टूट जाएगी धरती, ना चलेगा फोन,टीवी और ना ही हवाईजहाज 'Dent' in Earth's magnetic field splits in two | Research Tv India

Episode Title: टूट जाएगी धरती, ना चलेगा फोन,टीवी और ना ही हवाईजहाज 'Dent' in Earth's magnetic field splits in two
Produced by: Research Tv India
Description: Research Tv India #SouthAtlanticAnomaly #Researchtvindia #Dent #Dentinearth #Earthsmagneticfield #NASA #Anomaly #magneticfield #Sun Meet the South Atlantic Anomaly, a strange dent in Earth's magnetic field that is growing and splitting. It's been there for decades, but over time the anomaly has slowly changed. Although you'd never notice anything was wrong from the ground, for satellites, changes to the magnetic field that envelopes Earth can be a big deal — hence NASA's interest in the anomaly and its activities.

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