मंगल पर इस खोज से नासा हुआ हैरान|Scientists find carbon-12 life's most crucial isotope on Mars | Research Tv India

Episode Title: मंगल पर इस खोज से नासा हुआ हैरान|Scientists find carbon-12 life's most crucial isotope on Mars
Produced by: Research Tv India
Description: @Research Tv India NASA’s Curiosity Rover Measures Intriguing Carbon Signature on Mars After analyzing powdered rock samples collected from the surface of Mars by NASA’s Curiosity rover, scientists have announced that several of the samples are rich in a type of carbon that on Earth is associated with biological processes. While the finding is intriguing, it doesn’t necessarily point to ancient life on Mars, as scientists have not yet found conclusive supporting evidence of ancient or current biology there, such as sedimentary rock formations produced by ancient bacteria, or a diversity of complex organic molecules formed by life. #Mars #Marsrover #Roveronmars #Lifeonmars #Carbon12 #Carbon #Nasa #Researchtvindia #Marsdiscovery #Marsresearch #Solarsystem #Universe #Planetmars #Marsnews #Marsrealfootage #Marsvideo

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