This Planet Has Highest Possibility Of Alien Life! | पृथ्वी से भी अच्छा ग्रह मिला| Teegarden b | Research Tv India
Episode Title: This Planet Has Highest Possibility Of Alien Life! | पृथ्वी से भी अच्छा ग्रह मिला| Teegarden b
Produced by: Research Tv India
Description: This Planet Has Highest Possibility Of Alien Life! | पृथ्वी से भी अच्छा ग्रह मिला| Teegarden b| Research Tv India Teegarden's Star b (also known as Teegarden b) is an exoplanet found orbiting within the habitable zone of Teegarden's Star, an M-type red dwarf 12.5 light years away from the Solar System. It has the highest Earth Similarity Index of any exoplanet found to-date. Along with Teegarden's Star c, it is among the closest known potentially habitable exoplanets #researchtvindia #superearth #earthlikeplanet #alienlife
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