Admitting some shady things from the past | Shutup Sejal | Ep 6 | Sejal Kumar
Episode Title: Admitting some shady things from the past | Shutup Sejal | Ep 6 | Sejal Kumar
Produced by: Sejal Kumar
Description: I’m back with another episode of Shutup Sejal. In this episode I talk about all the shady modelling and photo shoot gigs I have taken up in the past, gigs that even my parents don’t know about! Projects I took up just because I thought they could be stepping stones. Let me know in the comments section below if you like this episode and if there are any other things you want me to make an episode about. Don’t forget to like, share and subscribe! #SejalKumar #ShutupSejal Social links - Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Spotify - Digitally Powered by One Digital Entertainment [] []
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