क्या होगा जब हम दिल्ली से जमीन में आर पार एक गड्ढा खोदें|what would happen if you dig to Delhi | Research Tv India
Episode Title: क्या होगा जब हम दिल्ली से जमीन में आर पार एक गड्ढा खोदें|what would happen if you dig to Delhi
Produced by: Research Tv India
Description: Research Tv India #DiggingtoDelhi #Hole #Deepesthole #Kolasuperdeepborehole #Researchtvindia #Tempreatureofsun #Earthslayer #Crust #Layersofearth #Diamond #mantle #Core #StructureofEarth #centreofEarth #rocket #Gravity #JourneytotheCentreoftheEarth #Chile
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