Do you feel only extroverts can be confident?| #1MinDrama Ep 41 | Sejal Kumar

Episode Title: Do you feel only extroverts can be confident?| #1MinDrama Ep 41 | Sejal Kumar
Produced by: Sejal Kumar
Description: Is being an extrovert the only appearance of a confident person? What actually makes us feel confident? It’s not necessary that the loudest person in the room would be the most confident, right? This #1MinDrama is a really cool and metaphorical version of a concept - Quiet confidence. I was told to be an extrovert and talk to people more, because I was a shy kid. But does pretending to be someone you are not - can give you confidence? What I have learned is Being yourself and truly looking within will work out in ways you would have not imagined. I hope you are liking these #1MinDrama’s See you next time!

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