influence (Teaser) | Sejal

Episode Title: influence (Teaser) | Sejal
Produced by: Sejal Kumar
Description: it’s all about the influence Hey it’s Sejal. Long time no see! Please don’t kill me, I’ve been working on this huge project that I’ve been itching to do for so long! Music has been a huge part of my life and it’s always been a dream to release my own music, write songs and say what I feel through music and create a sound that I love! I finally have the courage to share that with you, I’ve been working on this EP for a year now and I hope you like my new songs! here’s to YOLO in life 🌸 First song from Sejal’s debut EP ‘influence’ out on 10.11.21 #Influence #Sejal Click here to subscribe - Social links - Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Spotify - Digitally Powered by One Digital Entertainment [] []

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