Episode Title: JULKA (Post-apocalyptic Short Film) Produced by: cheokboardstudios Description: Shot entirely on a HUAWEI P30 PRO In a post-apocalyptic world, Levi, while on a scavenge for food, stumbles upon a young girl named Julka. After a close encounter by a bonfire in the woods, he mentions that she reminds him of his daughter whom he had lost. The following morning, Julka is missing, but Levi knows where she is held captive. He makes the long trek to an abandoned ruins to rescue her from her captors: the delusional gang leader Jack and his gang of marauders. _ Hey! Want to work on a video project or advertise with cheokboardstudios? Contact us here and let's make some awesome videos together! Email: jonathancheokco@gmail.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/cheokboardstudios Instagram: @cheokboardstudios Twitter: @cheokboardtweet _ WE MAKE VIDEOS, NOT WAR! Click here to view video on YouTube.