I was bullied in college | Shutup Sejal | Ep 2 | Sejal Kumar

Episode Title: I was bullied in college | Shutup Sejal | Ep 2 | Sejal Kumar
Produced by: Sejal Kumar
Description: I’ve experienced a lot of different emotions and situations throughout my YouTube journey that I started in college. In this episode I talk about some of those experiences where I was bullied for having a YouTube channel. Click here to subscribe - http://bit.ly/Sejal_Kumar #SejalKumar #ShutupSejal Social links - Instagram: https://instagram.com/sejalkumar1195 Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/sejalkumar1195 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheClothingEdit Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3wxUQAk Digitally Powered by One Digital Entertainment [https://www.instagram.com/onedigitalentertainment] [http://www.onedigitalentertainment.com]

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