
मार्च, 2023 की पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

Pakkka Fail Test 😃 | Video 2 | 12 Tricky Riddle Questions | FactTechz

Episode Title: Pakkka Fail Test 😃 | Video 2 | 12 Tricky Riddle Questions | FactTechz Produced by: FactTechz Description: Here is the episode 2 of the FactTechz Riddle Question Series! Can you find the right answer? Follow FactTechz On: Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz Click here to view video on YouTube.

KUKA Robot Pick and Place | Robot Frames | 3DOF Robot

Episode Title: KUKA Robot Pick and Place | Robot Frames | 3DOF Robot Produced by: TechTube Info Description: Here in this short video you can see the pick and place process performed by 6DOF KUKA robot. Further you will see all types of frames used in robotics to locate the end effector at desired location. #robot #kukarobotics #techtubeinfo Video Credit to: http://www.roboanalyzer.com/ https://www.youtube.com/@akshayasimha Music Credit to: The Whole Other Picture Credit to: https://www.kuka.com/ Follow us on || Facebook || https://www.facebook.com/techtubeinfo/ || Instagram || https://www.instagram.com/techtubeinfo/ || Like 👍|| || Subscribe📲 || || Share🚀 || Have a wonderful day 🙂🙂🙂 Click here to view video on YouTube.

Chengiz Teaser (Hindi) • Reaction

#Chengiz #thePJ #PJExplained My social Media Handel's: 👨🏼‍🎨Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pjexplained/ 💕FaceBook: https://www.fb.me/pjexplained 🙋🏼‍♂‍Twitter: https://twitter.com/pjexplained/ The thePJ is a web channel intended to promote cinema through films review, interviews, discussions, video essays and analytical compilations. It is intended primarily for the purpose of encouraging informed discussions, criticism and review of cinema and towards such purpose the programs use short extracts of cinematograph films, sounds recording and photographic works. These clips and extracts are of a minimal nature and the use is not intended to interfere in any manner with their commercial exploitation of the compete work by the owners of the copyright. The use of works are in compliance with the fair dealing exception provided under Sec. 52 of the Copyright Act, and we asset our use of the works under the exception provided for criticism and review. अधिक जानकारी के लिए य...

7 Sacchi Ghatnaye Jo Sone Nahi Deti - Enigmatic Horror Story Series - Episode 1 - हिंदी वीडियो

Episode Title: 7 Sacchi Ghatnaye Jo Sone Nahi Deti - Enigmatic Horror Story Series - Episode 1 - हिंदी वीडियो Produced by: FactTechz Description: Listen to some horror stories and tales in this episode. Follow FactTechz On: Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz Click here to view video on YouTube.

Aishwarya Rai Inspired look for Lakme Fashion Week!

Episode Title: Aishwarya Rai Inspired look for Lakme Fashion Week! Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

My Blue Outfit for Lakme Fashion Week!

Episode Title: My Blue Outfit for Lakme Fashion Week! Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

"सिंदूर" को इंग्लिश में क्या कहते है? | Maha Episode FactTechz - Interesting Questions & Much More

Episode Title: "सिंदूर" को इंग्लिश में क्या कहते है? | Maha Episode FactTechz - Interesting Questions & Much More Produced by: FactTechz Description: Fuel your hunger for tech innovation with SCALER - where learning is not just a dream. Take the hunger test now: https://www.scaler.com/?utm_source=brandedcontent&utm_medium=FactTechzMar23Brandlaunch&utm_campaign=brand_scaler_academy_brandedcontent_FactTechzMar23Brandlaunch_branded-content-video-campaign-FactTechzMar23Brandlaunch-15Mar2023_india_all&utm_content=YT-description #SCALER #WhereTheHungryLearn This video is sponsored by Scaler Video Description: What sindoor is called in english? What are supersonic aircrafts? How does algorithm works in an online recommendation system? Why does music feel good to us? Let us discuss some random interesting topics in our random series. This is the episode 271 of TEF series. Follow FactTechz On: Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Twitter: https://twitter.com/...


  घंटा यहाँ है। समय अच्छा है अपने आप को निगमों से और अधिक स्वतंत्र बनाने के लिए, हम अभी से अपने मंच का अधिक उपयोग करेंगे। ऐसा करने के लिए, हम क्यूरेट करते हैं कि वहां क्या दर्ज किया जाना है। हम अभी तक नहीं जानते हैं, लेकिन अंततः यह मंच यहां इतिहास बन जाएगा। साथ ही, क्योंकि निगम इससे बहुत कम कमाते हैं और यह उनके लिए एक बोझ है। तब तक, किसी न किसी तरह चलते रहें। लेकिन अगर आप सीधे एस्ट्रोकोहोर्स क्लब की गतिविधियों का हिस्सा बनना चाहते हैं, तो आप यहां आ सकते हैं और हमारे मुख्यालय का निरीक्षण कर सकते हैं, जिसे इस दौरान पुनर्निर्मित किया गया है। यहाँ से हम भविष्य में विज्ञान, संस्कृति और समाज पर एक नज़र डालेंगे। हम उन लोगों को उनके स्थान पर रखने का प्रयास जारी रखेंगे जो इतिहास (और संस्कृति) को एक अंधेरे अतीत में वापस ले जाना चाहते हैं। तो, यह शुरू करने के लिए एक अच्छी जगह है: https://astrocohors.club/?p=9649 हमारे नए डिज़ाइन किए गए प्लेटफ़ॉर्म पर एक नज़र डालें और क्लब का हिस्सा बनें! आइए देखें कि हमें और क्या इंतजार है!

Ultimate Arm-wrestling Championships 2023

Episode Title: Ultimate Arm-wrestling Championships 2023 Produced by: cheokboardstudios Description: Welcome to the Ultimate Arm Wresting Competition organised by the Singapore Arm-wrestling Federation! Click here to view video on YouTube.


由。。。生产: 联合国 此频道提供的视频内容包括时事新闻、和平与安全、社会和经济发展、人权、气候变化等广泛的全球性话题。 本集标题: 联合国为土耳其发出十亿美元募捐呼吁 本集内容: 2月16日,联合国为上周遭遇百年一遇强震的土耳其发起10亿美元的募捐呼吁,旨在帮助520万受灾民众。 根据土政府的最新数据,该国有超过900万人直接受到这场罕见灾难的影响,已有大约3.5万人不幸遇难。此次地震发生在隆冬,这就导致数十万人在严寒中无法获得住所、食物、水、取暖设备以及医疗服务,其中包括幼儿和老年人。大约4.7万座建筑被摧毁或损坏,涉及学校、医院和其他基本服务场所。 在这样的情况下,成千上万的人正在土耳其各地的临时避难所寻求庇护。许多家庭因此离散,数百名儿童现在沦为孤儿,或无法与父母团聚。 在2月6日发生毁灭性的地震之后,联合国及其合作伙伴一直在争分夺秒,向有需要的灾民提供热餐、食品、帐篷、保暖冬衣、毯子、床垫和厨房用品,并向灾区运送医疗物资,派遣医护人员。 秘书长古特雷斯当天发表声明,敦促国际社会加紧努力,为救灾工作提供充足的资金。他表示,土耳其是世界上收容难民人数最多的国家,多年来一直向其领国叙利亚展现出极大的慷慨。现在是世界支持土耳其人民的时候了,就像他们一直对寻求帮助的人施以援手一样。 单击此处在YouTube上观看视频以及更多信息。

सौर मंडल में यहां पनप रहा है जीवन| Life on Titan| Lakes of Titan| titan documentary| Saturn's Moon | Research Tv India

Episode Title: सौर मंडल में यहां पनप रहा है जीवन| Life on Titan| Lakes of Titan| titan documentary| Saturn's Moon Produced by: Research Tv India Description: सौर मंडल में यहां पनप रहा है जीवन| Life on Titan| Lakes of Titan| titan documentary| Saturn's Moon| Research Tv India #researchtvindia #titan #titandocumentary #titanmoon #space #saturnmoon Click here to view video on YouTube.

Get Ready With Me! Under25 Summit in Bangalore!

Episode Title: Get Ready With Me! Under25 Summit in Bangalore! Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

ये चीज़ ख़ुद एक ब्रह्मांड के बराबर है..! You Must Know This About Human Brain…

Episode Title: ये चीज़ ख़ुद एक ब्रह्मांड के बराबर है..! You Must Know This About Human Brain… Produced by: The Knowledge Description: The Gosai Channel: https://youtu.be/TiISPCujMVc How to do Meditation: https://youtu.be/BOrVePqaM6U The Knowledge App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.thegosai.theknowledge&hl=en_US&gl=US Music: Roman P - Arise Lance Conrad - Cannot Be Broken Click here to view video on YouTube.


由。。。生产: 联合国 此频道提供的视频内容包括时事新闻、和平与安全、社会和经济发展、人权、气候变化等广泛的全球性话题。 本集标题: 乌克兰战争将整整一代儿童推向边缘 本集内容: 在乌克兰战争升级一周年到来之际,联合国儿童基金会警告称,整整一代儿童经历了12个月的暴力、恐惧、损失和悲剧,冲突对儿童生活的方方面面都产生了影响。 这是一场经济危机,大量家庭报告收入大幅减少,生活在贫困中的儿童比例几乎翻了一番,从43%上升至82%。 战争还对儿童的精神健康和福祉产生了毁灭性的影响。约有150万儿童面临抑郁、焦虑、创伤后应激障碍和其他精神健康问题的风险,可能产生长期影响和后果。 儿童和家庭获得基本服务的机会也遭到破坏。据报告,800多个卫生设施被炮击和空袭破坏或摧毁,造成包括儿童在内的患者和医务人员死亡和严重受伤,并限制了人们获得护理的机会。 与此同时,战争迫使500多万儿童中断教育,也剥夺了儿童在课堂上获得的归属感、安全感、正常感和希望。 自2022年2月24日以来,在国际社会的支持下,儿基会向180万儿童提供了学习用品,让250多万儿童接受正规和非正规教育,为460万儿童和照料者提供了精神健康和社会心理支持,为72.5万妇女和儿童提供了性别暴力应对服务,为560万人提供了安全饮用水,为540万人提供了卫生保健服务,并向乌克兰境内和难民收容国境内的27.7万户家庭提供了多用途现金援助。 2022年12月,儿基会发起年度人道主义行动呼吁。儿基会需要11亿美元来解决乌克兰境内外940万人的当前和长期需求,其中包括400万儿童,他们仍然深受乌克兰战争的影响。 单击此处在YouTube上观看视频以及更多信息。

A mysterious object is being dragged into the supermassive black hole at the Milky Ways center | Research Tv India

Episode Title: A mysterious object is being dragged into the supermassive black hole at the Milky Ways center Produced by: Research Tv India Description: सिर्फ 2036 तक दिखेगी ये घटना| A mysterious object is being dragged into the supermassive black hole at the Milky Ways center| Research Tv India #researchtvindia #blackhole #universe #space #spacevideos #x7cloud #mysteriousobject #milkyway #galaxy #sagittariusA Click here to view video on YouTube.


Episode Title: HOLI HAI! Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

BHOLAA Trailer • Reaction

#Bholaa #thePJ #PJExplained My social Media Handel's: 👨🏼‍🎨Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pjexplained/ 💕FaceBook: https://www.fb.me/pjexplained 🙋🏼‍♂‍Twitter: https://twitter.com/pjexplained/ The thePJ is a web channel intended to promote cinema through films review, interviews, discussions, video essays and analytical compilations. It is intended primarily for the purpose of encouraging informed discussions, criticism and review of cinema and towards such purpose the programs use short extracts of cinematograph films, sounds recording and photographic works. These clips and extracts are of a minimal nature and the use is not intended to interfere in any manner with their commercial exploitation of the compete work by the owners of the copyright. The use of works are in compliance with the fair dealing exception provided under Sec. 52 of the Copyright Act, and we asset our use of the works under the exception provided for criticism and review. अधिक जानकारी के लिए या...

KABZAA Trailer • Reaction

#KABZAA #thePJ #PJExplained My social Media Handel's: 👨🏼‍🎨Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pjexplained/ 💕FaceBook: https://www.fb.me/pjexplained 🙋🏼‍♂‍Twitter: https://twitter.com/pjexplained/ The thePJ is a web channel intended to promote cinema through films review, interviews, discussions, video essays and analytical compilations. It is intended primarily for the purpose of encouraging informed discussions, criticism and review of cinema and towards such purpose the programs use short extracts of cinematograph films, sounds recording and photographic works. These clips and extracts are of a minimal nature and the use is not intended to interfere in any manner with their commercial exploitation of the compete work by the owners of the copyright. The use of works are in compliance with the fair dealing exception provided under Sec. 52 of the Copyright Act, and we asset our use of the works under the exception provided for criticism and review. अधिक जानकारी के लिए या...

Craftiest Escape Artists Risk Their LIVES For Got Talent

Episode Title: Craftiest Escape Artists Risk Their LIVES For Got Talent Produced by: Asia's Got Talent Description: Escape tricks almost as difficult as getting out of your social obligations. These daredevils escape knives, flaming ropes, sub-zero water and coffin death drops! Demian Aditya - WGT: 00:00-06:34 Cosentino - VGT S4: 06:35-13:38 Oge Arthemus - AGT S2: 13:39-18:02 Flaming Rope Escape - CGT S6: 18:03-21:14 Rocky Octori - IGT S3: 21:15-27:57 Click here to view video on YouTube.

Grateful always 😇

Episode Title: Grateful always 😇 Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

Soo this happened at LONDON FASHION WEEK! Sejal Vlogs | Sejal Kumar

Episode Title: Soo this happened at LONDON FASHION WEEK! Sejal Vlogs | Sejal Kumar Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Hey guys! SO I went to London fashion week! This was the first time I independently went to fashion week and this experience was great! Lots to learn, lots to see and always tons of fashion involved!! Come let me take you through fashion week! also which was your favourite outfit? My new song parchhayi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9tgjIwy3vQ Last video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5IAIGKk7OI My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sejalkumar1195/?hl=en Click here to view video on YouTube.


由。。。生产: 联合国 此频道提供的视频内容包括时事新闻、和平与安全、社会和经济发展、人权、气候变化等广泛的全球性话题。 本集标题: 安理会审议“北溪”管道爆炸事件 本集内容: 应俄罗斯要求,安理会2月21日就“北溪”天然气管道爆炸事件及其后续调查情况举行公开辩论。副秘书长迪卡洛在发言中指出,联合国已得知由瑞典、德国和丹麦各自展开的调查仍在进行中,同时也注意到近期指称相关破坏行为的最新报道。 迪卡洛重申,联合国无法核实或确认与该事件有关的任何指控。目前围绕“北溪”管道爆炸事件存在猜测,事件本身也具有敏感性,联合国因此敦促各相关方保持克制,避免做出任何可能令地区紧张局势进一步升级的无端指责。 俄罗斯常驻联合国代表涅边贾当天表示,美国普利策新闻奖获得者、资深调查记者赫什的职业经历与无可指摘的声誉让人相信他所说的就是事实。同时,俄罗斯对于丹麦、德国和瑞典展开的调查没有信任,并质疑其透明度和公正性,三国也并未向其所说的那样告知俄方调查的进展。为此,俄罗斯已准备好相关的决议草案,将寻求由联合国来主导独立的国际调查,但西方专家对客观的国际调查似乎不感兴趣。 英国、美国和法国代表则共同指出俄罗斯就“北溪”管道爆炸事件要求安理会举行会议的时机问题,他们认为俄方的真实目的是要在临近乌克兰战争爆发一周年之际转移各方注意力。美国代表还回应称,对美方牵涉这一破坏行为的指称完全是虚假的,美国与该事件完全无关。 中国常驻联合国代表张军在发言中表示,中方欢迎俄罗斯在安理会提出的决议草案,认为就“北溪”管道被破坏问题授权开展国际调查有重要意义。他还强调,对此事开展客观、公正、专业的调查,尽早公布调查结果,并追究有关责任,不仅关乎事件本身,也关乎全球跨国基础设施安全,与每个国家的利益和关切都息息相关。 丹麦、德国和瑞典三国当天联合致信安理会指出,对“北溪”管道爆炸事件的调查还未结束,三国也无法确定调查将在何时结束。https://news.un.org/zh/story/2023/02/1115402 单击此处在YouTube上观看视频以及更多信息。

Happy 😇

Episode Title: Happy 😇 Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

Pick your favourite OUTFIT? 1,2,3,4,5?

Episode Title: Pick your favourite OUTFIT? 1,2,3,4,5? Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.