin, special vlog idul fitri, maaf baru upload seminggu setelehnya wkwk, but hope you guys enjoy it and like it🤩 racun shopee: ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://mycollection.shop/safanaa Social Media & Business: - instagram: @safanajlaaa (https://www.instagram.com/safanajlaaa/) - tiktok: @aprasrsca (unboxing account) www.tiktok.com/@aprasrsca - email: safanajla95@gmail.com 。.☆.* what i use .✫*゚ camera: iphone X editing: final cut pro x thumbnail: inshot, phonto, pictsart [tags] #eidvlog #adayinmylife #idulfitri #minivlog #dailyvlog #aestheticvlog #calmingvlog #achilldayvlog #indonesianvlog #vlog2022 #adaywithme #productiveday #shoppingwithme #calmingvlog #dailylife #studentlife vlog, mini vlog, daily vlog, vlog indonesia, chill day in my life, chill day with me, a chill day vlog, quarantine vlog, quarantine edition, weekly vlog,...

कश्मीर जो एक रोज़ अफ़ग़ानिस्तान तक फैला हुआ था, आज ऐसा कैसे? (Full History of Kashmir)

Episode Title: कश्मीर जो एक रोज़ अफ़ग़ानिस्तान तक फैला हुआ था, आज ऐसा कैसे? (Full History of Kashmir) Produced by: The Knowledge Description: Follow Me on Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3op9s2z Follow me on Insta: https://www.instagram.com/Hiteshgiri15 Sub Second Channel: https://m.youtube.com/TheGosai #Kashmir, #History, #Fact, #India, #Bharat, #Educational Click here to view video on YouTube.

SO excited about this…

Episode Title: SO excited about this… Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

Thrifting in LA | Desi Girl in LA | Vlog 4 | Sejal Kumar

Episode Title: Thrifting in LA | Desi Girl in LA | Vlog 4 | Sejal Kumar Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Hey guys! Let me take you to Melrose street in LA today for thrifting! I’ve seen so many of my favourite YouTubers thrift shop and I was super excited to give it a go. Watch till the end for an exciting announcement! Hope you enjoy Social links - Instagram: https://instagram.com/sejalkumar1195 Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/sejalkumar1195 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheClothingEdit Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3wxUQAk Buy My Merch - https://sejal.themerchbay.com Digitally Powered by One Digital Entertainment [https://www.instagram.com/onedigitalentertainment] [http://www.onedigitalentertainment.com] Click here to view video on YouTube.

1 Min Drama Ep 1: appreciation | Sejal Kumar

Episode Title: 1 Min Drama Ep 1: appreciation | Sejal Kumar Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

ऐसा होता तो आज ब्रम्हांड नहीं होता| DOES SOUND TRAVEL FASTER IN SPACE| CAN YOU HEAR SOUND IN SPACE | Research Tv India


What am I doing in LA| Desi Girl in LA | Vlog 3 | Sejal Kumar

Episode Title: What am I doing in LA| Desi Girl in LA | Vlog 3 | Sejal Kumar Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Hey guys, this is Vlog 3 of me in LA! In this one I show what I am doing in LA on a daily basis as well as visiting places like LACMA, Griffith Observatory and more! Stay tuned for more of my LA Vlogs Other Vlogs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YO7raq29NKg&list=PL-1BrqtS1OmvfQ5o-xid-mOdnl3HaooZB My newest song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5m9GhZy8yw&list=PL-1BrqtS1OmuqKX2BzGvmGYBF1hZEs_5Y Click here to view video on YouTube.

दुनिया के शक्तिशाली टेलीस्कोप ने भेजी पहली तस्वीर (James Webb Space Telescope) The Knowledge

Episode Title: दुनिया के शक्तिशाली टेलीस्कोप ने भेजी पहली तस्वीर (James Webb Space Telescope) The Knowledge Produced by: The Knowledge Description: #JamesWebb, #info, #Hindi, #James, #Webb, #Space, #Telescope, #Science, #Universe, #Knowledge Click here to view video on YouTube.

City of Stars Cover Sejal Kumar filmed in LA❤️

Episode Title: City of Stars Cover Sejal Kumar filmed in LA❤️ Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

Amazon की सफलता - पहले और बाद - How Amazon Company Grew - Before and After Comparision - TEF Ep 178

Episode Title: Amazon की सफलता - पहले और बाद - How Amazon Company Grew - Before and After Comparision - TEF Ep 178 Produced by: FactTechz Description: Get free Apple stock- https://indmoney.onelink.me/RmHC/y0wq832n This video is sponsored by INDmoney Application. Download INDmoney app from the above link, set up your US stocks account & get free shares of Apple worth ₹750 or download the app from the Playstore/Appstore, use the code FTAPPLE while signing up. INDmoney helps you invest in US Stocks from India with a completely hassle free experience. Zero Commission in buying & selling US Stocks, Zero charges to load US Dollars in your US Stock Account, Best FX conversion rate and the freedom to buy fractional shares. T&C Apply Video Description: What exactly is hawthorne effect? What is RoboTaxi? Which is the largest 3d road artwork in the world? How did Amazon grew? Let us explore some amazing random facts in this episode 178 of TEF (Top Enigmatic Facts). Follow Us On: ...

my 17th bithday vlog🎂: a day with my friends👯‍♀️, mrt vlog, birthday surprise🎁 | Indonesia

Episode Title: my 17th bithday vlog🎂: a day with my friends👯‍♀️, mrt vlog, birthday surprise🎁 | Indonesia Produced by: Safana Najla Description: HALOO GUYSS!!! this video was taken in April 21st 2022, hari ulang tahun aku yang ke 17🥳 thank youu so much for all of my friends in this video, shabira, ghaida, duhitra, thank you for the surprise and brightening my birthday💞, and thank you so much jugaa untuk semua subscriber akuu yang lama ataupun yang baruu🙆🏻‍♀️💖 LOVE YOUU GUYS SOOO MUCHHH racun shopee: ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://mycollection.shop/safanaa Social Media & Business: - instagram: @safanajlaaa (https://www.instagram.com/safanajlaaa/) - tiktok: @aprasrsca (unboxing account) www.tiktok.com/@aprasrsca - email: safanajla95@gmail.com 。.☆.* what i use .✫*゚ camera: iphone X editing: final cut pro x thumbnail: inshot, phonto, pictsart music: Guillaume Muschalle, Makzo - Blossom https://chll.to/8f07ccaa Ben Bada Boom - Frisky Feeling https://chll.to/14384526 Mdjsty - Lavender https:...