Who's Most Likely to Challenge with Engineering Girls! Sejal Kumar, Barkha Singh, Kritika Avasthi
Episode Title: Who's Most Likely to Challenge with Engineering Girls! Sejal Kumar, Barkha Singh, Kritika Avasthi
Produced by: Sejal Kumar
Description: Hey Guys! As you all know, I was a part of a web series called Engineering Girls from The Timeliners and now since the season 2 is coming super soon! So I got Saabu aka Barkha and Maggu aka Krittika from the set again with a fun and interesting challenge of Who is most Likely to? Do let me know if you guys want me to do this more often? You can check out our previous fun Q&A here: https://youtu.be/LJxXEeJOZpw The Timeliners Engineering Girls Season 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0oZG60WD9Y&list=PLbZboRRHE3b290tws64AFUTsQgohRkBf1 Barkha's Instagram: https://bit.ly/2LTMNoL Kritika's Instagram: https://bit.ly/2HRwxSN Barkha's Channel: https://bit.ly/2LUx6xM Don't forget to LIKE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE for more videos like this! #sejalkumar #EngineeringGirls #thetimeliners #whoismostlikelyto #challenge Season 2 Coming super soon! Talk to me: Instagram: instagram.com/sejalkumar1195/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/sejalkumar1195 Facebook : www.facebook.com/TheClothingEdit Thanks for watching! ❤️
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