
सितंबर, 2023 की पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

I’m feeling lonely #1MiniDrama(mini) Short film

Episode Title: I’m feeling lonely #1MiniDrama(mini) Short film Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Back with another #1MinDrama. Ditching the poetry this time and getting real. During my stay in New York, I had a realization of a strange yet familiar feeling. New York's hustle reminded me of my time in Mumbai – crowds and busy folks in their daily grind. Funny but I felt lonely in the middle of the chaos, even with everyone around I felt alone. But then something changed. #lost #FeelingLonely #SelfRealisation Click here to view video on YouTube.

What is Mount Everest greatest mystery? Mount Everest Height | Research Tv India

Episode Title: What is Mount Everest greatest mystery? Mount Everest Height Produced by: Research Tv India Description: What is Mount Everest greatest mystery? Mount Everest Height| Research Tv India Click here to view video on YouTube.

ARGYLLE Trailer • Reaction

#Argylle #thePJ #PJExplained My social Media Handel's: 👨🏼‍🎨Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pjexplained/ 👀 https://www.threads.net/@pjexplained 🙋🏼‍♂‍Twitter: https://twitter.com/pjexplained/ 💕FaceBook: https://www.fb.me/pjexplained The thePJ is a web channel intended to promote cinema through films review, interviews, discussions, video essays and analytical compilations. It is intended primarily for the purpose of encouraging informed discussions, criticism and review of cinema and towards such purpose the programs use short extracts of cinematograph films, sounds recording and photographic works. These clips and extracts are of a minimal nature and the use is not intended to interfere in any manner with their commercial exploitation of the compete work by the owners of the copyright. The use of works are in compliance with the fair dealing exception provided under Sec. 52 of the Copyright Act, and we asset our use of the works under the exception provided for critic...

I met Karlie Kloss @karliekloss

Episode Title: I met Karlie Kloss @karliekloss Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Recently, I had the incredible opportunity to connect with the multi-talented Karlie Kloss – a renowned model, accomplished businesswoman, and fellow content creator – during the Goalkeepers event hosted by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. I can't express enough how thankful I am for this amazing experience. Our conversation delved into the fascinating realms of content creation, effective time management, boosting confidence, and addressing personal insecurities. I must say, it was an absolute surreal moment that I'll cherish forever. Click here to view video on YouTube.

SUASANA SIANG DIATAS KAPAL KM. LABOBAR #timelapse #kapalpesiar #kapal #berlayar #travelling #viral

Episode Title: SUASANA SIANG DIATAS KAPAL KM. LABOBAR #timelapse #kapalpesiar #kapal #berlayar #travelling #viral Produced by: Kaka Anggella Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.


由。。。生产: 联合国 此频道提供的视频内容包括时事新闻、和平与安全、社会和经济发展、人权、气候变化等广泛的全球性话题。 本集标题: 联大高级别周落下帷幕 本集内容: 金秋九月,联合国大会第78届会议隆重开幕。过去一周,来自联合国193个会员国的国家元首、政府首脑和高级别代表齐聚纽约,参加一年一度的联大一般性辩论。他们利用这一难得的机会,利用联合国这一独特的多边国际舞台,阐述自己国家的外交政策,并为共同应对全球危机寻求解决方案。 在9月26日举行的彻底消除核武器国际日纪念活动上,秘书长古特雷斯强调,防止使用核武器的唯一途径是消除核武器。 单击此处在YouTube上观看视频以及更多信息。

SUASANA MALAM DIATAS KAPAL LABOBAR DEK 7 #travelling #travellers #travel #berlayar #kapalpesiar

Episode Title: SUASANA MALAM DIATAS KAPAL LABOBAR DEK 7 #travelling #travellers #travel #berlayar #kapalpesiar Produced by: Kaka Anggella Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence (The Rising of AI part-3)

Episode Title: Benefits of Artificial Intelligence (The Rising of AI part-3) Produced by: The Knowledge Description: Please visit The Knowledge App: Android : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.thegosai.theknowledge&hl=en-IN iPhone (iOS) : https://apps.apple.com/in/app/the-knowledge-by-the-gosai/id6448211968 AI के नुक़सान: https://youtu.be/45yUyEXZUIA #AI #Advantages #ArtificialIntelligence #Technology #Benefits #Education #Future #Displacement #Hindi #Accountability #Regulation #World #Tech Music - Roie Shpigler - Aluminum - Amir Marcus - Destiny - Veaceslav Draganov - The Last Hero Click here to view video on YouTube.

CARA PEGANG MIC'NYA UNIK 'MAS ANANG HERMANSYAH 😁 #lombanyanyi #ananghermansyah #viralvideo #viral

Episode Title: CARA PEGANG MIC'NYA UNIK 'MAS ANANG HERMANSYAH 😁 #lombanyanyi #ananghermansyah #viralvideo #viral Produced by: Kaka Anggella Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.


由。。。生产: 联合国 此频道提供的视频内容包括时事新闻、和平与安全、社会和经济发展、人权、气候变化等广泛的全球性话题。 本集标题: 乌克兰总统泽连斯基抵达纽约联合国总部 本集内容: 联合国大会第78届会议一般性辩论正在进行中。在世界面临多重危机的关键时刻,来自联合国193个会员国的国家元首、政府首脑和高级别代表齐聚纽约,利用联合国这一独特的多边国际舞台,阐述自己国家的外交政策,并为共同应对全球危机寻求解决方案。 请在联合国网络电视(UN Web TV)观看中文版视频 : https://media.un.org/zh/webtv 联合国大会一般性辩论网站: https://gadebate.un.org/zh ---------------------------------------- مشاهدة هذا الفيديو باللغة العربية على موقع البث الشبكي للأمم المتحدة Regardez cette vidéo en français sur UN Web TV Vean este video en español en UN Web TV Смотрите это видео на русском на UN Web TV https://webtv.un.org #UNGA #UnitedNations 单击此处在YouTube上观看视频以及更多信息。

ENDINGNYA TERCORLA-CORLA #bundacorla #corla_2 #corla #viral #viralvideo #viralshorts #nocomment

Episode Title: ENDINGNYA TERCORLA-CORLA #bundacorla #corla_2 #corla #viral #viralvideo #viralshorts #nocomment Produced by: Kaka Anggella Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.


由。。。生产: 联合国 此频道提供的视频内容包括时事新闻、和平与安全、社会和经济发展、人权、气候变化等广泛的全球性话题。 本集标题: 今日联合国·9月19日 本集内容: 联合国大会第78届会议一般性辩论9月19日拉开帷幕。来自美国、乌克兰、日本、伊朗等国的领导人就和平、气候正义、人权和其他全球挑战向世界发表讲话。 秘书长古特雷斯说:“让我们下定决心弥合分歧,缔造和平;决心维护每个人的尊严和价值;决心实现可持续发展目标,切实做到不让一个人掉队;决心重塑多边主义以适应21世纪的要求,为了共同利益而走到一起。” 请在联合国网络电视(UN Web TV)观看中文版视频 : https://media.un.org/zh/webtv 联合国大会一般性辩论网站: https://gadebate.un.org/zh ---------------------------------------- مشاهدة هذا الفيديو باللغة العربية على موقع البث الشبكي للأمم المتحدة Regardez cette vidéo en français sur UN Web TV Vean este video en español en UN Web TV Смотрите это видео на русском на UN Web TV https://webtv.un.org #UNGA #UnitedNations 单击此处在YouTube上观看视频以及更多信息。

安东尼奥·古特雷斯 (联合国秘书长) - 联合国大会第78届会议一般性辩论

由。。。生产: 联合国 此频道提供的视频内容包括时事新闻、和平与安全、社会和经济发展、人权、气候变化等广泛的全球性话题。 本集标题: 安东尼奥·古特雷斯 (联合国秘书长) - 联合国大会第78届会议一般性辩论 本集内容: 联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯先生阁下在联合国大会第78届会议一般性辩论 (2023年9月19日至23日和9月26日于美国纽约) 上发表讲话。 请在联合国网络电视(UN Web TV)观看中文版视频 : https://media.un.org/zh/webtv 联合国大会一般性辩论网站: https://gadebate.un.org/zh ---------------------------------------- مشاهدة هذا الفيديو باللغة العربية على موقع البث الشبكي للأمم المتحدة Regardez cette vidéo en français sur UN Web TV Vean este video en español en UN Web TV Смотрите это видео на русском на UN Web TV https://webtv.un.org #UNGA #UnitedNations 单击此处在YouTube上观看视频以及更多信息。

丹尼斯·弗朗西斯 (联合国大会第78届会议主席) 开幕致辞 - 联合国大会第78届会议一般性辩论

由。。。生产: 联合国 此频道提供的视频内容包括时事新闻、和平与安全、社会和经济发展、人权、气候变化等广泛的全球性话题。 本集标题: 丹尼斯·弗朗西斯 (联合国大会第78届会议主席) 开幕致辞 - 联合国大会第78届会议一般性辩论 本集内容: 联合国大会第78届会议主席克勒希·乔鲍先生阁下在联合国大会第78届会议一般性辩论 (2023年9月19日至23日和9月26日于美国纽约) 开幕式上发表讲话。 请在联合国网络电视(UN Web TV)观看中文版视频 : https://media.un.org/zh/webtv 联合国大会一般性辩论网站: https://gadebate.un.org/zh ---------------------------------------- مشاهدة هذا الفيديو باللغة العربية على موقع البث الشبكي للأمم المتحدة Regardez cette vidéo en français sur UN Web TV Vean este video en español en UN Web TV Смотрите это видео на русском на UN Web TV https://webtv.un.org #UNGA #UnitedNations 单击此处在YouTube上观看视频以及更多信息。

दुबई में बनेगा हवा में तैरने वाला शहर| The Floating Ring City of Dubai| Downtown Circle Dubai | Research Tv India

Episode Title: दुबई में बनेगा हवा में तैरने वाला शहर| The Floating Ring City of Dubai| Downtown Circle Dubai Produced by: Research Tv India Description: दुबई में बनेगा हवा में तैरने वाला शहर| The Floating Ring City of Dubai| Downtown Circle Dubai| Research Tv India Click here to view video on YouTube.

LAGI MANCING DIGANGGUIN BABY HIU #mancing #mancingmania #hiu #hidupdidesa #viral #viralshorts #video

Episode Title: LAGI MANCING DIGANGGUIN BABY HIU #mancing #mancingmania #hiu #hidupdidesa #viral #viralshorts #video Produced by: Kaka Anggella Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.


由。。。生产: 联合国 此频道提供的视频内容包括时事新闻、和平与安全、社会和经济发展、人权、气候变化等广泛的全球性话题。 本集标题: 古特雷斯会见韩正 本集内容: 秘书长古特雷斯9月18日在纽约联合国总部会见了到访的中国国家副主席韩正。古特雷斯就中国为联合国所作的贡献和开展的活动表示感谢。 双方讨论了加快气候行动以及落实可持续发展目标的必要性。秘书长表示愿意在和平与安全、发展和人权等联合国所有支柱领域加强与中国的合作。 单击此处在YouTube上观看视频以及更多信息。


由。。。生产: 联合国 此频道提供的视频内容包括时事新闻、和平与安全、社会和经济发展、人权、气候变化等广泛的全球性话题。 本集标题: 今日联合国·9月18日 本集内容: 联合国一年中最繁忙的一周拉开了序幕,各国领导人重申对更美好未来蓝图的承诺。 联合国大会通过了一项政治宣言,以加快实现2015年制定的可持续发展目标。在“行程过半”之际,世界各国领导人、民间社会成员、青年、活动家和商界领袖等数千人周一齐聚纽约联合国总部,承诺将目标变为现实。 联大第78届会议主席弗朗西斯在可持续发展目标峰会开幕式上表示:"全世界都在注视着我们。” 单击此处在YouTube上观看视频以及更多信息。

AI (Artificial Intelligence) आपके साथ ये करती है…। The Rising of AI part-2

Episode Title: AI (Artificial Intelligence) आपके साथ ये करती है…। The Rising of AI part-2 Produced by: The Knowledge Description: Please visit The Knowledge App: Android : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.thegosai.theknowledge&hl=en-IN iPhone (iOS) : https://apps.apple.com/in/app/the-knowledge-by-the-gosai/id6448211968 #AI #Advantages #ArtificialIntelligence #Automation #Technology #Benefits#Education #Future #Concerns #Challenges #Bias #Job #Displacement #Security #Hindi #Accountability #Regulations #Warfare #World #Tech Music - Ian Post - Futuristic War - Veaceslav Draganov - The Last Hero - Roman P - Arise Click here to view video on YouTube.

安东尼奥·古特雷斯(联合国秘书长) 2023年国际和平日致辞

由。。。生产: 联合国 此频道提供的视频内容包括时事新闻、和平与安全、社会和经济发展、人权、气候变化等广泛的全球性话题。 本集标题: 安东尼奥·古特雷斯(联合国秘书长) 2023年国际和平日致辞 本集内容: 在我们纪念今年的国际和平日之际,人类和我们的地球正处于危机之中: 迫使数量空前的人离开家园的各种冲突; 致命的火灾、肆虐的洪水和飙升的气温; 贫困、不平等和不公正; 不信任、分裂和偏见。 今年的主题提醒我们,和平不是自动实现的。 和平是行动的结果,包括采取行动: 加快实现可持续发展目标并确保不让任何一个人掉队; 结束对我们的地球及其自然馈赠的战争; 维护和保护每个人的人权和尊严——特别是在我们庆祝《世界人权宣言》75周年之际; 利用外交、对话和协作这些永不过时的工具平息紧张局势并结束冲突; 帮助数百万生活在战争恐怖中的人们。 和平不仅是人类的崇高理想。 和平是对行动的呼吁。 让我们致力于为所有人建设、推动和维持和平。 单击此处在YouTube上观看视频以及更多信息。

Mexico Alien Body Ka ASLI SACH - Is it Real or Hoax? FactTechz

Episode Title: Mexico Alien Body Ka ASLI SACH - Is it Real or Hoax? FactTechz Produced by: FactTechz Description: Let us explore the recent story of mexico alien body. Follow FactTechz On: Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz Click here to view video on YouTube.

JUAL ES DUATAS PERAHU #jalanjalan #jualanonline #takeaway #mukbang #hidupdidesa #perahu #mukbang

Episode Title: JUAL ES DUATAS PERAHU #jalanjalan #jualanonline #takeaway #mukbang #hidupdidesa #perahu #mukbang Produced by: Kaka Anggella Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

भारत का समुद्रयान मिशन क्या है| What Is Samudrayaan Mission? Bharat Ka Samudrayaan mission Kya hai | Research Tv India

Episode Title: भारत का समुद्रयान मिशन क्या है| What Is Samudrayaan Mission? Bharat Ka Samudrayaan mission Kya hai Produced by: Research Tv India Description: भारत का समुद्रयान मिशन क्या है| What Is Samudrayaan Mission? Samudrayaan mission Explained| Research Tv India #matsya6000 #researchtvindia #samudrayaanmission Click here to view video on YouTube.

चांद पे है रहस्यमयी 96 बैग - क्या है उनमें? 13 Random Facts - TEF - Top Enigmatic Facts - Ep 292

Episode Title: चांद पे है रहस्यमयी 96 बैग - क्या है उनमें? 13 Random Facts - TEF - Top Enigmatic Facts - Ep 292 Produced by: FactTechz Description: What's inside 96 bags of moon left by apollo astronauts? What does research says about studying in greenery? What exactly is a snakers salad? Let us explore various random facts like these, in the episode 292 of TEF (Top Enigmatic Facts) series. Follow FactTechz On: Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz Click here to view video on YouTube.


由。。。生产: 联合国 此频道提供的视频内容包括时事新闻、和平与安全、社会和经济发展、人权、气候变化等广泛的全球性话题。 本集标题: 各国领导人齐聚联合国,共同把握世界脉搏 本集内容: 金秋九月,联合国大会第78届会议高级别周即将拉开帷幕。在世界面临多重危机的关键时刻,来自联合国193个会员国的国家元首、政府首脑和高级别代表将齐聚纽约,参加一年一度的联大一般性辩论。他们将利用这一难得的机会,利用联合国这一独特的多边国际舞台,阐述自己国家的外交政策,并为共同应对全球危机寻求解决方案。 本届会议将以“重建信任,重振团结:加紧行动,落实《2030年议程》及其可持续发展目标,为所有人推进和平、繁荣、进步和可持续性”为主题。可持续发展目标峰会、气候雄心峰会、发展筹资问题高级别对话、未来峰会部长级筹备会议等一系列高级别活动以及三场和全球公共卫生有关的高级别会议将于高级别周举行。 单击此处在YouTube上观看视频以及更多信息。

What are your Goals? #1MinDrama mini short film

Episode Title: What are your Goals? #1MinDrama mini short film Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Hii everyone! This week we brought to you yet another quirky little #1MinDrama This time we attempted to draw parallels between the personal goals and the Global goals. I’m joining the Gates Foundation for their Goalkeeper’s event, this September - where we’ll be discussing 17 Global Goals, from ending poverty to fighting gender inequality, so that we can imagine a better world by 2030. Come join me in being a small part of this big movement. And stay tuned, I’ll be posting more about the event in the upcoming week. #Goalkeepers2030 #GoalkeepersPartner @gatesfoundation @BMGFIndia @theglobalgoals Click here to view video on YouTube.

Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom Trailer • Reaction

#AquamanAndTheLostKingdom #thePJ #PJExplained My social Media Handel's: 👨🏼‍🎨Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pjexplained/ 👀 https://www.threads.net/@pjexplained 🙋🏼‍♂‍Twitter: https://twitter.com/pjexplained/ 💕FaceBook: https://www.fb.me/pjexplained The thePJ is a web channel intended to promote cinema through films review, interviews, discussions, video essays and analytical compilations. It is intended primarily for the purpose of encouraging informed discussions, criticism and review of cinema and towards such purpose the programs use short extracts of cinematograph films, sounds recording and photographic works. These clips and extracts are of a minimal nature and the use is not intended to interfere in any manner with their commercial exploitation of the compete work by the owners of the copyright. The use of works are in compliance with the fair dealing exception provided under Sec. 52 of the Copyright Act, and we asset our use of the works under the exception pr...

The Vaccine War Trailer • Reaction

#TheVaccineWar #thePJ #PJExplained My social Media Handel's: 👨🏼‍🎨Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pjexplained/ 👀 https://www.threads.net/@pjexplained 🙋🏼‍♂‍Twitter: https://twitter.com/pjexplained/ 💕FaceBook: https://www.fb.me/pjexplained The thePJ is a web channel intended to promote cinema through films review, interviews, discussions, video essays and analytical compilations. It is intended primarily for the purpose of encouraging informed discussions, criticism and review of cinema and towards such purpose the programs use short extracts of cinematograph films, sounds recording and photographic works. These clips and extracts are of a minimal nature and the use is not intended to interfere in any manner with their commercial exploitation of the compete work by the owners of the copyright. The use of works are in compliance with the fair dealing exception provided under Sec. 52 of the Copyright Act, and we asset our use of the works under the exception provided for ...


由。。。生产: 联合国 此频道提供的视频内容包括时事新闻、和平与安全、社会和经济发展、人权、气候变化等广泛的全球性话题。 本集标题: 阿富汗境内及周边地区的“冰毒”贩运迅速扩张 本集内容: 联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室最新发布的报告显示,阿富汗及周边地区的甲基苯丙胺(俗称“冰毒”)贩运活动正在迅速增长,缉获量从2017年的2.5吨激增至2021年的29.7吨,增幅近12倍。在欧盟、近东和中东、东南亚和东非等地都缉获了疑似来自阿富汗的甲基苯丙胺。 甲基苯丙胺是一种强效且极易上瘾的兴奋剂,会影响中枢神经系统,并可能导致心跳加快或心律不齐。 报告显示,在塔利班2022年4月颁布毒品禁令之后,海洛因的贩运量有所下降,但是甲基苯丙胺的贩运量却不断飙升。这表明甲基苯丙胺的制造规模迅速扩大,长期以来由阿富汗鸦片制剂主导的非法毒品市场格局可能正在改变,国际社会必须立即予以关注。 单击此处在YouTube上观看视频以及更多信息。

AI is awaken…

Episode Title: AI is awaken… Produced by: The Knowledge Description: Please visit The Knowledge App: Android : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.thegosai.theknowledge&hl=en-IN iPhone (iOS) : https://apps.apple.com/in/app/the-knowledge-by-the-gosai/id6448211968 Artificial Intelligence AI Technology Machine Learning Deep Learning Neural Networks AI Applications AI in Industry AI Trends Natural Language Processing Computer Vision Robotics Data Science AI Ethics AI Algorithms Future of AI Click here to view video on YouTube.


由。。。生产: 联合国 此频道提供的视频内容包括时事新闻、和平与安全、社会和经济发展、人权、气候变化等广泛的全球性话题。 本集标题: 古特雷斯:不要让联合国成为替罪羊 本集内容: 联合国秘书长古特雷斯9月8日抵达印度新德里,将出席于周末举行的二十国集团领导人峰会。他在会前举行的记者会上向与会的领导人们发出“简单但紧迫的呼吁”:齐心协力解决人类面临的最大挑战。 古特雷斯表示,世界正处于一个艰难的转型时刻,贫困、饥饿和不平等现象日益加剧,但全球明显缺乏团结。二十国集团领导人必须在气候行动和可持续发展这两个优先领域展现领导力。 在随后的问答环节,古特雷斯在回答有关“联合国无力应对乌克兰战争”的问题时表示,把会员国的所作所为归咎于联合国很容易。但入侵乌克兰的不是联合国。不是联合国为这场冲突创造了条件。所以,我们要明确一点:会员国的责任必须由会员国承担。不要让联合国成为会员国失败或消极行动的替罪羊。 古特雷斯同时表示,他对近期内达成和平解决方案不抱太大希望。他认为俄乌双方仍然决定继续这场冲突。 在被记者问及有关安理会扩大和印度的角色的问题时,古特雷斯表示,印度是当今世界上人口最多的国家,也是世界多边体系中一个非常重要的伙伴。“但是,谁将进入安理会不是由我来决定的,而是由会员国决定的。我只能说,我认为我们需要改革安理会,以反映当今世界的现实。” 单击此处在YouTube上观看视频以及更多信息。

समुद्र के नीचे क्या है?What is deep below the ocean| How deep is the ocean|Samudra ke neeche kya hai | Research Tv India

Episode Title: समुद्र के नीचे क्या है?What is deep below the ocean| How deep is the ocean|Samudra ke neeche kya hai Produced by: Research Tv India Description: समुद्र के नीचे क्या है? What is deep below the ocean| How deep is the ocean|Deep sea|Mariana Trench| Research Tv India| Samudra ke neeche kya hai #deepsea #marianatrench #researchtvindia @ResearchTvIndia #jawan How deep is the ocean?Deepest Part of the Ocean|Mariana Trench #deepsea #underthesea #researchtvindia #oceansdeepestplaces #marianatrench #challengerdeep Click here to view video on YouTube.

Get Ready with Me!

Episode Title: Get Ready with Me! Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

SORE DIKEBUN SAYUR #kebun #kebunsendiri #kebunsayur #hidupdidesa #viral #travel #bahagiaitusederhana

Episode Title: SORE DIKEBUN SAYUR #kebun #kebunsendiri #kebunsayur #hidupdidesa #viral #travel #bahagiaitusederhana Produced by: Kaka Anggella Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

HIDUP DIKAMPUNG BAHAGIA #bakarikan #ikanbakar #mukbang #makanenak #hidupdidesa #bahagia #viralvideo

Episode Title: HIDUP DIKAMPUNG BAHAGIA #bakarikan #ikanbakar #mukbang #makanenak #hidupdidesa #bahagia #viralvideo Produced by: Kaka Anggella Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

Welcome To The Jungle (Welcome 3) Announcement • Reaction

#Welcome3 #thePJ #PJExplained My social Media Handel's: 👨🏼‍🎨Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pjexplained/ 👀 https://www.threads.net/@pjexplained 🙋🏼‍♂‍Twitter: https://twitter.com/pjexplained/ 💕FaceBook: https://www.fb.me/pjexplained The thePJ is a web channel intended to promote cinema through films review, interviews, discussions, video essays and analytical compilations. It is intended primarily for the purpose of encouraging informed discussions, criticism and review of cinema and towards such purpose the programs use short extracts of cinematograph films, sounds recording and photographic works. These clips and extracts are of a minimal nature and the use is not intended to interfere in any manner with their commercial exploitation of the compete work by the owners of the copyright. The use of works are in compliance with the fair dealing exception provided under Sec. 52 of the Copyright Act, and we asset our use of the works under the exception provided for criti...

मंगल का खतरनाक प्लान| NASA planning to send humans to Mars using Nuclear Energy| Space Videos | Research Tv India

Episode Title: मंगल का खतरनाक प्लान| NASA planning to send humans to Mars using Nuclear Energy| Space Videos Produced by: Research Tv India Description: मंगल का खतरनाक प्लान| NASA planning to send humans to Mars using Nuclear Energy| Space Videos| Research Tv India #mars #nuclearpower #researchtvindia #blackhole #galaxy #spacevideos Click here to view video on YouTube.

BAKAR-BAKAR IKAN MAKAN BESAR #ikanbakar #mukbang #makanenak #makanbesar #hidupdidesa #viralvideo

Episode Title: BAKAR-BAKAR IKAN MAKAN BESAR #ikanbakar #mukbang #makanenak #makanbesar #hidupdidesa #viralvideo Produced by: Kaka Anggella Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

What EXACTLY is G20? Secret No One Knows! Complete Knowledge of G20 - The Intergovernmental Forum

Episode Title: What EXACTLY is G20? Secret No One Knows! Complete Knowledge of G20 - The Intergovernmental Forum Produced by: FactTechz Description: What exactly is G 20? What happens in G 20? Why is G20 Important? Let us explore in this video. Click here to view video on YouTube.

HASIL TANGKAPAN MALAM INI #mancing #mancingmania #makan #pesisirpantai #pantai #viral #viralshorts

Episode Title: HASIL TANGKAPAN MALAM INI #mancing #mancingmania #makan #pesisirpantai #pantai #viral #viralshorts Produced by: Kaka Anggella Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

WHO are you, WHEN no one’s around ? #1MinDrama mini short film

Episode Title: WHO are you, WHEN no one’s around ? #1MinDrama mini short film Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Hey guys! Discover Your Secret Self in our latest #1MinDrama: 'Who Are You When No One's Around?' 🤫🎭 Are you louder? Messier? Do you feel like you’re in a movie? Do you look yourselves in the mirror when you cry? Are you busy finding your best version or letting out your worst side? Or you just escape to a dreamy land of thoughts? In a world of different masks, our private selves are our precious secret. Hope you enjoy it!! See you in next one. #1MinDrama #selfawareness #yourtrueself #secret #freespirited Click here to view video on YouTube.

SPOT FAVORIT #travelling #traveller #travel #gongperdamaian #gong #sulteng #palu #lifestyle #viral

Episode Title: SPOT FAVORIT #travelling #traveller #travel #gongperdamaian #gong #sulteng #palu #lifestyle #viral Produced by: Kaka Anggella Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

VIEW DARI RUMAH POHON LUAR BIASA #rumahpohon #danau #nature #natural #travelling #viralvideo #video

Episode Title: VIEW DARI RUMAH POHON LUAR BIASA #rumahpohon #danau #nature #natural #travelling #viralvideo #video Produced by: Kaka Anggella Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

Top Enigmatic Facts - TEF Ep 290

Episode Title: Top Enigmatic Facts - TEF Ep 290 Produced by: FactTechz Description: Let us explore various random facts in this episode of top enigmatic facts (TEF). This is the episode 290 of TEF (Top Engimatic Facts) series. My Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Follow FactTechz On Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz Click here to view video on YouTube.

चंद्रयान 3 ने चांद पर अब तक क्या खोजा? What did Pragyan Rover find on Moon? Chandrayaan 3 news | Research Tv India

Episode Title: चंद्रयान 3 ने चांद पर अब तक क्या खोजा? What did Pragyan Rover find on Moon? Chandrayaan 3 news Produced by: Research Tv India Description: चंद्रयान 3 ने चांद पर अब तक क्या खोजा? What did Pragyan Rover find on Moon? Chandrayaan 3 news| Research Tv India #chandrayaan3news #pragyanrover #chandrayaan3 #researchtvindia #isro_chandrayaan_3_mission_live Click here to view video on YouTube.

BAKAR HASIL TANGKAPAN DIPESISIR PANTAI #ikanbaronang #makanenak #mukbang #makanbesar #pesisirpantai

Episode Title: BAKAR HASIL TANGKAPAN DIPESISIR PANTAI #ikanbaronang #makanenak #mukbang #makanbesar #pesisirpantai Produced by: Kaka Anggella Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

GODZILLA MINUS ONE Trailer • Reaction

#GodzillaMinusOne #thePJ #PJExplained My social Media Handel's: 👨🏼‍🎨Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pjexplained/ 👀 https://www.threads.net/@pjexplained 🙋🏼‍♂‍Twitter: https://twitter.com/pjexplained/ 💕FaceBook: https://www.fb.me/pjexplained The thePJ is a web channel intended to promote cinema through films review, interviews, discussions, video essays and analytical compilations. It is intended primarily for the purpose of encouraging informed discussions, criticism and review of cinema and towards such purpose the programs use short extracts of cinematograph films, sounds recording and photographic works. These clips and extracts are of a minimal nature and the use is not intended to interfere in any manner with their commercial exploitation of the compete work by the owners of the copyright. The use of works are in compliance with the fair dealing exception provided under Sec. 52 of the Copyright Act, and we asset our use of the works under the exception provided f...

MOBIL JEEP DALAM LAUT PUNYA JENDRAL MC.ARTHUR #travelling #underwater #jeep #mobilantik #pubg #viral

Episode Title: MOBIL JEEP DALAM LAUT PUNYA JENDRAL MC.ARTHUR #travelling #underwater #jeep #mobilantik #pubg #viral Produced by: Kaka Anggella Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

KUBURAN BELANDA HOROR? #ujinyali #hororplace #horrorshorts #videoshort #viralvideo #horrorshorts

Episode Title: KUBURAN BELANDA HOROR? #ujinyali #hororplace #horrorshorts #videoshort #viralvideo #horrorshorts Produced by: Kaka Anggella Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

ब्रह्मांड का सबसे बड़ा रहस्य डार्क यूनीवर्स| Euclid telescope begins quest to study dark universe | Research Tv India

Episode Title: ब्रह्मांड का सबसे बड़ा रहस्य डार्क यूनीवर्स| Euclid telescope begins quest to study dark universe Produced by: Research Tv India Description: ब्रह्मांड का सबसे बड़ा रहस्य डार्क यूनीवर्स| Euclid space telescope begins quest to study dark universe| Research Tv India #darkmatter #darkenergy #darkuniverse #space #researchtvindia Click here to view video on YouTube.

Aditya L1 Sun Mission - ADITYA L1 Ke Baare Me SECRETS - ISRO's Aditya L1 Mission Explained

Episode Title: Aditya L1 Sun Mission - ADITYA L1 Ke Baare Me SECRETS - ISRO's Aditya L1 Mission Explained Produced by: FactTechz Description: Let us explore the Aditya L1 mission. Follow FactTechz on: Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz See you in the next enigmatic & scientific video full of knowledge. Click here to view video on YouTube.

हमसे 8 साल आगे वाले 100 साल पीछे कैसे रह गये? (ISRO vs SUPARCO) Indian and Pakistani Space Race

Episode Title: हमसे 8 साल आगे वाले 100 साल पीछे कैसे रह गये? (ISRO vs SUPARCO) Indian and Pakistani Space Race Produced by: The Knowledge Description: #ISRO #SUPARCO #India #Pakistan #Space #Programs #Research India #Space Research #Achievements #India-Pakistan #Exploration #Race #News #Technology #Updates Click here to view video on YouTube.

BUNDA CORLA PUNYA DUIT MAKAN ENAK #mukbang #makanenak #makanbesar #bundacorla #corla #viralvideo

Episode Title: BUNDA CORLA PUNYA DUIT MAKAN ENAK #mukbang #makanenak #makanbesar #bundacorla #corla #viralvideo Produced by: Kaka Anggella Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.


由。。。生产: 联合国 此频道提供的视频内容包括时事新闻、和平与安全、社会和经济发展、人权、气候变化等广泛的全球性话题。 本集标题: 缅甸罗兴亚危机爆发六周年 本集内容: 在8月25日缅甸西部若开邦罗兴亚人开始大规模出逃六年整之际,联合国秘书长古特雷斯通过发言人发表声明,呼吁国际社会继续针对缅甸危机寻求全面、包容和持久的解决方案。 信奉伊斯兰教的罗兴亚人在缅甸长期遭受歧视和迫害。2017年8月25日,缅甸安全部队对若开邦北部的罗兴亚人发动了“清剿行动”,并导致70多万罗兴亚人在短时间内跨越边境,逃到孟加拉国避难。 据统计,目前共有100多万罗兴亚人为了逃离迫害和系统性歧视,在孟加拉国寻求国际难民保护;约60万人仍留在若开邦,继续遭受严重的权利限制和进一步暴力的威胁;另有超过10万罗兴亚人被关押在缅甸境内的封闭式流离失所营地中。 古特雷斯表示,持续不断的冲突和“摩卡”气旋造成的破坏加剧了包括罗兴亚人在内的缅甸人民所面临的脆弱性。联合国将继续支持努力创造条件,帮助罗兴亚难民自愿、安全、有尊严和可持续地返回缅甸原籍地。 秘书长呼吁所有利益攸关方加倍努力,找到全面、包容和持久的解决方案,充分解决缅甸境内系统性歧视和暴力的根源,应对日益增长的保护危机和人道主义需求,同时加强该地区为逃离迫害和暴力的难民提供保护的努力。 古特雷斯指出,联合国致力于与包括区域行为者在内的所有利益攸关方合作,帮助解决危机,为受害者寻求问责和伸张正义,以实现若开邦和缅甸全国的可持续和平。 单击此处在YouTube上观看视频以及更多信息。