What's under the ice in antarctica|Planes never fly over Antarctica for this reason|Antarctica facts | Research Tv India
Episode Title: What's under the ice in antarctica|Planes never fly over Antarctica for this reason|Antarctica facts
Produced by: Research Tv India
Description: Research Tv India Antarctica, the southernmost continent and site of the South Pole, is a virtually uninhabited, ice-covered landmass. Most cruises to the continent visit the Antarctic Peninsula, which stretches toward South America. It’s known for the Lemaire Channel and Paradise Harbor, striking, iceberg-flanked passageways, and Port Lockroy, a former British research station turned museum. The peninsula’s isolated terrain also shelters rich wildlife, including many penguins. #Antarctica #Antarcticafacts #Antarcticamystery #mysteriousAntarctica #factsabouAntarctica #Researchtvindia #Antarcticahiddenfacts #UnderAntarctica #Antarcticatravel #Antarcticalife
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