जब धरती की कोर इतनी गर्म है तो वो पिघलती क्यों नहींIf The Earth's Core Is So Hot Why Doesn't It Melt | Research Tv India

Episode Title: जब धरती की कोर इतनी गर्म है तो वो पिघलती क्यों नहींIf The Earth's Core Is So Hot Why Doesn't It Melt
Produced by: Research Tv India
Description: Research Tv India #Earthmelt #Earth #Core #Earthscore #Innercore #Earthscrust #Mantle #Researchtvindia #melt #Sun #Temperature #innercoredosenotmelt FOLLOW US ◆Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/researchtvindia/ ◆Twitter - https://twitter.com/researchtvindia ◆Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/researchtvindia/ ◆LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/researchtvindia/ ◆Youtube- http://www.youtube.com/c/ResearchTvIndia

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