कैसे एक हादसे से ये इंसान बन गया जीनियस| A Beautiful Mind: Brain Injury Turns Man Into Math Genius | Research Tv India

Episode Title: कैसे एक हादसे से ये इंसान बन गया जीनियस| A Beautiful Mind: Brain Injury Turns Man Into Math Genius
Produced by: Research Tv India
Description: कैसे एक हादसे से ये इंसान बन गया जीनियस| A Beautiful Mind: Brain Injury Turns Man Into Math Genius| Research Tv India Jason Padgett, a former futon salesman, became a mathematical savant after a violent mugging in 2002. The attack resulted in a severe concussion, leading to an extraordinary ability to visualize complex mathematical patterns and geometric shapes. Diagnosed with acquired savant syndrome and synesthesia, Padgett's newfound skills allowed him to perceive the world in intricate fractals. His story, highlighting the mysteries of brain plasticity and human potential, is detailed in his memoir "Struck by Genius."

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