इस आदमी को घर में एक पत्थर मिला और ये करोड़पति बनHow a meteorite made an Indonesian man a millionaire | Research Tv India
Episode Title: इस आदमी को घर में एक पत्थर मिला और ये करोड़पति बनHow a meteorite made an Indonesian man a millionaire
Produced by: Research Tv India
Description: Research Tv India Indonesian man becomes overnight millionaire after meteorite crashes through his roof the meteorite is carbonaceous chondrite, an extremely rare variety estimated to be 4.5 billion years old and is worth around £645 per gram.coffin maker Josua Hutagalung was working outside his home in the town of Kolang when the 2.1 kilogram rock came hurtling through the tin verandah and into his living room. #Asteroid #Asteroidnews #Researchtvindia
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