This is your sign to STOP being harsh on yourself about being PERFECT #1MinDrama Ep 42 |Sejal Kumar

Episode Title: This is your sign to STOP being harsh on yourself about being PERFECT #1MinDrama Ep 42 |Sejal Kumar
Produced by: Sejal Kumar
Description: It’s “All or nothing” That one last 10 mins to perfect my absolutely good-to-go makeup, that one last hour put into perfectly already amazingly repeatedly corrected content piece. Do you also feel like, if I start something I need to complete it perfectly? The feeling that if you don't do everything perfectly, it's not worth doing at all? For the longest time, I struggled with this perfectionist mentality. If I made one mistake, I would drop everything and call it quits. But I’m working on this - PROGRESS over perfection. Everyday step or little progress towards a set goal is always better than trying to perfect 1 thing and ending up procrastinating the task since it’s not up to the mark and then feel you are useless or worthless. Because let’s face it - no one’s perfect

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