ट्रेन Blue (नीले) रंग का ही ज्यादातर क्यों होता है ? Why Trains are Mostly Blue in Color? TEF Ep 31 | FactTechz

Episode Title: ट्रेन Blue (नीले) रंग का ही ज्यादातर क्यों होता है ? Why Trains are Mostly Blue in Color? TEF Ep 31
Produced by: FactTechz
Description: Do you know why trains are mostly blue in color? Actually technology of the braking system is the answer. To differentiate both the technologies, blue colour is used for the new trains. This is the episode 31 of the Top Enigmatic Facts (TEF) series. Checkout our Android App (Ultimate Brain Booster): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.music.ultimatebrainbooster Support Us on Paytm: https://p-y.tm/I99z-Ig Support Us (PayPal): https://www.paypal.me/facttechz Follow Us: https://instagram.com/facttechz https://facebook.com/facttechz https://twitter.com/facttechz

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