Korean Products I HAVEN'T Heard Of?! (ep. 2) Unboxing/First Impressions! 나도 몰랐던 한국 뷰티/육아 제품들 2회!

Episode Title: Korean Products I HAVEN'T Heard Of?! (ep. 2) Unboxing/First Impressions! 나도 몰랐던 한국 뷰티/육아 제품들 2회!
Produced by: meejmuse
Description: 💓 For more info: http://k-brandexpo.com/main/celebrity/index.php?type=5 Korea Brand Expo in ASEAN sent me a few new products to try so here's a fun little unboxing and first impressions! So many brands and products I haven't heard of. What was the most interesting one for you? How's your year going so far? Love Jen xoxo ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ ➜ Featured Products ◦ Nai-B Inflatable Baby Feeding Cushion http://reurl.kr/7DF3154WE ◦ DURI 3.0 Built-in Baby Toilet Seat http://reurl.kr/7DF314CTC ◦ Air Pro M Wearable Air Purifier Mask http://reurl.kr/7DF3158EI ◦ Inpure by Taeyang Treatment Essence http://reurl.kr/7DF314FVH ◦ Headspa7 No Wash Shampoo http://reurl.kr/7DF3155XG ◦ Glossyblossom Gel Shine Strips http://reurl.kr/7DF314ENH ◦ Lizk R:Black Shampoo http://reurl.kr/7DF3157AD ◦ Magic Bellaborn http://reurl.kr/7DF3152LA ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ 💓 Find Me ◦ Instagram : http://instagram.com/meejmuse ◦ Facebook : http://facebook.com/meejmuse ◦ Twitter : http://twitter.com/meejmuse 💓 Grumpy Oppa & Leo ◦ Oppa's Instagram : http://instagram.com/grumpyoppa ◦ Leo's Instagram : http://instagram.com/leoromelio ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ 📩 Business Enquiries: Contact: meejmuse@gmail.com ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ This video was made in collaboration with Korean Brand Expo in Asean. All opinions and content in this video are my own, neutral & honest thoughts based on my personal experiences. Thanks for watching and, as always, for your genuine support and love for my channel!

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