Episode Title: ROMCOM WITH A TWIST Part 1 | #1MinDrama mini short film Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Hey guys, Here I present to you ‘Romcom with a twist’ I love old-school Rom-coms, So I was like why not experiment with it and add a little twist in the classics? The SINGLE - Freshly broken up girl, The BEST FRIEND, and of course the NEW GUY, It does look like a classic, but what happens next? Will Tanya’s and Cupid’s partnership be successful in making them meet and turning into a classic rom-com? I’m digging the whole retro romance vibe for our sets, clothes, props, makeup, lighting, and Cupid’s narration bit, loved them !! Stay tuned to watch what happens next. I hope you like it. See you in the next one, bye. #Shortfilm #Cinematics #Romcom #wesanderson Click here to view video on YouTube.