Murgi Ne Diya Hara Anda, Waygyanik Bhi Hairan Ho Gaye - Green Egg Yolk Research (Kerala) - AMF Ep 97
Episode Title: Murgi Ne Diya Hara Anda, Waygyanik Bhi Hairan Ho Gaye - Green Egg Yolk Research (Kerala) - AMF Ep 97
Produced by: FactTechz
Description: This incident happened in Kerela, India, where several hens laid eggs with green-coloured yolks. Scientists and experts researched and determinted that it happened due to some unique unidentified plants that the hen ate. Let's explore this in this episode of AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) series. AMF (Amazing Micro Facts) is a mini knowledge series by Rajesh Kumar AKA FactTechz where we explore various amazing facts related to our amazing world. Know how enigmatic and astonishing our world is! This is the episode 97 of AMF. Enjoy the show! Follow FactTechz On: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook:
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