देखिए प्रकृति से खिलवाड़ का नतीजा| The real reason behind Dubai Floods that nobody knows | Research Tv India
Episode Title: देखिए प्रकृति से खिलवाड़ का नतीजा| The real reason behind Dubai Floods that nobody knows
Produced by: Research Tv India
Description: देखिए प्रकृति से खिलवाड़ का नतीजा| The real reason behind Dubai Floods that nobody knows| Research Tv India दुबई के प्रलय का कारण| Cloud Seeding: Techniques, Impact, and More - Unveiling Dubai's Rain Mystery: https://youtu.be/8W1rGMPGiII Heavy rain caused severe floods in the United Arab Emirates. It was the most rain they've had in 75 years! Al Ain got hit the worst, with 10 inches of rain – way more than they usually get in a whole year. Roads turned into rivers, cars got stuck, and homes and businesses were damaged. Flights at one of the busiest airports were messed up too. Sadly, at least twenty people died. Recovering will take a long time because the country isn't used to so much rain, and they don't have good drainage. Some people are wondering if cloud seeding caused the crazy storms. Cloud seeding is when chemicals or particles are put into clouds to make more rain. People also wondered about this during big storms in California. But experts say it's not true. They explain that clouds make rain naturally, and cloud seeding just helps a bit.
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