
जुलाई, 2023 की पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं


Episode Title: WISATA DI PALU Produced by: Kaka Anggella Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

सौर मंडल का निमार्ण कैसे हुआ? How Did the Solar System Form? | Research Tv India

Episode Title: सौर मंडल का निमार्ण कैसे हुआ? How Did the Solar System Form? Produced by: Research Tv India Description: सौर मंडल का निमार्ण कैसे हुआ? How Did the Solar System Form? Research Tv India #researchtvindia #solarsystemformation #formation #solarsystem #earth Click here to view video on YouTube.

Wore the most Graceful Lehenga! #1MiniDrama (mini)

Episode Title: Wore the most Graceful Lehenga! #1MiniDrama (mini) Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

BREAKING: Eye Infection Pure Desh Me Fail Raha Hai - Conjunctivitis Surge After Heavy Rain

Episode Title: BREAKING: Eye Infection Pure Desh Me Fail Raha Hai - Conjunctivitis Surge After Heavy Rain Produced by: FactTechz Description: Let us discuss about the increasing cases of conjunctivitis in our country. My Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Follow FactTechz On: Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz Click here to view video on YouTube.

GONG PERDAMAIAN NUSANTARA PALU #gongperdamaian #shortvideo #reactionvideo #jalanjalan

Episode Title: GONG PERDAMAIAN NUSANTARA PALU #gongperdamaian #shortvideo #reactionvideo #jalanjalan Produced by: Kaka Anggella Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.


由。。。生产: 联合国 此频道提供的视频内容包括时事新闻、和平与安全、社会和经济发展、人权、气候变化等广泛的全球性话题。 本集标题: 2023年7月将成为有记录以来最热月份 本集内容: 世界气象组织和欧盟委员会哥白尼气候变化服务中心7月27日表示,7月的前三周是人类有气象记录以来最热的三周,整个7月很可能会成为有记录以来最炎热的七月,也是有记录以来最炎热的月份。同样令人担忧的是,海洋温度创下了有记录以来同期的最高水平。 秘书长古特雷斯就此发出警告,全球变暖的时代已经结束,全球沸腾的时代已经到来。他指出,气候变化就在眼前,这很可怕,但这仅仅才是开始。空气无法呼吸。酷热难耐。化石燃料的利润水平和气候方面的不作为是不可接受的。 秘书长同时表示,将全球气温上升限制在1.5℃以内,避免最严重的气候变化情况发生仍然是可能的。但前提是必须立即采取重大的气候行动。他呼吁二十国集团成员制定新的国家排放目标,并敦促所有国家争取在本世纪中叶实现净零排放。 他表示,所有行为者必须团结起来,加快从化石燃料向可再生能源公正且公平的过渡,同时在2040年前停止石油和天然气扩张,并逐步淘汰煤炭。 古特雷斯说,领导人必须发挥带头作用。不要再犹豫不决。别再找借口了。现在根本没有时间了。 链接:https://news.un.org/zh/story/2023/07/1120172 单击此处在YouTube上观看视频以及更多信息。

अंतरिक्षयात्री स्पेस में चाय कैसे पीते हैं? How Do Astronauts Drink Tea in Space? A zero-gravity cup | Research Tv India

Episode Title: अंतरिक्षयात्री स्पेस में चाय कैसे पीते हैं? How Do Astronauts Drink Tea in Space? A zero-gravity cup Produced by: Research Tv India Description: अंतरिक्षयात्री स्पेस में चाय कैसे पीते हैं? How Do Astronauts Drink Tea in Space? A zero-gravity cup| Research Tv India #researchtvindia #zerogravitycup #iss #space #astronaut #blackhole Click here to view video on YouTube.

CAPTAIN MILLER Teaser • Reaction

#CaptainMiller #thePJ #PJExplained My social Media Handel's: 👨🏼‍🎨Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pjexplained/ 👀 https://www.threads.net/@pjexplained 🙋🏼‍♂‍Twitter: https://twitter.com/pjexplained/ 💕FaceBook: https://www.fb.me/pjexplained The thePJ is a web channel intended to promote cinema through films review, interviews, discussions, video essays and analytical compilations. It is intended primarily for the purpose of encouraging informed discussions, criticism and review of cinema and towards such purpose the programs use short extracts of cinematograph films, sounds recording and photographic works. These clips and extracts are of a minimal nature and the use is not intended to interfere in any manner with their commercial exploitation of the compete work by the owners of the copyright. The use of works are in compliance with the fair dealing exception provided under Sec. 52 of the Copyright Act, and we asset our use of the works under the exception provided for ...


由。。。生产: 联合国 此频道提供的视频内容包括时事新闻、和平与安全、社会和经济发展、人权、气候变化等广泛的全球性话题。 本集标题: 基金组织:全球经济复苏正在放缓 本集内容: 国际货币基金组织7月25日发布《世界经济展望》更新报告显示,全球经济继续从新冠疫情和俄乌战争中逐步复苏。从近期来看,不可否认已出现了进展的迹象。但世界经济面临多重下行风险,增长依然疲弱。报告预计2023年全球经济增长3%,较此前预测上调0.2个百分点。 报告指出,经济放缓主要集中在发达经济体,其增速将从2022年的2.7%降至今年的1.5%,明年仍将保持在1.4%的低迷水平。欧元区继续受到去年战争造成的天然气价格飙升的影响,其增速料将急剧降低至0.9%。报告预计美国今年经济增速为1.8%,日本1.4%,英国0.4%,德国则降至-0.3%。 相比之下,新兴市场和发展中经济体的增长仍有望回升。其中,亚洲新兴和发展中经济体今年的增速预计为5.3%,而许多大宗商品生产国将因出口收入下降而遭受损失。报告预计2023年中国经济增速为5.2%,维持4月预测不变。 报告指出,全球增长的风险仍然偏向下行。如果出现更多冲击(包括乌克兰战争加剧和极端天气引发的冲击),通胀可能会保持高位甚至上升,从而引发货币政策的进一步收紧。随着市场随央行进一步收紧政策而做出调整,金融部门的动荡可能会再次出现。 在美国,与疫情相关的转移支付帮助家庭度过了生活成本危机和信贷环境的收紧,但目前其带来的超额储蓄已几乎耗尽。在中国,房地产行业的问题悬而未决,有迹象显示经济重新开放后的复苏失去了动力,这对全球经济产生了影响。 从上行风险看,通胀可能比预期下降得更快,从而减少实施紧缩性货币政策的需要;国内需求也可能再次显示出韧性。 链接:https://news.un.org/zh/story/2023/07/1120087 单击此处在YouTube上观看视频以及更多信息。

Top 3 Hairstyles for short hair girls 💗

Episode Title: Top 3 Hairstyles for short hair girls 💗 Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Short hair and I can’t keep calm especially when I have my Tresemme Gloss Ultimate serum! This makes styling so easy, and leave my hair feel so soft, shiny and glossy! It also gives heat protection from styling tools upto 230C* Don’t wait and grab yours today! Tap on the link to check the product now!! https://www.nykaa.com/tresemme-gloss-ultimate-hair-serum/p/8527165?utm_source=instagram&utm_medium=tresemme&utm_campaign=july_tresemme_glossultimate_MPA_influencer_Ad&utm_id=tres&utm_term=tresemme&utm_content=makeup #TRESemme #TresemmeIndia #GlossUltimate #HairSerum #HeatProtect #HeatStyling #SalonSmoothHair #SalonAtHome #HairStyling #Haircare #ShinyHair #GlossyHair #ad Click here to view video on YouTube.

चंद्रयान 3 अभी कहां है? Where is chandrayaan 3 now? Chandrayaan 3 mission live update | Research Tv India

Episode Title: चंद्रयान 3 अभी कहां है? Where is chandrayaan 3 now? Chandrayaan 3 mission live update Produced by: Research Tv India Description: चंद्रयान 3 अभी कहां है? Where is chandrayaan 3 now? Chandrayaan 3 mission live update| Research Tv India #researchtvindia #chandrayaan3 #chandrayaan3mission Click here to view video on YouTube.


#TheExorcistBeliever #thePJ #PJExplained My social Media Handel's: 👨🏼‍🎨Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pjexplained/ 👀 https://www.threads.net/@pjexplained 🙋🏼‍♂‍Twitter: https://twitter.com/pjexplained/ 💕FaceBook: https://www.fb.me/pjexplained The thePJ is a web channel intended to promote cinema through films review, interviews, discussions, video essays and analytical compilations. It is intended primarily for the purpose of encouraging informed discussions, criticism and review of cinema and towards such purpose the programs use short extracts of cinematograph films, sounds recording and photographic works. These clips and extracts are of a minimal nature and the use is not intended to interfere in any manner with their commercial exploitation of the compete work by the owners of the copyright. The use of works are in compliance with the fair dealing exception provided under Sec. 52 of the Copyright Act, and we asset our use of the works under the exception provide...

Shooting for BARBIE + Travelling to Kashmir! | Sejal Vlogs | Sejal Kumar

Episode Title: Shooting for BARBIE + Travelling to Kashmir! | Sejal Vlogs | Sejal Kumar Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Hey guys! In this weekly vlog, let me take you along behind the scenes on the most fun shoot! I shot a Barbie Movie inspired #1MinDrama and it was such a great shoot! I also took a family holiday to Kashmir! It was such a peaceful and serene getaway! My best shorts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HX19-PHEkkE My Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-1BrqtS1OmuqKX2BzGvmGYBF1hZEs_5Y Click here to view video on YouTube.


#MortalKombatLegendsCageMatch #thePJ #PJExplained My social Media Handel's: 👨🏼‍🎨Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pjexplained/ 👀 https://www.threads.net/@pjexplained 🙋🏼‍♂‍Twitter: https://twitter.com/pjexplained/ 💕FaceBook: https://www.fb.me/pjexplained The thePJ is a web channel intended to promote cinema through films review, interviews, discussions, video essays and analytical compilations. It is intended primarily for the purpose of encouraging informed discussions, criticism and review of cinema and towards such purpose the programs use short extracts of cinematograph films, sounds recording and photographic works. These clips and extracts are of a minimal nature and the use is not intended to interfere in any manner with their commercial exploitation of the compete work by the owners of the copyright. The use of works are in compliance with the fair dealing exception provided under Sec. 52 of the Copyright Act, and we asset our use of the works under the exceptio...

#shorts Dangers in Space

Episode Title: #shorts Dangers in Space Produced by: FactTechz Description: What precautions astronauts have to take in space? #shorts Click here to view video on YouTube.

जब NASA 3 दिन में पहोचा गया था, तो हमे 42 दिन क्यों लगेगे??

Episode Title: जब NASA 3 दिन में पहोचा गया था, तो हमे 42 दिन क्यों लगेगे?? Produced by: The Knowledge Description: चन्द्रयान 3 चाँद पर जाकर क्या करने वाला है? https://youtu.be/aMD7rTakH58 #Chandrayaan #Chandrayaan3 #Moon #Mission #India #ISRO #Pragyan #Rower #Astronomy #Timing #Why #Longtime #hindi Click here to view video on YouTube.

चंद्रयान 3 बदल देगा भारत का भविष्य| Why is Chandrayaan-3 important to India? | Research Tv India

Episode Title: चंद्रयान 3 बदल देगा भारत का भविष्य| Why is Chandrayaan-3 important to India? Produced by: Research Tv India Description: चंद्रयान 3 बदल देगा भारत का भविष्य| Why is Chandrayaan-3 important to India? Research Tv India #researchtvindia #chandrayaan3 #isro #moonmission #chandrayaan3news #chandrayaan3landing Click here to view video on YouTube.

my BEST Childhood memories! #1MinDrama

Episode Title: my BEST Childhood memories! #1MinDrama Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

Project K - Kalki 2898 AD, भगवान विष्णु और महाभारत - Knowledge is Wealth Series

Episode Title: Project K - Kalki 2898 AD, भगवान विष्णु और महाभारत - Knowledge is Wealth Series Produced by: FactTechz Description: Kalki 2898-A.D Project K is an upcoming Indian epic science fiction film written and directed by Nag Ashwin. It is produced by C. Aswani Dutt under Vyjayanthi Movies. The film stars an ensemble cast including Prabhas, Amitabh Bachchan, Kamal Haasan, Deepika Padukone, Disha Patani and Pasupathy. Let us know more about that movie in detail. My Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Follow FactTechz On: Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz #kalki2898ad #projectk #prabhas #newmovie Click here to view video on YouTube.

KALKI 2898 AD Glimpse • Reaction

#Kalki2898 #thePJ #PJExplained My social Media Handel's: 👨🏼‍🎨Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pjexplained/ 👀 https://www.threads.net/@pjexplained 🙋🏼‍♂‍Twitter: https://twitter.com/pjexplained/ 💕FaceBook: https://www.fb.me/pjexplained The thePJ is a web channel intended to promote cinema through films review, interviews, discussions, video essays and analytical compilations. It is intended primarily for the purpose of encouraging informed discussions, criticism and review of cinema and towards such purpose the programs use short extracts of cinematograph films, sounds recording and photographic works. These clips and extracts are of a minimal nature and the use is not intended to interfere in any manner with their commercial exploitation of the compete work by the owners of the copyright. The use of works are in compliance with the fair dealing exception provided under Sec. 52 of the Copyright Act, and we asset our use of the works under the exception provided for crit...

अंतरिक्ष कहां से शुरु होता है? Where Does Space Actually Start? The Karman Line | Research Tv India

Episode Title: अंतरिक्ष कहां से शुरु होता है? Where Does Space Actually Start? The Karman Line Produced by: Research Tv India Description: अंतरिक्ष कहां से शुरु होता है? Where Does Space Actually Start? The Karman Line| Research Tv India #researchtvindia #karmanline #space #spacebegin #spacestart Click here to view video on YouTube.

चंद्रयान पे कोई इंसान क्यों नहीं गया? Knowledge is Money | Mind is Stock Market || Earn Rupees Daily

Episode Title: चंद्रयान पे कोई इंसान क्यों नहीं गया? Knowledge is Money | Mind is Stock Market || Earn Rupees Daily Produced by: FactTechz Description: Grow your knowledge portfolio by investing few minutes by watching our video! Click here to view video on YouTube.

जैविक हथियार कैसे बनाए जाते हैं? How are biological weapons created? | Research Tv India

Episode Title: जैविक हथियार कैसे बनाए जाते हैं? How are biological weapons created? Produced by: Research Tv India Description: जैविक हथियार कैसे बनाए जाते हैं? How are biological weapons created? Research Tv India Click here to view video on YouTube.


由。。。生产: 联合国 此频道提供的视频内容包括时事新闻、和平与安全、社会和经济发展、人权、气候变化等广泛的全球性话题。 本集标题: 古特雷斯:俄罗斯终止执行黑海倡议的决定将给世界一记重击 本集内容: 联合国秘书长古特雷斯7月17日表示,他对俄罗斯终止执行黑海倡议的决定深表遗憾,俄罗斯还撤销了对黑海西北部航行的安全保障,这将给世界各地有需求的人们一记重击。 古特雷斯强调,自去年7月签署以来,黑海倡议以及关于促进俄罗斯粮食产品和化肥出口的谅解备忘录一直是全球粮食安全的生命线,并且成为这个动荡世界中“一座希望的灯塔”。在冲突、气候变化、能源价格等因素扰乱粮食生产和供应之际,这些协议帮助粮食价格相比去年3月下降了23%以上。 然而,随着俄罗斯终止执行黑海倡议,对于世界各地苦苦挣扎的人们和发展中国家来说,他们别无选择。数亿人正面临饥饿,消费者承受着一场全球性的生活成本危机。 而俄罗斯的决定“会让这些人付出代价”。古特雷斯说,实际上,就在17日上午,我们已经看到小麦价格大幅上涨。 古特雷斯表示,他于7月11日致函俄罗斯总统普京,就确保黑海倡议继续运作提出新的建议,他对这些提议未被理睬深感失望。 但他同时强调,这不会阻止我们作出努力,以促成来自乌克兰与俄罗斯的粮食产品和化肥不受阻碍地进入全球市场。 他说,我们将坚定不移地为解决方案寻找途径。我们无法承受一个遍地饥饿和充满苦痛的世界。 相关链接:https://news.un.org/zh/story/2023/07/1119812 单击此处在YouTube上观看视频以及更多信息。

Chandrayaan 3 Mission के आपके सबसे बड़े सवालो के जवाब…..

Episode Title: Chandrayaan 3 Mission के आपके सबसे बड़े सवालो के जवाब….. Produced by: The Knowledge Description: Thanks for Your Love n Support Friends… The Knowledge App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.thegosai.theknowledge&hl=en-IN MMusic -Veaceslav Draganov - The Last Hero -Amir Marcus - Destiny #Chandrayaan #Chandrayaan3 #Space #News #Science #ISRO #Hindi #Education #India #World #Documentary Click here to view video on YouTube.

चंद्रयान टूट कर ऑस्ट्रेलिया में गिर गया? Knowledge is Money Making - Earning and Investment in Mind

Episode Title: चंद्रयान टूट कर ऑस्ट्रेलिया में गिर गया? Knowledge is Money Making - Earning and Investment in Mind Produced by: FactTechz Description: We all have heard about trading, stock market crypto and investment and all the financial terms but do you know Benjamin Franklin said ‘an investment in knowledge pays the best interest’ That’s what we believe: Knowledge is Money Earning and we should have it invested that is Investment in mind and hence the name of the series. What have we explored in this video? A giant metal cylinder washed up on a beach in Australia. Is that from chandrayana 3? Let us explore! My Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Follow FactTechz On: Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz Click here to view video on YouTube.

दुनिया का सबसे खतरनाक सांप| Most Venomous Snake In The World | Research Tv India

Episode Title: दुनिया का सबसे खतरनाक सांप| Most Venomous Snake In The World Produced by: Research Tv India Description: दुनिया का सबसे खतरनाक सांप| Most Venomous Snake In The World| Research Tv India Click here to view video on YouTube.

Aatma, Lift, Ladki, aur Maut - Real Horror Story of Elisa Lam | FactTechz Horror

Episode Title: Aatma, Lift, Ladki, aur Maut - Real Horror Story of Elisa Lam | FactTechz Horror Produced by: FactTechz Description: We explore the story of Canadian tourist Elisa Lam who checked in a hotel and mysteriously disappeared. Click here to view video on YouTube.

All my Outfits from Switzerland!

Episode Title: All my Outfits from Switzerland! Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.


由。。。生产: 联合国 此频道提供的视频内容包括时事新闻、和平与安全、社会和经济发展、人权、气候变化等广泛的全球性话题。 本集标题: 什么是黑海倡议? 本集内容: 2022年7月22日,在联合国的积极斡旋下,俄罗斯、土耳其和乌克兰共同签署了“关于从乌克兰港口安全运输谷物和食品的倡议”,又称黑海倡议,允许通过安全的海上人道主义走廊,从乌克兰的三个主要港口向世界各地出口谷物、其他食品和包括氨在内的化肥。 黑海倡议实施一年来,近3300万吨的粮食商品从乌克兰运往三大洲的45个国家,解决了重要粮食商品的供应问题,扭转了全球食品价格创纪录的增长趋势。联合国粮农组织的粮食价格指数在过去一年中持续稳定下降,比2022年3月的峰值下降了超过23%。 相关链接:https://news.un.org/zh/story/2023/07/1119612 单击此处在YouTube上观看视频以及更多信息。

安东尼奥·古特雷斯(联合国秘书长) 2023年纳尔逊·曼德拉国际日致辞

由。。。生产: 联合国 此频道提供的视频内容包括时事新闻、和平与安全、社会和经济发展、人权、气候变化等广泛的全球性话题。 本集标题: 安东尼奥·古特雷斯(联合国秘书长) 2023年纳尔逊·曼德拉国际日致辞 本集内容: 联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯2023年纳尔逊·曼德拉国际日致辞。 单击此处在YouTube上观看视频以及更多信息。

#shorts Tedha Medha Optical Illusion

Episode Title: #shorts Tedha Medha Optical Illusion Produced by: FactTechz Description: Full video link: https://youtu.be/LuJ_Bdwi0fM In visual perception, an optical illusion (also called a visual illusion) is an illusion caused by the visual system and characterized by a visual percept that arguably appears to differ from reality. Click here to view video on YouTube.

मंगल पर एलियन मिलने का दावा| Why signs of life on Mars remain so mysterious | Research Tv India

Episode Title: मंगल पर एलियन मिलने का दावा| Why signs of life on Mars remain so mysterious Produced by: Research Tv India Description: मंगल पर एलियन मिलने का दावा| Why signs of life on Mars remain so mysterious| Research Tv India Click here to view video on YouTube.

The Grand FactTechz MAGIC Show | Optical Illusions | Ep 1

Episode Title: The Grand FactTechz MAGIC Show | Optical Illusions | Ep 1 Produced by: FactTechz Description: The grand FactTechz magic show is a unique series presented by us where we together explore various optical illusion. This is the episode 1 of the FactTechz magic show. My Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Follow FactTechz On: Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz Click here to view video on YouTube.

इस इकलौते इंसान की कब्र चाँद पर है (the only Man in the Moon)

Episode Title: इस इकलौते इंसान की कब्र चाँद पर है (the only Man in the Moon) Produced by: The Knowledge Description: Moon Landing ka Sach: https://youtu.be/EFyh6VOaXLU The Knowledge App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.thegosai.theknowledge&hl=en-IN Music - Veaceslav Draganov - The Last Hero - Amir Marcus - Destiny #Moon #Landing #Apollo #apollo11 #Star #Space #Universe #Edication Click here to view video on YouTube.

This Planet Has Highest Possibility Of Alien Life! | पृथ्वी से भी अच्छा ग्रह मिला| Teegarden b | Research Tv India

Episode Title: This Planet Has Highest Possibility Of Alien Life! | पृथ्वी से भी अच्छा ग्रह मिला| Teegarden b Produced by: Research Tv India Description: This Planet Has Highest Possibility Of Alien Life! | पृथ्वी से भी अच्छा ग्रह मिला| Teegarden b| Research Tv India Teegarden's Star b (also known as Teegarden b) is an exoplanet found orbiting within the habitable zone of Teegarden's Star, an M-type red dwarf 12.5 light years away from the Solar System. It has the highest Earth Similarity Index of any exoplanet found to-date.  Along with Teegarden's Star c, it is among the closest known potentially habitable exoplanets #researchtvindia #superearth #earthlikeplanet #alienlife Click here to view video on YouTube.

आखिर Chandrayaan 3 चाँद पर पहुँच कर करेगा क्या? Chandrayaan 3 Explained & Various Random Facts

Episode Title: आखिर Chandrayaan 3 चाँद पर पहुँच कर करेगा क्या? Chandrayaan 3 Explained & Various Random Facts Produced by: FactTechz Description: What is the main goal of chandrayaan 3 moon mission? When did scientists discover the first galaxy in space? When was the world's first robot made Let us explore various random facts like these in this episode of 289 TEF. This is the episode 287 of TEF (Top Enigmatic Facts) series. My Instagram: https://instagram.com/facttechz Follow FactTechz On: Twitter: https://twitter.com/facttechz Facebook: https://facebook.com/facttechz #chandrayaan3 #facttechz #randomfacts Click here to view video on YouTube.

मंगल पर मिला भालू| A Bear Lookalike on Mars| A Bear on Mars? Chandrayaan 3 | Research Tv India

Episode Title: मंगल पर मिला भालू| A Bear Lookalike on Mars| A Bear on Mars? Chandrayaan 3 Produced by: Research Tv India Description: मंगल पर मिला भालू| A Bear Lookalike on Mars| A Bear on Mars? Research Tv India #researchtvindia #bear #mars #bearonmars #sciencenews Click here to view video on YouTube.

How to Make Money in Stock Market Share | Money Investing & Trading | Online Earning For Beginners

Episode Title: How to Make Money in Stock Market Share | Money Investing & Trading | Online Earning For Beginners Produced by: FactTechz Description: Finance series makes you learn the art of money management, direct investing, indirect investing, trading, cryptocurrency, and various other topics to make you financially aware. Click here to view video on YouTube.

BLUE BEETLE Final Trailer • Reaction

#BlueBeetle #thePJ #PJExplained My social Media Handel's: 👨🏼‍🎨Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pjexplained/ 👀 https://www.threads.net/@pjexplained 🙋🏼‍♂‍Twitter: https://twitter.com/pjexplained/ 💕FaceBook: https://www.fb.me/pjexplained The thePJ is a web channel intended to promote cinema through films review, interviews, discussions, video essays and analytical compilations. It is intended primarily for the purpose of encouraging informed discussions, criticism and review of cinema and towards such purpose the programs use short extracts of cinematograph films, sounds recording and photographic works. These clips and extracts are of a minimal nature and the use is not intended to interfere in any manner with their commercial exploitation of the compete work by the owners of the copyright. The use of works are in compliance with the fair dealing exception provided under Sec. 52 of the Copyright Act, and we asset our use of the works under the exception provided for cri...

OMG 2 Teaser Reaction

#OMG2 #thePJ #PJExplained My social Media Handel's: 👨🏼‍🎨Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pjexplained/ 💕FaceBook: https://www.fb.me/pjexplained 🙋🏼‍♂‍Twitter: https://twitter.com/pjexplained/ No copyright infringement intended. The thePJ is a web channel intended to promote cinema through films review, interviews, discussions, video essays and analytical compilations. It is intended primarily for the purpose of encouraging informed discussions, criticism and review of cinema and towards such purpose the programs use short extracts of cinematograph films, sounds recording and photographic works. These clips and extracts are of a minimal nature and the use is not intended to interfere in any manner with their commercial exploitation of the compete work by the owners of the copyright. The use of works are in compliance with the fair dealing exception provided under Sec. 52 of the Copyright Act, and we asset our use of the works under the exception provided for criticism and...

BAWAAL Trailer Reaction

#Bawaal #thePJ #PJExplained My social Media Handel's: 👨🏼‍🎨Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pjexplained/ 💕FaceBook: https://www.fb.me/pjexplained 🙋🏼‍♂‍Twitter: https://twitter.com/pjexplained/ No copyright infringement intended. The thePJ is a web channel intended to promote cinema through films review, interviews, discussions, video essays and analytical compilations. It is intended primarily for the purpose of encouraging informed discussions, criticism and review of cinema and towards such purpose the programs use short extracts of cinematograph films, sounds recording and photographic works. These clips and extracts are of a minimal nature and the use is not intended to interfere in any manner with their commercial exploitation of the compete work by the owners of the copyright. The use of works are in compliance with the fair dealing exception provided under Sec. 52 of the Copyright Act, and we asset our use of the works under the exception provided for criticism a...


由。。。生产: 联合国 此频道提供的视频内容包括时事新闻、和平与安全、社会和经济发展、人权、气候变化等广泛的全球性话题。 本集标题: 秘书长反对在战场上使用集束弹药 本集内容: 据报道,白宫已批准向乌克兰提供集束弹药。联合国秘书长副发言人哈克7月7日在回答记者提问时表示,秘书长古特雷斯支持15年前通过的《集束弹药公约》,他希望各国能够遵守这一公约的条款。因此,秘书长不希望在战场上继续使用集束弹药。 集束弹药可以通过空投或地面发射,根据型号的不同,一颗集束弹药弹头内可能包含几十到几百枚不等的爆炸性子弹药。一经射出后,弹头在半空中爆炸,释放出的子弹药攻击面积可达3万多平方米,任何身处这一范围内的人员,包括无辜平民,都难以幸免。 更为严重的是,部分子弹药在射出后未能立即爆炸,在冲突结束后的很长时间内深埋地下,一旦因人为触碰或是踩踏而在无意间引爆,就可能导致死亡或是重伤致残。幸存者常常因为终身残疾而难以获得生计,生活陷入贫困,甚至在社区内遭到歧视和污名化。受到集束弹药污染的土地则因安全问题而无法耕种,阻碍国家和地区的经济和社会发展。 为了应对集束弹药所造成的苦难,各国政府、民间社会机构和非政府组织共同制定了《集束弹药公约》,致力于清除全球各地冲突中所遗留的集束弹药,让城市变得更加安全,让农民得以安全地耕种土地,让儿童能够安全地步行上学,同时为集束弹药的受害者提供所需的支持。 《公约》主要涉及以下三个方面:首先,缔约国同意彻底禁止集束弹药的使用、开发、生产、储存、保留或转让,避免集束弹药继续造成危害;其次,缔约国同意销毁现有的集束弹药库存,清理国土内残留的集束弹药,并向受害者提供医疗救治、社会心理和康复援助;第三,呼吁国际合作,共同落实《公约》条款。 《集束弹药公约》已于2010年8月1日正式生效,成为具有约束力的国际法之一。 链接:https://betacms.news.un.org/zh/story/2023/07/1119542 单击此处在YouTube上观看视频以及更多信息。

भरत क समदर म छद| What is the giant 'Gravity Hole' found in the Indian Ocean? | Research Tv India

Episode Title: भारत के समुद्र में छेद| What is the giant 'Gravity Hole' found in the Indian Ocean? Produced by: Research Tv India Description: भारत के समुद्र में छेद| What is the giant 'Gravity Hole' found in the Indian Ocean?Research Tv India Click here to view video on YouTube.

Going to the Top of Europe! Grindelwald and Jungfrau

Episode Title: Going to the Top of Europe! Grindelwald and Jungfrau Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

Family Time Shoot Day BTS | Sejal Vlogs | Sejal Kumar

Episode Title: Family Time + Shoot Day BTS | Sejal Vlogs | Sejal Kumar Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Hey guys! In this week’s vlog, I wanted to share with you some wholesome family moments and a really fun shoot day! It’s always super cool to see my ideas go from pen and paper to your screens :) My best shorts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HX19-PHEkkE My Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-1BrqtS1OmuqKX2BzGvmGYBF1hZEs_5Y Click here to view video on YouTube.

Took my Dad to Switzerland with me!

Episode Title: Took my Dad to Switzerland with me! Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

Galileo क अधर कहन ज दनय स छपई गई Untold Story of Legend

Episode Title: Galileo की अधूरी कहानी जो दुनिया से छुपाई गई… Untold Story of Legend Produced by: The Knowledge Description: #Galileo #History #Autobiography #Hindi #Documents #Documentary #Fact Click here to view video on YouTube.

THE NUN II Trailer Reaction

#TheNun2 #thePJ #PJExplained My social Media Handel's: 👨🏼‍🎨Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pjexplained/ 💕FaceBook: https://www.fb.me/pjexplained 🙋🏼‍♂‍Twitter: https://twitter.com/pjexplained/ No copyright infringement intended. The thePJ is a web channel intended to promote cinema through films review, interviews, discussions, video essays and analytical compilations. It is intended primarily for the purpose of encouraging informed discussions, criticism and review of cinema and towards such purpose the programs use short extracts of cinematograph films, sounds recording and photographic works. These clips and extracts are of a minimal nature and the use is not intended to interfere in any manner with their commercial exploitation of the compete work by the owners of the copyright. The use of works are in compliance with the fair dealing exception provided under Sec. 52 of the Copyright Act, and we asset our use of the works under the exception provided for criticism ...

मगल पर बड़ खज | How are gullies formed on Mars? Planet X | Mars Planet | Research Tv India

Episode Title: मंगल पर बड़ी खोज | How are gullies formed on Mars? Planet X | Mars Planet Produced by: Research Tv India Description: मंगल पर बड़ी खोज | How are gullies formed on Mars? Planet X | Mars Planet| Research Tv India Cosmic Shield: How Our Solar System Survived a Supernova Click here to view video on YouTube.

Seeing Lil Nas X in Switzerland! OMG

Episode Title: Seeing Lil Nas X in Switzerland! OMG Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

UAC#2: International Waters LIVE Stream Replay

Episode Title: UAC#2: International Waters LIVE Stream Replay Produced by: Ultimate Armwrestling Championship Description: Welcome to the UAC! The Ultimate Armwrestling Championships is proud to present its BIGGEST LIVE Armwrestling event ever held on our sunny island shores of Singapore... UAC#2: INTERNATIONAL WATERS A never before assembled top tier extravaganza featuring some of the top ranked professional Armwrestlers from across the region of SINGAPORE, MALAYSIA, THAILAND, TAIWAN, PHILIPPINES AND AUSTRALIA. 24 champions of champions will compete for weight division championship belts in one adrenaline-packed, high-octane, super-charged show right in the heart of Singapore's City Centre, Dhoby Ghaut. _ LINE UP: Inaugural Female FlyWeight Super Match (Right Arm, 54kg and below) Germaine “Iron Maiden” Bek (MY Unranked) VS Haw “Endless” Yun (SG Unranked) FeatherWeight Championship Title Super Match (Right Arm, 66kg and below) Valen "Godfather" Low (SG #1, WAF Asian...

अब य कय ह? Strange Objects Found at The Galactic Centre| Blackhole | Research Tv India

Episode Title: अब ये क्या है? Strange Objects Found at The Galactic Centre| Blackhole Produced by: Research Tv India Description: अब ये क्या है? Strange Objects Found at The Galactic Centre| Blackhole| Research Tv India Click here to view video on YouTube.

First time to Kashmir!

Episode Title: First time to Kashmir! Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.

सरज स भ जयद गरम गरह| Discovery of a brown dwarf hotter than the sun| Mars Planet | Research Tv India

Episode Title: सूरज से भी ज्यादा गर्म ग्रह| Discovery of a brown dwarf hotter than the sun| Mars Planet Produced by: Research Tv India Description: सूरज से भी ज्यादा गर्म ग्रह| Discovery of a brown dwarf hotter than the sun| Mars Planet| Research Tv India #marsplanet #researchtvindia #hottarthanthesun Click here to view video on YouTube.

I made my own Barbie Short Movie with a twist! #1MinDrama

Episode Title: I made my own Barbie Short Movie with a twist! #1MinDrama Produced by: Sejal Kumar Description: Click here to view video on YouTube.