दुनिया का हर जहाज यहां क्यों डूब जाता है|Unexplained Mystery The Devil's Sea, The Dragon's Triangle | Research Tv India

Episode Title: दुनिया का हर जहाज यहां क्यों डूब जाता है|Unexplained Mystery The Devil's Sea, The Dragon's Triangle
Produced by: Research Tv India
Description: Research Tv India The Devil's Sea, also known as the Dragon's Triangle and the Pacific Bermuda Triangle, is a region of the Pacific, south of Tokyo. The Devil's Sea is sometimes considered a paranormal location, though the veracity of these claims has been questioned. #TheDevilsSea #Researchtvindia #TheDragonsTriangle #Bermudatriangle #Japan #Devilsea #DarkWaters #UnexplainedMystery #MiyakeIsland

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