कैसे एक मंदबुद्वि लड़के ने बचाई करोड़ों की जान? How did Pasteur discover the rabies vaccine? | Research Tv India
Episode Title: कैसे एक मंदबुद्वि लड़के ने बचाई करोड़ों की जान? How did Pasteur discover the rabies vaccine?
Produced by: Research Tv India
Description: कैसे एक मंदबुद्वि लड़के ने बचाई करोड़ों की जान? How did Pasteur discover the rabies vaccine? Research Tv India The discovery of the rabies vaccine traces back to the 19th century when Louis Pasteur and Emile Roux pioneered the first successful vaccine against rabies. In 1885, they developed the vaccine by attenuating the virus through serial passage in rabbits, rendering it non-lethal but still immunogenic. Pasteur famously tested the vaccine on a young boy named Joseph Meister, who had been bitten by a rabid dog. Meister survived, demonstrating the vaccine's efficacy. This breakthrough marked a pivotal moment in the history of immunology and led to the development of other vaccines against deadly diseases. #rabiesvaccine #researchtvindia #dogvideos #rabies #dogbites
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