2 महासागर यहाँ मिलते हैं पर घुलते नहीं - Gulf of Alaska Scientifically Explained - TEF Ep 20 | FactTechz

Episode Title: 2 महासागर यहाँ मिलते हैं पर घुलते नहीं - Gulf of Alaska Scientifically Explained - TEF Ep 20
Produced by: FactTechz
Description: The Gulk of Alaska is seen as one of the wonders of nature. Two oceans meet there but do not mix! But do you know what is the science behind it? We explore the scientific cause behind the mixing of two ocean on. We also explore various random interesting facts about the world. This is the episode 20 of the top engimatic facts (TEF) series. Official Website: https://www.facttechz.com Official Android App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.music.ultimatebrainbooster&hl=en_IN Support Us On Paytm: https://p-y.tm/I99z-Ig Support Us (PayPal): https://www.paypal.me/facttechz Follow Us: https://instagram.com/facttechz https://facebook.com/facttechz https://twitter.com/facttechz

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