Mom and Me: How we are so open with each other? Relationships, Following dreams! | Sejal Kumar
Episode Title: Mom and Me: How we are so open with each other? Relationships, Following dreams! | Sejal Kumar
Produced by: Sejal Kumar
Description: Hey Guys! Here, I am again with another video of the #Mom&Me series. Like many of you guys this is the favorite series of my channel. So, as you guys know I share a very open relationship with my mother, we share everything with each other from me being in a relationship to any problem I face in my life. Moreover she is a Gynecologist, which helped me to talk to her on the so called “Taboo topics”. So, In this video we talk about “Pursuing my dreams” and the “relationship problems”. I want you guys to be honest and open to your parents as well. Let me know if you want me to cover any more topics in comments below. Comment on this video below for a shoutout in my next video: Don’t forget to check out other Mom&Me Videos: My Favorite one: Period Conversation: Contraception Myths: Questions on PCOD: And the rest of the playlist here: #Mom&Me #relationshiptalks #Sejalkumar Get my daily updates here: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook : Thanks for watching! ❤️
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