Communication is THE KEY! #1MinDrama | Episode 3: You’re sooo😇| Fiction series Sejal Kumar

Episode Title: Communication is THE KEY! #1MinDrama | Episode 3: You’re sooo😇| Fiction series Sejal Kumar
Produced by: Sejal Kumar
Description: The final part of our 3 part series around, love, relationships and how people grow apart or grow together is here! This Phase of a relationship is called FIGURING IT out TOGETHER. It’s about when 2 people often think about these questions - ‘..why I should stay in this relationship.’ ‘When to know it’s time time to end a relationship or work on one and sort it out.’ We had the vision to make this series cinematic and aesthetically pleasing, we gave a colour to each stage of the relationship. Here we thought of white and beige tones and coordinated the characters' clothes to show that they are on the same page, finally! #relationshipgoals #Relationshipissues #Love #phasesofrelationship

Click here to view video on YouTube.


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