The Fear of Irrelevance | Ft. Sakshi Sindwani | Shutup Sejal | Ep 7 | Sejal Kumar

Episode Title: The Fear of Irrelevance | Ft. Sakshi Sindwani | Shutup Sejal | Ep 7 | Sejal Kumar
Produced by: Sejal Kumar
Description: Welcome back to another episode of our podcast, Shutup Sejal. Today’s episode features one of my oldest creator friends— Sakshi Sindwani aka @stylemeupwithsakshi. In this episode we cover topics like becoming irrelevant on social media and the fear and insecurities it comes with for creators who put themselves out there. Hope you like this episode, write in the comments down below who else you want me to bring on the podcast and what you want me to talk about. Don’t forget to like, share and subscribe to my channel! #SejalKumar #ShutupSejal #SakshiSindwani Social links - Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Spotify - Digitally Powered by One Digital Entertainment [] []

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