सौर मंडल का दसवां ग्रह| Eris: The First Dwarf Planet| The Dwarf Planet Eris| The discovery of Eris | Research Tv India
Episode Title: सौर मंडल का दसवां ग्रह| Eris: The First Dwarf Planet| The Dwarf Planet Eris| The discovery of Eris
Produced by: Research Tv India
Description: सौर मंडल का दसवां ग्रह| Eris: The First Dwarf Planet| The Dwarf Planet Eris| The discovery of Eris| Research Tv India Eris is the most massive and second-largest known dwarf planet in the Solar System. It is a trans-Neptunian object in the scattered disk and has a high-eccentricity orbit. Eris was discovered in January 2005 by a Palomar Observatory–based team led by Mike Brown and verified later that year. #researchtvindia #spacevideos #sciencenews #space #erisdwarfplanet #erisplanet #pluto #plutodwarfplanet #universe #solarsystem #kuiperbelt
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