Dad Reacts to my Instagram Photos | Sejal Kumar | Father's Day

Episode Title: Dad Reacts to my Instagram Photos | Sejal Kumar | Father's Day
Produced by: Sejal Kumar
Description: Hey Guys! You guys seemed to love seeing my dad on Instagram (and he claims he’s the reason I get more views) so here’s something fun with him! It really wasn’t all that dramatic because my parents are pretty chill but I hope you guys enjoyed the video! Please stay indoors, stay safe, and take care of your physical and mental health. Times are strange but we are all also closer than ever, so reach out for help and be there for people when they need you. #SejalKumar #DadReacts My Original Song 'Aisi Hun': Shot by: Sejal Kumar Edited by: Sejal Kumar Get my daily updates here: Instagram: Tik Tok: Twitter: Facebook : See you soon! 🖤

Click here to view video on YouTube.


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