Room 3110 (Horror Short Film)

Episode Title: Room 3110 (Horror Short Film)
Produced by: cheokboardstudios
Description: This Halloween, I wrote, produced, shot, directed and edited a horror short film all in the span of 48 hours. I think that might be the scariest thing that has happened all week... THE LITTLE TIME I HAD FOR THIS. But... the good news is... I DID IT! So, I've always been afraid of spooky things happening in hotel rooms, especially when you're alone and this film is a combination of imagination and some real life accounts I've heard from friends. If you enjoy this film, do leave a LIKE, drop a COMMENT, subscribe to US and SHARE this video with someone who's a BIG TIME SCAREDY CAT! HAPPY HALLOWEEN FOLKS! _________________________________________________________________________ Equipment: Sony a7sii Metabones Lens Adaptor Canon 50mm F1.4 Prime Sigma 14mm and 85mm Primes Zhiyun Weebil S Gimbal iPhone XR Boya Microphones Pavotube Lights _________________________________________________________________________ Check out my production company: or my new online clothing line: @oath.wear (Instagram) _________________________________________________________________________ HIT ME UP FOR COLLABS: or (For commercial/Corporate gigs)

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