i was so nervous | my epic YouTube FANFEST performance | Sejal Kumar

Episode Title: i was so nervous | my epic YouTube FANFEST performance | Sejal Kumar
Produced by: Sejal Kumar
Description: Hey Guys! This year's YouTube Fanfest has got to be my most EPIC experience in life! Also, the preparation period was very very tough and probably one of the worst weeks for me! I was so nervous and bunch of other things went wrong! hope you enjoy the vlog! Thank you to: Kaushy Bharti Saptak Chatterjee Ashna Katoch Anu Sharmy Bharath Smiti my pariwar! Talk to me! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sejalkumar1... Twitter: https://twitter.com/sejalkumar1195 Facebook : www.facebook.com/TheClothingEdit Music: Epidemic Sounds (I've finally paid for a music subscription guyss!) See you soon!

Click here to view video on YouTube.


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